News edition

news edition.

Previous Thread>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker disservice by providing members with opportunities for shitposting development, by recognizing tracker incompetence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Haha just kidding, no news!

>Have a question?
Feel free to ask and don't bother reading the wiki


#ptg 6697/9999 SSL only

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff likely read & post in these generals.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Do offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:縁


best OP in a while. good job user

>Haha just kidding, no news!

>(Cross-thread) Haha just kidding, no news!


I wonder what spaghetti is thinking about right now.

thinking about azathoth

piece of art
>be blessed, incompetent OP

Wasn't AHD supposed to start recruitment on PTH?

no, no such thing

fake news!

!!! REMINDER !!!


!!! REMINDER !!!

thanks for putting that in all caps, zed.
now can you help me find something worth downloading that has seeds?

yes gib buffer zed ffs

>torrent gives 0.00000649 Gold / Hour
>have to seed for 160 000 hours to get 1 gold

Wow, what a great system.

>you found 3 gold!


seed more than 1 torrent you fucko

Do you get gold for donating on GGn? If so it's basically pay2win since you can buy potions (boosts upload by 20GB) for gold.

That way you can get 5 or 10 gold per day! Wow!

What did you snatch from KG today, user?
I got "Blade of Fury" and will be watching it soon.

>Invite friend to PTH in the early days
>he doesn't take advantage of any FL, including sitewide FL
>never uses any FL tokens
>doing okay though since he seeds everything and hasn't downloaded too much
>downloads 50GB Rosetta Stone torrent
>complains to me when he's put on ratio watch and can't download anything
>invite him to Pooloo and call it a day

What's the easiest way to get into shitty scene trackers like torrentleech and torrentday to see if they have some shitty scene encode of a movie?


You also got marked :^)

I have reported you to the mods. You are the only one to snatch that today. Enjoy your ban faggot.

Now they know you're /ptg/ scum as well!

oh shit

>news edition
>no news
fucking faggot

that's the joke

What was that chinky ddl site where that had HDB encodes?


No it was some public site. Linked on here about a year ago.

what. the. FUCK

what the fuck is wrong with that cat

pls no bulli


Does anyone know why AB decided to close so tight all of sudden?
Why don't they recruit anywhere?

Dear sirs, please help me.

I can't stop YELLING /ptg/ memes OUT LOUD in the shower. I dance a bit and go APPPPPPOOLOO for no reason. I can also recite this by memory
and my Indian accent is slowly improving.

Please help me, sirs.

why does he do it

Tired of FUCKING JEWS fucking up your shit? Come on down to the plebbit-and-jew-free /ptg/!

As an added bonus, you won't find (((rise))) (a redditor) or any traps here!

I love !

Is there a recommended way to split a range rip with no .cue?

medievel cue splitter

Just found a 1.93GB torrent I actually want on RED.

FFS don't use Medieval Cue Splitter use Cuetools.

Without a .cue.

play it by ear

K. I'll use Audacity.

yeah it really is kind of unfortnuate that you have no cue
check the track listings online for reference, too, in the case of tracks that dont end with silence

Does the original user do requests?

Anyone with CGPeers or Ncore see if they have an unRAID release. Is there a torrent for unRAID anywhere?

Guys, what if cabal trackers don't actually exist?

Be honest, do ANY of you know someone on a cabal tracker?
What second-tier tracker staff got together and decided to make up some tracker names and tell everyone they're "cabal", and take every opportunity to shill these trackers, making people think they actually exist?

That way they get everyone in a rat race to level up user classes (and help their community in the process), all to get into a so-called cabal tracker which probably doesn't exist anyway.

Bump for

I'm on all of the cabal trackers.

They still recruit somewhere, user. :^)

HELP im stil in my first 6 gigs at torrent leach before i get a ratio warning and nothing is seeding. Any one know what torrents will seed the most. I have real good upload speed too

Not anymore :^)

>I'm on all of the cabal trackers.
prove to me that they actually exist

I can't prove that I exist either.


Check again :^)

FUCK now it says download limit 3 reached but im not even downloading anything. Is this because I have partial leech. I only download like 400 mb at time and see if itwill seed. even the torrent i seeded to 1:1 of what i downloaded says its not finished.





lmao @ whoever stickied bad rats on **n


That's it, I'm pulling this.

just join IPT

i have a ipt and torrent leach, i wanted to use torrent leach because i hear ipt team are big bad meanies

ignore the moralcucks

What is the true ideal economy system for a music tracker? Goals would be to have incentives for uploading more music, and seeding for a long time (if not indefinitely). What could the tracker give back in return for users who are uploading/permaseeding that's actually valuable?

hart of london

Been about a year since I've had a seedbox. Not bad given all traffic through vpn on modest 2MB/s upload connection

Well shit, now that I'm done I see it was on AB all along. The listing I was going by was:縁

I searched AB and Jpopsuki for 縁, 豚乙女, Bonds, and BUTAOTOME, and came up dry. It's under Buta-Otome - En

idky it says that amount for april, my internet was down for like 6 hours today and I've probably uploaded 60-70GB first 3 days

another day, another 24 hours of being ignored via official recruitment channels. hows your monday going, ptg?

great! no one cares!

lol how many times have you checked? Ive missed a few trackers because i forgot. I browse trackers on my ipad a few times a week, sometimes just once. For invites i try to check once everyday or two. What are you waiting on?

Unironically I think RED's use of FL tokens is part of the equation. A medium-hard economy with a bonus point system where long term seeders/uploaders get FL tokens. Ratio still matters and the tracker gives token handouts once a month.

Except months like this where there are no huge releases and those freeleech tokens pretty much get you no buffer. But nice try Zed.

t. totally not zed

>wake up
>mum bought me some fried chicken
>eat it
>chill out for a bit
>friend comes round
>run 4 miles
>have a bbq and a couple beers
>read for a bit
>check all the cabal trackers i'm on to see how my BP is stacking up and to catch any dank new uploads
>now chilling in bed
Not sure if I should sleep or stay up until my packages arrive

>mfw i (was forced to?) change my ahd password
>didnt copy it on ipad
>havent logged in for a month
honestly not worth typing the keepass generated password i updated it with again. I did 2 factor with hdb and never doing that again

>on decent trackers
>downloads curry
why did u even bother leaving ipt?

i check the site i requested on once a day for the sent/denied message, and also check an email account specifically for private torrent sites once a day while also having it setup so my phone gets a push notification on event of any new email. waiting on a certain movie tracker and on a certain ebook tracker

> (1)

>still needing bp in 2017

i do not envy you :^)

how do i cure my BP addiction?

But are freeleeches, or really just more download ability, really what get people going? You'd think anyone with a seedbox would have enough ratio buffer to basically download anything they want, basically bankrolling any incentive for a freeleech.

/ptg/ is finally dead!

oh no, you revived it!

What's the best tracker for remuxes when rutracker and AHD don't cut it anymore?


PTP, M-Team, HDB

HDT as well

>But are freeleeches, or really just more download ability, really what get people going?
Not freeleeches, but FL tokens where you can download anything you want for the cost of a token.
But personally, being able to download what I want is what "get's me going" as opposed to racing to get buffer from freeleech,staff picks, or trying to pyramid.
>You'd think anyone with a seedbox would have enough ratio buffer to basically download anything they want, basically bankrolling any incentive for a freeleech.
Yeah, that's basically the case in most private trackers except for HDB who discourages seedbox use. In any case, those are the minority of users. That's why I think rewarding users who seed long term/upload should be rewarded with tokens. They can download what they want without needing buffer or using a seedbox to get buffer.

Don't you have to download a certain amount of stuff on HDT every month?

why would you not be doing this anyway?