>WikiLeaks: New files show how CIA hides malware on Windows computers

>Leaked docs

The new batch of 27 documents includes alleged manuals for the spy agency’s Grasshopper program, which WikiLeaks says the CIA uses to build Windows malware. The online activist group had previously released files March 23 on the CIA's hacking of Apple Macs and iPhones, and March 31 on the agency's tools for thwarting investigators and antivirus programs.

Most of the documents describe how the CIA builds “persistence modules,” software that lets malware survive on a target machine despite reboots, reinstallations and other attempts to wipe the system clean.

One alleged persistence module, “Stolen Goods,” uses code from the Carberp malware tool, which is believed to come from Russia’s criminal hacker underground.

Some of the other modules — with code names like “Wheat,” “Crab” and “Buffalo” — smuggle malware onto a system and preserve it using Windows components like drivers and executable files. Another module, “Netman,” piggybacks on Windows’ network connection system.


>hiding malware within malware



This is fucking huge. Microsoft is about to lose a lot of corporate market share.

I hope so, but I'm not sure.
People behind those kinds of decisions on companies are usually tech ignorant and don't know any better.

is linux safe? should i belete my windows partition?

Illuminati confirmed.
Install Gentoo!
Free software - Free society.

Nobody gives a shit about freedom and privacy, it's 2017, which is sad.
They can lose corporate market share, but not their usual consumers.

>he actually uses it
so this is what Sup Forums has become...

Wow yeah it's insane, windows let's you run things automatically at specific times, how dare they
Windows BTFO???? Linux would never implement something to allow you to automatically start a process at specific times, pathetic!

>implying windows 10 useful

>3 hours
>11 posts

Network security analyst here. I read all of it and nothing substantial can be found in these documents. I wouldn't waist any time on this.

Meme or shill?

That's because the people posting ITT are real people and not shills.

The shills are trying to let this thread slide by not bumping it.


I've seen you posting this exact same sentence in more than a thread. Perhaps a slightly modified one, but its meaning remains the same. Should I believe you?

>surprised of gentoo users
I want neo-Sup Forums to get out.

These kinds of posts were so bad during the part one release that I had added all of their mispellings of 'substantial' to my filters (among other key words) . I'm not sure if its a shill or someone meming, but either way, what they are saying is false.

Even the CIA hires Sup Forums shills. There's a job for everyone these days.

I think you can trust him. His dad works at Nintendo with my dad.

Gentoo is not part of the OS's recommended by Mr. Stallman

Gentoo is a fucking meme
Stop using it

the corporate consumer is their biggest piggy bank.
this and azure services

Back to


Much better than windows 10 though.

not an argument. it is still not "muh free software"

and they are slowly dropping off win7 for this shit, every normalfag gonna be totally fugged
the absolute good goy

>waist and not waste.

Nice try little bobby. Go back to your homework.

Gentoo is free software, but you have choice to use non-free.



Don't worry about Microsoft stock, the MSM has been sliding vault 7 into oblivion

>This is fucking huge
No, not really. Just like the rest of this entire release, they're just good old computer viruses. You download a virus from a shady website, you can expect it to fuck up your computer. This has been a thing for what, a few decades? Especially if someone has physical access to your computer, they can do a lot. The only reason your average fake download website doesn't give you viruses like these is because they're not made by teams of people paid to work on viruses all day.

It looks like it just analyzes your system and depending on certain conditions, installs certain viruses. Not really noteworthy.

>Marble framework
Text obfuscation, nothing new or important

>Dark matter
Apple BTFO. For real though if you can't actually wipe the hard drive clean and re-install everything from scratch that kind of persistent virus isn't surprising. Unless it somehow gets stored somewhere else, but yeah that's a pretty bad vulnerability.

These leaks are from 2013-14. Doesn't mean Microsoft and Samsung stopped supplying backdoors for the CIA.

Do we know if they're actually providing backdoors or if the CIA is just finding vulnerabilities? Or is it just speculation?

You could have saved yourself the time and effort and just used pasta