/ptg/ - Private Trackers General

Old thread >NEWS
Fuck your news.

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only
DISCORD discord.gg/8A6vvEA

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:



there is news:
>AB tracker infrastructure is kill
>PTP site down, irc and tracker are suffering
>BTN staff member is retiring

AB's formula should be kept secret

who gives a fuck.


touche. not many people are on these sites


waiting for timelock on big boyz like - - - - - -- - - - -- - -

I mean I'm on PTP and BTN but I don't really care about BTN staff and PTP goes down more often than OPs mother, but to each their own I guess

excuse me, I go down more than mother, thank you very much

anyone have a higher res version of this?


you think I would fall for an upscale? I'll have you know I am on hdbits, not some curry tracker

what is timelock

HDB is above the cabal.

HDB is above the cabal.

TEH is cabal
PTP is ded

Okay kiddo, time for bed

>spaghetti's lair of maymays

Will it stop being cabal once BTN stop recruitment there?

>mfw TEH is run by same people who run HDB
>PTP, BTN and WCD form cabal
>tfw TEH is above cabal

Why make the thread early?

Seriously buddy, you've gotta get up for middle school in the morning. TEH is a curry tracker that's only good for a stepping stone to better trackers.

I want to seriously test this qtstalled meme for myself, I saw yesterday that an user was using VPSs as seeds, would this be a reliable way to test?

I found this news useful. Thanks!

is BTN going to go uphill or downhill now that Betrayed was removed from the admin team?

he's a discord nigger

>DISCORD discord.gg/8A6vvEA

may as well rename your bookmark to morethan.tv

Has anyone been actually invited from TehC to BTN? Seems like recruitment was last caught up on 28 March. Did they give up already or they’re always this slow?

>The Private Tracker Autism Awareness Discord



More like retired, right? That is quite different.

Just go around loading torrents with few seeds and watch qB fail to connect to peers better clients lock on to.

just read the updates on myr's profile
a lot of people got invited

Where can I pirate intellij?

nigger just use emacs

Peering with Feral kind of sucks, what provider are you guys with?

I guess those prices were too good to be true.

Network speed is there but yeah, peering isn't great.

I was told anything OVH is excellect, but you will pay out the ass

Yeah I've had experiance with OVH for servers (not tracker related) and I couldn't recommended them higher. But as you said they're expensive

lol what are you smoking? OVH support is awful, you're lucky to even get a same day response to your ticket

You shouldn't rent from a provider just because their support is good, what are YOU smoking?

i expect a proper response time from the support team when my production servers go down for reasons that are out of my hands. good support will make or break your hosting provider.

I've just swapped to Seedboxes.cc and imediately I can tell box performance is way better, might even be faster than Whatbox

My server only has 2 people on it opposed to feral, which I'm sharing with over 150 other accounts.

The less people on a private tracker, the better.

Ok I killed the old thread.

Stop making threads early, you fags. You're just going to give the mods a reason to ban you for flooding.

It's well known that Feral is not for people who want to race.

Thanks sirs!
Lets redacting now!!

>well known
[citation needed]

We discuss it on /ptg/ all the time. Feral is not a high performance outfit. It's for long term seeding. There's a reason those shared boxes are so cheap.

>Error: Problem with resume data: mismatching file timestamp
what the fuck reeeee just give me my freeleech

discord linked in post is rise or gentoo one?


t. Z


CRiSC 720p release ~7.4GB
PixelHD offering 1080p release ~4.1GB
>tfw not going to cuck for cabal anymore

>downloading shit quality voluntarily
>not a cuck

ok, cuck

enjoy your shitty bitrate video. even pirate bay has better encodes user

go for the CRiSC

Buy a edu domain or email and get the pro lic for free
or just use netbeans

>download from a public tracker at home
>get 200 kb/s download speed
>download via seedbox
>almost 10 mb/s
>transferring to SB then to home connection is faster than torrenting it.

>public tracker
>posting to /ptg/ - Private Trackers General

this is not hard to understand

Because half the niche shit is only on public trackers not private trackers and the other half is on private trackers and not public tracker.s

That's you not being a member of enough good private trackers.

I'm on HDB mate.

which tracker started the unnecessarily complicated formulas for bonus points thing?

>unnecessarily complicated
what makes you say that?

>unnecessarily complicated formulas

Just because you're too stupid to get the logic behind points designed to benefit the tracker's health doesn't mean you can call them that.

>HDB user using uTorrent 3.5

>() ^0.95
totally necessary

literally how

>Sup Forums

who isn't


last news article
Scheduled maintenance + server/VPN whitelist - 2017-04-05

Does this mean it's a HDTV capture, or not necessarily?

It's clearly a capture from Korean VOD

e/v/in crin/g/e meme Sup Forumsro xDDDDDD

Not even a Discord memer but you should go the fuck back to /r/cringe.

fuck off neon

You've found half what you are looking for? you are on a single tracker, that's why.

expect much more cheater/trader scum for sure

apollo irc still down?

was it ever really up?

t. zed

༼ つ _ ༽つ myr give btn ༼ つ _ ༽つ




myr still on 28th march PogChamp

I have a large torrent where I have seeded to a 1:1 ratio according to the client, yet on the site it says I'm missing 20GB. this is the only torrent where the stats don't match and the gap has been there for 12h.
Anything on my side I can do and to prevent it from happening in the future?

force update tracker before removing.

yo guys

could you check for new metalbondage videos on the porn trackers you're on?

looking for stuff after update 350 that's not on empornium

Is that the same as Reannounce (get more peers)? Or do you mean add the tracker to the trackerlist manually?

Using transmission, don't see that option.

stop viewing pornography


make sure you don't stop torrent while the site is down.
also, ggn is known to miss stats.

I don't have a problem with Discord though. Unless it's a cancerous as fuck one just such as.

That didn't seem to do anything to the stats. Do I need to restart the client for it to work?

Only restart the server once a month for firmware updates. Something else is messing with it.

Why can't we go back to good old days of IRC?

Fuck this proprietary client shit

kill yourself