I've got a Sony VAIO E Series that's over 5 years old. First laptop ever, and I literally did not know what I was looking for when we bought it. And now that I dabble in digital art (Krita), I've hit a very difficult roadblock.
Y'see, my laptop is old. So old that its 4 GB memory is mostly filled with useless garbage whenever it boots up. My only solution is to overload Opera with lots of tabs of high resolution pictures (basically comics) to drown the memory and force the windows to disable anything that's not essential. I'm able to compress my memory usage down to only 900MB, which lets me draw without worry.
I'm going to the province next week, so no internet for a week. Is there a way to do the above manually without resorting to that strange method?
Obviously buying a new laptop would solve this but eh, I'm poor.
ReadBoost will help you. Grab a pendrive, format it to FAT32, plug it in, go to My Computer, right click->properties on it, go to ReadyBoost tab and dedicate the drive to it.
For >4GB pendrives you can try exFAT to see if 7 supports it (vista doesn't, 10 does).
Jacob Allen
Backup essential data and Install a Linux distro like Xubuntu, Antergos or Solus.
You don't need to be a massive CLI autismomancer and you still get Krita.
Ethan Russell
Just buy more RAM. Unless the RAM is soldered on the motherboard an 8GB or 16GB should be under $60.
Hunter Morgan
John Sanchez
These, and have you tried reinstalling Windows at all? Sometimes that helps when you encounter weird issues like this.
Jaxson Wood
This + reinstall windows onto an SSD.
8-16GB of RAM + an SSD and it will feel brand new.
Cost should be around $150 total, if that.
Blake Martinez
>i'm a poorfag pls help >lmao just buy more shit
Brandon Collins
>My only solution is to overload Opera with lots of tabs of high resolution pictures (basically comics) to drown the memory and force the windows to disable anything that's not essential.
Holy fuck dude, why not disable SuperFetch instead?
Justin Morgan
Oh, and you can open any images and saved pages in Opera, lol. So you can continue doing this bullshit for ever.
Michael Gray
If you're that fucking poor then you should probably spend your time on a job that doesn't fucking require a computer.
Train yourself in a marketable skill instead of drawing on a shitty fucking laptop.
Then you can actually afford to buy shit that can further your hobbies.
If drawing is more than a hobby for you, start drawing on paper because you obviously can't afford to do it on a computer.
Blake Johnson
Install crunchbang plus plus
The ram usage is around 200 mb at idle
Nolan Garcia
>Poorfag >Can't even buy fucking RAM Go Linux. Fortunately for you, Krita also works (maybe even better) on Linux. Go with some shit like Xubuntu or debian.
Levi Lee
You should download more ram
Easton Martinez
Create a virtual machine in VirtualBox and assign 3gb of memory to it. Whenever you launch the VM it'll forcibly grab those 3gb from Windows and they'll be freed again once you shut down the VM.
Ian Hall
Why is this thread 17 replies in and no one has said "that's not how Windows fucking works?" Were we not going to tell user?
Michael Robinson
This guy is not me. We're opening a coffee shop in the province, so we're going to be short on cash in the future. If we don't crash and burn in 6 months I'll probably make enough to buy a new laptop by the end of the year.
Please tell. I'm learning more already. I didn't know all of these things in the first place!
Oliver Cox
Just use the clean boot/safe boot option. RAM is not magically given back to programs in Windows 10 by "disabling unnecessary shit." You know I'm saging, right?
Owen Jones
Try RamMap from sysinternals technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/rammap.aspx >see pic, cached memory become free after "Empty Standby List". It can be malloc. just try it and if that doesnt work discharge some of services in services.msc (windows update, spooler, desktop manager, superfetch, defender...) and look at startup in msconfig let only the graphic stuff and audio.
Gabriel Morales
as shit as what you are doing is, get the hydrus client, put one image in it and just zoom in as far as you want, the program still renders with a bmp and renders the whole image at once, only displaying a portion of it, so a 800x zoom on some images can eat 8+gb
Logan Cooper
I have never, across 5 installs, gotten windows 7 to boot with less then 3gb of ram use.
Angel Watson
back when I only had 8gb of ram, windows would eat 4~gb at boot, then through opening chrome I would have 7.70gb used with a 20gb page file due to chromes absolute shit ram management
ram bombing the system when I wanted to play everquest was the only way to go because If I just opened the game, it would be a stuttering mess and unplayable, I cant close chrome because it was needed, but bombing the ram to free up 2-3gb would let the program work fine.
Angel Fisher
>due to chromes absolute shit ram management Yet I have 32GB of RAM and chrome is barely using over 1.5GB.
Matthew Bennett
Have you ever disabled all the useless windows services you won't ever need?
Also if you didn't knew what to look for in a laptop you probably just went around installing whatever and now shit's hogging your system
Jacob Bennett
>Also if you didn't knew what to look for in a laptop you probably just went around installing whatever and now shit's hogging your system That's true.