>tfw you can't run a single boot linux PC because if an update stops your PC from booting you don't have another OS to use in the meantime until you have spare time to fix linux. Therefore one must always have a dual boot linux and windows machine or a dual distro boot PC
Tfw you can't run a single boot linux PC because if an update stops your PC from booting you don't have another OS to...
it's possible to check your system is bootable without actually rebooting
>because if an update stops your PC from booting
Time to change distros
There is literally nothing wrong with dual booting
you cant check if Xorg is bootable without rebooting
>not creating $ ./myscript to reinstall his linux
do you even know bash?
> dual booting
The only booty I can think of now is in the OP.
>neo Sup Forums
you can fix Xorg without a second installation though
You can fix X without booting into it.
you may not have time until tomorrow night though
>tfw you can't run a single boot Windows PC because if an update stops your PC from booting you don't have another OS to use in the meantime
>an update breaking linux systems
maybe you should use a normal distribution
excellent zero-value thread op
the whole point of this thread is that windows updates never have prevented windows 10 from booting for ANYONE. it still happens all the time for linux users though.
But that's wrong.
> windows updates never have prevented windows 10 from booting for ANYONE
Just happened to my coworker this morning. He had to use a system restore.
Happened to me half a year ago, but I do backups and restored easily.
most people on this board already own more than one computer anyways
I have single-booted Linux on all my machines since 1994. Not had any trouble of the sort.
But what if you second OS fails ? I personally always nest 9 levels, as you just never know.
you must be a busy man if you never have time to fix the one which is down
the only way this could be the case is if you've always used slackware because it never has updates. kek.
Slack at first, then Debian since Hamm. Debian even managed to upgrade from 32 to 64 bit without reinstalling. Just a reboot.
Time is money.
debian stable?
hamm is stable. so assuming you only just switched to testing recently then that doesnt give many years.
uh? Hamm was stable in 1998.
How about a live CD? There you go, no need to dual boot
it will still take you time to fix the problem
>tfw I don't have this problem because I know the ancient art of live-usb booting
>tfw I have several linux distros on my phone and can boot directly from my phone
xorg breaking on updates is a meme and nothing more. I've been using Linux for 12 years and have never seen that happen. Even if it did happen, you absolutely can check if xorg works without rebooting your machine. Additionally, if it did break for some reason, it is literally one command to rollback to a previously installed version of any given package.
>Additionally, if it did break for some reason, it is literally one command to rollback to a previously installed version of any given package.
xorg usually consists of large clusters of packages. and uninstalling a group of them would be hard.
Happened to all of my mates on Windows 10 along with an array of other problems after updates where they were just forced to reinstall in order to fix them.
As it will if you dual boot. But werks on my machine. Though I do have a secondary machine dual boot Windows 7/Ubuntu, never had any issues.
you don't understand how debian's names work
each name cycles through each "stability level" until they become stable
i believe the order is "unstable > testing > stable"
so hamm would have begun as "unstable", then moved on to "testing", with a new codename for unstable, then moved on to stable, with the names shifting again
the only exception to this is "sid", which is permanent (the significance of this name is pretty clear if you've seen Toy Story)
None of the distros begin as "unstable", as that is, and always will be, sid. So it would be more accurate say the order is "Testing -> Stable -> Oldstable".
i haven't looked into it in some time
i though sid was separate to unstable
either way, "hamm" (or any codename besides sid) hasn't always been stable, it started off as testing like everything else (again except sid)
How hideous. She has all those black spots on her body. Fucking disgusting bitch.
>me in the convertible
are you going to tell me you don't have a single birthmark? or yours are apple-sized?
it's funny when people shitpost about this crap, until some retards start to believe their own shit
it's like if everyone around you starts saying install gentoo, you might as well conform and try
i've fixed multiple computers after faulty updates, some cases even system restore did not help
updates sometimes affect files used by drivers, or sometimes updates ARE drivers
and there's no such thing as 100% compatible
You're telling me those large black possibly cancerous lesions all over her body aren't a turnoff? Are you a wizard?
they're called beauty marks for a reason
>beauty marks
They were being ironical when they called them that.
>tfw can't use windows because an update might brake the system
opinion discarded
>opinion discarded
unless he actually meant to use "brake" in its descriptive term, like putting on the brakes, you know?
I heard this rumor that if you use a distro that isn't arch you won't encounter this problem.
>boot on text-only
>cd to xorg config or whatever file you fucked up
>edit the file
wow that was hard
disgusting bellybutton, desu
I've been using Arch for a year and half now, and so far have not been unable to boot
When I first got this computer 3 years ago it had Windows 8.1. After 1 year it was unable to boot without me fixing it ("we couldn't complete the updates, please wait while we undo changes..." infinite loop)
What is this meme? I've been using it for a year and a half with no breakage. I update the system every other day and check archlinux.org before updating, because the front page tells you if there's anything you need to know or do before updating.
I have had both 7 and 10 bootloop on me multiple times due to botched updates
you're retarded
git gud
What if I have more than one computer and they all run gentoo?
>linux breaks a lot
you people are delusional
>what is the windows boot loop
>automatically updates and forces to restart
>upon reboot: "Please wait while applying changes"
>5 minutes later: "Unable to complete updates. Undoing changes..." for 2 minutes
>Reboots. "Unable to complete updates. Undoing changes..."
>Reboot. "Unable to complete updates. Undoing changes..."
Okay, just disable updates.
>clean install of windows
>jump through hoops to disable updates
>month later, updates anyways
>boot loop
Fuck off with your shitware pajeet
I tried Arch two times. The first time a kernel update prevented me from booting unless I did a kernel downgrade. I didn't like that very much. The second time I once went on vacation for three weeks and the following update completely fucked up my system. Didn't like that either. Since then I'm rolling with Debian and never looked back.
>inb4 I'm too dumb for Arch
>uses a garbage OS made by pajeets
>tries a random Linux distro in a virtual machine for five minutes
>Windows breaks regularly
>"Uhhhh at least it's not like Linux haha"
>not bootstrapping into an install of tinycore Linux onto your ram
>not using Wayland
fucking nu Sup Forums
>not having the main Linux kernel and the Linux LTS kernel just in case
>the following update completely fucked up my system
How? Did you just make that up?
>not virtualizing
>not having a separate machine for Windows/MacOs
>tries a random Linux distro in a virtual machine for five minutes
So your mighty operating system can't manage to not fuck up for 5 minutes in a virtual machine?
Don't use shit distribution.
>Update broke ma linux, linux sucks!
Wtf this meme?
Never happened to me.
Used arch for more than a year
Used ubuntu for similar amount of time
Updates just werks
>he doesn't keep a live usb flash drive handy for this exact reason
>he doesn't use something stable like Debian, OpenPEPE, or RHEL
>he only has one computer
It's 2017. Get with the times, faggot.
I single boot Ubuntu and have never had an update break my machine.
(((T H I S)))
So what? Use tty. Or are you saying you can't go a day without GUI? I broke X when messing around with overclocking my monitor, and just logged into tty1 and almost forget about anything GUI. The terminal is very robust
>if an update stops your PC from booting
This is why you run mainline Debian.
>enter grub edit mode.
>append 'single' to linux16 line
>enter maintenance mode
>repair your shit
It's not fucking rocket science, kid.
What's up with mods deleting sfw images?
Use a stable Linux distribution
Learn to use a computer
Keep a live USB in case you have no time to fix something
live USB don't let you have proggies installed