So far I know of a lite version, college edition, dark edition, and gold edition. What other variants are out there?
Windows 7 Variants
Other urls found in this thread:
Those are not real variants
custom made than
"I am not stuck in the past edition" (also called W10) and "I grew out of games edition" (known as MacOS or Loonix)
>"I am not stuck in the past edition" (also called W10)
You mean 'I'm part of botnet edition' aka 'I'm a stupid sheep'.
Op just google Windows 7 Embedded.
Virus onfested, for kids and third world dumbasses.
Windows had botnet elements since XP and 7 is pretty much the same as 10 but without future ads when it comes to that.
Just it's also an ancient piece of messed up software.
red, green, blue, yellow, silver, gold, crystal, sapphire, ruby, emerald, diamond, pearl, X, Y, platinum, moon, sun
still better than linux unfortunately :/
Gore thread?
Proof that there is no loving God.
Oh yea? Linux is 9999x better than 7.
more like cringe thread
Embedded 7
they are all botnet edition
is tiny7 worth using?
I forgot about this
time to download them all so I can seed them
>so I can seed them
You are like a little baby
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