/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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Reposting: How hard would it be to write something that hooks into Sup Forums X and filters posts using e.g. a neural network?

Not sure what it is, but something about this thread gives me a warm feeling in my heart

ML was robbed
C ate its icecream
Fortran was the phone

I think it's the Chinese cartoons. Animes as you lot call them.

Evens write game engine in C
Odds write game engine in NASM

{1,2,4,8} - scratch + opengl
{2,3,5,9,0} - allowed to bind to other existing libraries or help.

Specifically the Sup Forums (X) integration part, by the way.

Rolling my balls

enjoy making a few blocks of ascii text move around in terminal.

Guy asking about Python XML parsing here.
I sort of have this:

I want to get the information on the items in cov_detailed

I'm sorry for your loss

v4 = (*(int (__fastcall **)(void *))(*(_DWORD *)a2 + 28))(a2);

What does this mean, I'm lost

It casts a2 + 28 to a function pointer and calls it.

Interpret a2 as a pointer to DWORD , dereference it and add 28.
Reinterpret this value as a pointer to a function pointer int (void*) (fast call), then dereference that and call it with a2

i might have the order of add 28 and deref wrong

What is man supposed to use when there's no good statically typed and compiled language?
>no good implementation
>shittier sml
>too verbose
>decent but memory management slows down prototyping
>convoluted cluster fuck no sane person would use
>used by nobody, shilled by crazy people, tries too hard to be uglier than sepples
any jvm/clr language
>requires huge vm
>can't decide if it wants gc or no
>rob pike is faggot, also no macros

what a fucking nightmare of windows programming

I have a problem, I spend all my time on the internet instead of coding.


>What is man supposed to use

>slows down prototyping
That's your problem. All of your prototyping should be done with pen and paper instead of burdening the mainframe with programs that might not work. Good programmers complete their analysis before they punch their cards. It's not C's fault if you're too impatient for that.

>posting this same copy pasta


Looks like a C++ virtual function call (taking no real arguments, first arg is this, i.e a2 behind the scenes) with a2 being a pointer to some class instance.

>All of your prototyping should be done with pen and paper
Truly this.

> burdening the mainframe
>before they punch their cards

>tfw no graphite compiler

dude if you can't figure it out how to solve your problems you shouldn't be programming in the first place

>prototyping should be done with pen and paper
what the hell it's not 1990 anymore

>what the hell it's not 1990 anymore
what are you talking about?

There was no 1990.

It's not 1990 yet, user.

What's this meme?

What are memes?

We're not tools of the government or anyone else!

read this sentence.

wouldn't go that far, but It's like a 24 marketplace; constant coming and going, thread is always renewing so it feels like its never down. Feels familiar somehow


how do i get into programming? I always wanted to get into programming and sometimes have ideas about but I have no clue. I don't know much about IDE's and compilers etc. I was thinking about starting with k&r c. any tips?

how often do you masturbate? very related trust me

How much anime do you watch per day?

>study mechanical engineering
>go to first programming lecture
>female professor
>starts lecture with "sadly i accidentally deleted all my work from the last 5 years so i had to quickly redo these lecture slides"

>no backup

also, we are learning to program using C. shouldnt we use C++, even if its a little harder? i dont know anything about this.

Who said all of this?

go fuck off to kc, this is not the place to be autistic about greentexting

>shouldnt we use C++
There is literally no reason to ever use it aside from some kind of mental deficiency.

>try ATS
>code examples don't compile half the time
Wow, great language

a desktop Sup Forums client for myself w/ the api in C#

Did you quote the wrong post or are you just really this retarded?

Did you reply to the wrong post?

have you just found about this website 2 days ago?

>this is not the place to be autistic

State your purpose.

What should 3D games be written in, then?



>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Writing a simple text editor. Just for educational purpose.

>tfw too much of a brainlet to figure out how to implement a blinking caret in a non-retarded manner.

Why would you care about my opinion? I can only tell you the truth, nothing more. And this statement isn't a proposition.

>tfw too much of a brainlet to figure out how to implement a blinking caret in a non-retarded manner.
Who wrote this though??

>I can only tell you the truth.
Then tell me what language is more efficient than C++ for gamedev. Or are you saying that having a mental deficiency is a positive trait because it allows games to be produced?

You think you're a brainlet?see

I am working on a TypeScript project to make a window manager that will be for an even larger project.

It's actually easy desu just fork the repo and add the hooks.

Writing a pair of cache controllers with coherence to be the L1 cache for my processor


>Then tell me what language is more efficient than C++ for gamedev.
This isn't a proposition.
>Or are you saying that having a mental deficiency is a positive trait because it allows games to be produced?
Not necessarily. Using C++ definitely requires a mental deficiency (the bad kind) and the language should be avoided since it is complete trash.

I quoted the text you quoted, then I asked who said it since nobody before you wrote that. I'm assuming it's from some blog or some book?

Ok I'll bite. Mental faculties, or lack thereof, of the programmer aside, Do you know of a language that is more efficient than C++ for gamedev?

>Do you know of a language that is more efficient than C++ for gamedev?
Again. That's not a proposition.

I didn't quote anything, sure you got the right post?

Trying to understand a C program, what does the condition if (n & 1) check for? n is an unsigned integer

"Does there exist a language that is more suitable for gamedev than C++ is?"

are you mentally challenged?



Read about bitwise operators.

It basically means if(the lowest-order bit in n is set)

And its name is...?


Ohh, so it can check if n is odd

"Does the person to whom this question is posed know by name a particular language that is more suitable for gamedev than C++ is?"

No, I don't use C++.
This question is unanswerable since it assumes there is only one such language.

Possibly, though using modulo 2 is more common for that, and is more recognizable as an even/odd check. Bitwise ands are usually used for checking against a "mask" to be used when treating ints as arrays of bits.

>be me
>at interview
>what's the difference between array and linked list

the rest is history

Dude you're retarded.

ok, so then so provide a list of, lets say, 3 languages that are more efficient than C++. If there are less than 3, then just list however many you have.

Did you forget to reply properly? I don't see who said this.

Gotcha. Given the context, I think it's checking for even/odd, but I see how it could be used to check the status of certain bits.

Thanks user

read this sentence

Whom've'st're y'all's quoting?

than C++ for gamedev*

>less than 3

Take absolutely any language from the set of programming languages which isn't any of the following : C++, dynamically typed, garbage collected.

Hey, Im just trying to get an answer out of this gimp

Wow that's pretty bad. Let me guess, your experience is with VB or some other quiche-eater language that doesn't ever expose you to the internal representation of data structures? Do you even know what a pointer is?

Well I have a Java cert book near my desk. Also a Haskell book. I just don't feel like reading them.

Why don't you give me a few examples? I'm interested to see what you'd consider more efficient for gamedev than C++

>countable measure

Not her, but Rust.

>spend 2 hours debugging a memory corruption that seems to happen very randomly and otherwise it everything works just fine
>turns out C++ is pants of heads retarded and that happens when you type something like this
class Base;
struct Derived: public Base;

I'm so fucking done, I'll never trust you again, GCC.

So COBOL is better for gamedev than C++?

Are there any notable games written in Rust?
