/wdg/ - Web Development General


>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md

>Useful tools
pastebin.com/q5nB1Npt/ (embed)
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
pastebin.com/4YeJAUbT/ (embed)

>How to get started
pastebin.com/pDT82mQS (embed)
pastebin.com/AL6j7GEE (embed)

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:


First for phpclasses.org [show-on-mouseover]should dissapear[/show-on-mouseover]

I have some check boxes named name="is_direct_import[]" and I'm trying to get them stored in an array with either 1 or 0. This isn't working:

$is_direct_import = (!isset($_POST["is_direct_import"]) ? "0" : "1");

Old thread:

$_POST["is_direct_import"] is supposed to be an array, unless somebody edits the original HTML, in order to trigger error messages

if they all have the same name ya it stores it in an array. Works for text inputs but cant get it to work for check boxes

>tfw applying for Y-Combinator

blog posts belong there

>web dev startups arent web dev related
More related to web dev then your post.

any "job interview" posts shouldn't be here.
This general is the only one I've seen this happening.
It's fucking cancer.

You're cancer. These are all part of web dev.

That's like going into a cooking thread and bitching about people who write posts about eating or working as a cook or trying to launch a restaurant.

No, it's like going to a cooking thread and people keep posting being afraid of holding the knife.
Go to /soc/ if you need approval.

what kind of feel is this...?

You should just go back to codeacademy, nodev.

that hurt so much now user, how dare you.

What's a smart way to implement scripts for only some views using blade?
Do I just copy and paste the master layout, add a few scripts, and use that when they're needed?

Same as applying for dream uni

Because unlike anything else, webdev is nothing but a job. Nobody dreams of being webdev
This is the most down-to-earth thread there is

keep it real yo

is laravel a meme framework or is it actually good?

Here's your answer:

Laravel is great, but prepare to forget everything about your stack unless you do vanilla things on the side (i.e complex sql statements because you do them by chaining non-sql model methods)

wdg has been a non coding, shit posting, html babby general for years

freenode irc is where real devs talk

Are you software developers or would that be a stretch

>using irc in 2017
unemployed sluts only i c

If you need to use PHP, use Laravel.

How do I increase the line height, without increasing the height of

>babby can't abstraction

>increase the line height, without increasing the height of

overwrite the parent styles by defining the line-height for br element

Will do, thanks.

>google says you should be getting quality backlink solely by producing quality content and the rest comes naturally
>new sites gets 0 visitors naturally
Ah yes, just upload quality content.

Hi /wdg/.

I'm more or less completely new to HTML and Javascript and I'm having a problem with something pretty straightforward, I was hoping you could help.

Basically I have a table of images, and I want to create a mouseover event for each image, so the image changes to another one when you mouse over it. I assumed pic related would work but nothing is happening. What do I do?

uh, no.

Is there a way I can define breaks differently for one part of my website?

What's your website? Link it.

it's supposed to be
function newImage() {...

check the error console of your browser, it would have told you.

besides, try to avoid using inline styles and event attributes. use css classes and event listeners instead so you don't mix your markup with code.

Thanks user, really dumb mistake on my part. Thanks for the advice too, will use the error console from now on

Nah, I want to become an established player before i post it on Sup Forums (with all the risks that come with it). But it's a travel site so the niche is highly competitive.

Keked and checked, what country?

Why are browser's so annoying? I just checked my current project outside of Firefox and two buttons are too short and one margin looks like shit. Geez can't they simply use one CSS engine for everything.

I'm from the Netherlands, but its an English language website.

I don't have the time yet to focus on other languages. So I figured I might as well focus on the most important one. But in the future I hope to make a German language website as well.

use some normalize css like normalize.css or bootstrap reboot to make default browser stylesheets match each other.

are you roleplaying as pieter

Didn't knew about normalize.css. Thank you user!

Finally made it so now writers can see when someone comments on their articles on my site. Really happy about that.

Also... quick... for a libertarian blogging platform what would you say the slogan should be?

I came up with: "Inscribing Information without Limitation"


So i have 2 classes
class GenerateNameAndCompress
private $OLD_VIDEO_NAME;
private $AUDIO;
public static $NEW_VIDEO_NAME;

public function __construct($OLD_VIDEO_NAME, $COMPRESSION_LEVEL, $AUDIO)
public function GimmeName()

class PlayVideo extends GenerateNameAndCompress
private $VIDEO_NAME;

public function StartVideo()


how do i set $VIDEO_NAME to be equal to public static $NEW_VIDEO_NAME from first class?

Why do you need a slogan for a platform?

it's a website with the concept of letting people write what they want to without repercussion.

Why does that need a slogan

I'm trying to make a brand.

Does anyone know of any imageboard software written in Elixir?

not really answering your question but why use classes for web dev? ive never had. I use JSON through my responses and thats all I need really.

I mean i can ez just add $_SESSION =newvideo name in first class and do it, but i want to do it proper way. I want to see how this would work in php, i come from c++ and java and this is the way i like it

oh ok then dont mind me im just an OOP noob, dont see the point in it when JSON does the structuring for you :p

I want to be able to show someone code of my project but if i do it in shitty way that aint gonna do any good

last before i shut up, you could always just show them the JSON response....

i'm no design expert but your site looks like shit
maybe move the "what is firstamender" section into it's own about page
also make pictures in your carousel fit the whole
carousel, make carousel take less screen height
since it seems you take recent article pictures for the caroussel maybe display article categories in the caroussel instead
also i think you want to avoid using blue and red as main colors but i can't into color theory so whatever

about the slogan make it something like "uncensored, unsponsored, unaltered" or just make a poll and get your users to vote for one

it's designed to be as simple as possible.

and I put the what is because I wanted people to understand what it was on the landing page. I could certainly make that a whole page but we elected to be shown first thing.

Carousel is tough because I had it doing 100% of the page but unfortunately if I do that I either have it bleeding through (which looks aweful) or I have it switch height and doing so will cause the other portions of the page to jump in height. I basically tried to get the best of what I could do with people uploading their own content.

maybe it won't clash as much if you chnged the caroussel background color from black to the header's blue (or a lighter shade)?

>and I put the what is because I wanted people to understand what it was on the landing page. I could certainly make that a whole page but we elected to be shown first thing.

ok, i'm just bitching about it because with header + caroussel + about section i have to scroll for a whole screen to get to actual content

thats fine it's an informational site. Tons of informational sites do just that. Though I've spent some time working on what was the best way to show that carousel. I've tried blues and black and ended up choosing on the black. The red white and blue is representative of the American flag.

>The red white and blue is representative of the American flag.

ah fugg yea good point

good luck with your site, looks like you already have plenty of users
also pls make rss / atom feed so i can get news without giving you visits :^)

awe you should write on my site if anything -- no personally indentifiable information is requested when registering.

Do any of you fuckers use Markdown?

How do I implement this shit into my site? Every google search just leads me to fucking syntax tutorials. Do I have to embed something into my HTML?

I'm trying to make it so I can store formatted blog posts into a database and then render it onto the HTML page and apply the formatting appropriately. I already have all my HTML pages written, and I'm using the Django template engine.

So for instance, I write **fuck** into a field, then I store that into the database, and then I render a page which takes the **fuck** out of the database and puts it on the page. I want it to apply the markdown though.

I'm a pleb and use regex replace for markup.

use something like this
you should train your google fu further

Yeah, but not with dj. Have you tried searching 'django markdown' for solutions to your problem?

j e k y l l
j u s t
w e r k s

is godaddy bad?

anyone here work with SharePoint and want to enter into a suicide pact with me?

How difficult is to port everything to Power Apps/Microsoft Flow?

I'm writing a competitor to HackerRank for screening.

What kind of questions should I ask since devs hate technical fizzbuzz question puzzles?

anything M$ or .NET related isn't welcomed here (typescript is ok)

webpack is turning my command prompt text invisible. how do I fix this? Have you guys ever seen this before?

webpack successfully compiles my code, but it turns the text invisible. At least, I think that's what's happening, because the cursor lines up perfectly with the last command.

Is Amazon Web Service good for small websites?

devs hate all questions/puzzles because they're yet another retarded unnecessary barrier
majority of us are devs because we wanted to find easier ways to do things, not because we wanted to jump through flaming hoops just for an opportunity.

Google has put in a lot of $ in studying this sort of stuff so you should hit them up.

I mean depends what you want to do with it.
If by 'small website' all you want is a static site with some pages, aws is overkill.

What do you think about Visual Studio Code?
Why the sticky references C# and asp.net in the learning links?

>finally learn webdev
>web assembly releases
>everything I learned is outdated

That's not how it works. But even if it was, just learn it. Keep yourself flexible.

Did you even check my sweet trips, m8?

I suppose I should have since it's the only thing you'll accomplish in life.

That's not true. I got quads once.

you have a value on your checkbox?

Hey /wdg/ how do I set up a local PHP server for testing my PHP code on debian?

Have a master template where you define the structure. Extend from master template and inject scripts in the header section

its just a text editor who cares, i know people who code in notepad, yes just notepad

just use xampp for dev

Now do the same for magento

Ok, you ignored the second sentence. Now google "best editor for typescript".

to follow up: no problem if I use PowerShell, but I don't want to use that.


have you considered installing a real os?

another follow up

Looks like webpack isn't restoring my command prompt's colors correctly. It was making the text the same color as the background. I corrected it in the command prompt's properties and the text reappeared.

Like what?

no chance for .com, that's why .io is so popular among start ups

How do I get good domains? Well that's a secret I'll never tell.
You know you love me xoxo user


read the fucking docs man

youareacuck.com is free

This is my experience after ordering 100+ articles online.
>45% is a summery of wikipedia and other sites
>25% are spun articles that don't read like English
>10% is badly written English
>15% is a generic text that is almost ready for use, you just need to rewrite some parts
>5% is a quality article
I'm trying to make a list of pajeets that send in proper work so I can fill up some websites, but it's a hopeless endeavor.

Anyone here use cheapname for hosting?

only namecheap and 1&1 here

I use a VPS, cause I don't want to get cucked by hosting providers.