Name ONE (1) reason you aren't using perl right now

name ONE (1) reason you aren't using perl right now

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Dead language

I don't work with text

Because right now I'm browsing Sup Forums, not programming.

because it isn't 1994


Bash&co. is simpler and enough for 99.99% of tasks Perl was made for.

It's still used quite a bit in biology. I use it everyday.

jokes on you perl was very popular around 1998-2002

Only real Perl programmers get this

not exp log srand xor s qq qx xor
s x x length uc ord and print chr
ord for qw q join use sub tied qx
xor eval xor print qq q q xor int
eval lc q m cos and print chr ord
for qw y abs ne open tied hex exp
ref y m xor scalar srand print qq
q q xor int eval lc qq y sqrt cos
and print chr ord for qw x printf
each return local x y or print qq
s s and eval q s undef or oct xor
time xor ref print chr int ord lc
foreach qw y hex alarm chdir kill
exec return y s gt sin sort split

Im learning perl as my first language

I'm pretty sure the joke is on every programmer who wasted their time and effort learning such a shitty, useless language.

there are a zillion better options

>european bioinformatics consortium has a Perl API

Nothing ever dies in tech, it's the ideal legacy language. Also nothing can regexp like a perl.

Of course perl6 is dead before arrival.

>It's still used quite a bit in a small branch of biology.
ftfy and who gives a shit about throwaway scientists code
Apart from that, masochistic branches of the typesetting industry, unmaintained parts of LaTeX and a handful of backend web devs that lie to themselves pretending CPAN is a living ecosystem is all that remains.

This, indirectly through Crystal.

>Also nothing can regexp like a perl.
And nothing should, including perl.

Thats a bad opinion, maybe I WANT to look backwards and forwards in a regex.


>maybe I WANT to gargle piss while spending 6 hours debugging obtuse unreadable code to figure out why my regex isn't working


>>It's still used quite a bit in a small branch of biology.
See this >little
Ensembl genome database project is a joint scientific project between the European Bioinformatics Institute and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, which was launched in 1999 in response to the imminent completion of the Human Genome Project.[2] After 10 years in existence,[3] Ensembl's aim remains to provide a centralized resource for geneticists, molecular biologists and other researchers studying the genomes of our own species and other vertebrates and model organisms. Ensembl is one of several well known genome browsers for the retrieval of genomic information.

>debugging perl
no, you just rewrite it until it works. Faster that way.

Even faster if you throw it away and write it using something better, like qbasic or fortran.

Perl is a fun language but Python is so much more productive it's not even funny.

>white space

its really not that bad, the rewriting it part was a joke. perl is a stupidly powerful language that is easy to write and difficult to read. not much matches its productivity.

I might be autistic, but I'm not _that_ autistic.

>it can't possibly be productive, it's got good formatting and isn't fucking impossible to read!


Perl is designed to be a write-only language

>you don't get it, it's SUPPOSED to be shit!


Perl is such a great scripting language: super fast and comfy to code, performs great for an interpreted language, CPAN is just amazing, the regex engine is literally the best one (even Haskell uses it! consider that for a moment), and debugging good Perl code is simply a joy. If you are learning the language you should definitively visit these websites:

And of course, there is the perldoc command and its online version here:

Now, Perl 6 is a totally new language based on Perl and Haskell. IMO is the best scripting language ever created: formal specs, gradual typing, lazy evaluation, reflection, hygienic macros, and much more. The only issue right now is the lack of modules in comparison to Perl 5, but this situation is improving quickly.

>I can't read Perl
git gud

I'm using Lisp.


Perl killed unix by being better at everything than individual commands in a shell. Too good to live.

That isn't even so bad, if you stricted it up a bit and intended properly it would look very nearly clean.

Perlmonks is filled with arrogant assholes. Really turns me off.

perl repl is SHIT

you can write a new one in like 5 lines of perl if you'd like. Back in the days when perl came around REPLs weren't a big deal. Everything was aimed at file i/o and shit. IIRC input by default is loop through input 1 line at a time, awk style.

> baby's first steps with text editors

*Deathbed language

it exists on every server made before the year 2000 so it will never die. it might get moved into vm hosts and shit but that legacy cruft is here to stay. there's an entire career field dedicated to keeping that antique shit running.

Can Perl be used to write a metacircular evaluator?

>tfw been wanting to learn perl for 5 years now
>tfw start but never get past the basics because distractions
>tfw learning everything except what I want
Why do I do this to myself?

Literally anything which uses libpcre can regex like Perl

can't have wanted it that bad user...

Because you don't actually want to learn Perl.

Because real programmers write Bash scripts.

Perl is dead and besides it's shit.

I am still learning

no, pcre is kind of LIKE perl but it is not the same as perl regex. NOTHING is equal to it because it's kind of retardedly deep for 99% of all cases. Incurs a MASSIVE performance hit.

It's dead as disco

because i learned gawk first

It makes me sad that Larry thought it was a good idea to "fix" the regex syntax in perl6

wtf am I looking at