Can anyone help me with choosing between the following:
gtx 1050 ti 4gb
rx 470 4gb

Other urls found in this thread:

rx 470 so far


OP here, i have a 600 euro budget for the whole PC, and where i live, the price between these is only 10 euroes
i've seen over 50 videos on youtube, comparing the performance on maximum settings on some games, and rx470 wins 9 out of 10 times when it comes to fps
but the problem is, everybody keeps writing in the comments that every AMD rx has a problem with bottlenecking (i don't know what that means) and it overheats very often
and nvidia has a longer lifespawn
i need help with deciding which one to buy
btw i'll be going for 8gigs of ram and intel i5-4460 or 6600

rx470 > 1050ti when it comes to performance
1050ti > rx 470 if i want to make sure it will last

The 470 won't bottleneck with an i5, and AMD heat problems are a meme. Furthermore powerful AMD/ATI cards can still be used for years.

If the 470 is only 10 more get that, and fuck off.

RX470 = GTX 1060 3GB

also, is it true that AMD shows black holes in textures? i was looking a video on youtube with GTA 5 showing that rx470 has trouble loading some textures
(please forgive me if these are dumb questions, i'm full autist when it comes to PC; also my first time on this thread)

Considering the 470 beats the 1060, the choice isnt difficult.

Just Waitâ„¢
RX 500 series launches in 12 days, you could prob snag a 480 cheaper
pretty much this

470 all the way

well, that's really interestening
i'm getting the PC in two weeks anyway
but i doubt that's going to affect my country in the next few months
i live in South Europe, where are PC parts are 35% higher than on amazon
but i think waiting a few more weeks will pay off

AMD and Nvidia have different driver optimization and software features. Usually Nvidia give better results with most software, but only you know what you wanna do with your pc. Study how your programs works, understand your needs and chose.
I use cuda accelerated programs and i'm poor, so i got a 1050.

i'll be using it mostly for gaming, perhaps streaming, but i doubt that
maybe watch a few movies and that's that
i'm a lawyer, i only need MS Word to be honest and a little Chrome for my work
so basically yeah, gaming PC
and yeah, i'm also poor, gtx 1060 is waaay beyond my possibilities (290$), and gtx 1050ti (200$) and rx 470 (210$) are the max i can afford

>Considering the 470 beats the 1060
in one, heavily AMD optimized game (and who knows, maybe memes of the singularity too)

Don't get me wrong, I run a 480 myself, but telling people that 470>1060 is simply a lie

>1050ti > rx 470 if i want to make sure it will last
what? are you serious?

Yea it happens with AMD cards, don't buy anything no matter any reddit or Sup Forums fag tells you just get nvidia. 1070 minimum. if you can't afford that get a better job poorfag

buy 470. 470 is a level higher than 1050ti.

as i said, i'm a noob when it comes to PCs, that's just i read on the internet
and i've came here because struggling with choosing the right part just gets me anxious bcs i'm only reading and reading and reading stuff..
i want someone to help me get over my doubts
is it true that bcs of AMD rx you get holes in textures? i'm looking for the video in which was that explained but i'm struggling to find it

asking idiots here is just going to give you biased fanboy's perspectives
do your own fucking research and base your purchase on that.

>but telling people that 470>1060 is simply a lie
it is not because he talks about 1060 3gb version and as we all know it is a cut down version of 1060 6gb version.
>is it true that bcs of AMD rx you get holes in textures
it is not. rx 470 is a great card in that price range. and 1050ti is not even close to its performance.
rx 470 competes with gtx 1060 3gb version.

they're going to have to get rid of existing 400 series cards somehow, hopefully they wont just hike 500 series prices on you until 400s are gone.

It's the same for games. Except fps, that's a point but most for competitive fps and fast game, you will have different results depending how the game was written. Some game are designed to work better with nvidia tecnology and are there are different driver optimization.
An interesting thing is that's not unusual that some game works better on middle range gpu than on top class.