Sup Forums memes you fell for:

Sup Forums memes you fell for:
>switch to moto g then xiaomi from iphone 6
>switch to firefox then palemoon from chrome
>switch to arch then debian from windows
>switch to vim then emacs from sublime text
>buy and wear seiko automatic watch
>build pc with FX and later add rx 480
>typing all day on mechanical keyboard
>major in CS and now code monkey with all pajeets colleagues
>planning to fall for ryzen in a few months
luckily I'm not a weeb tho
what memes you have fell for because all the autists here said so?

Almost fell for the bulldozer meme
Almost fell for the RX480 meme
Almost fell for the Ryzen meme

Good thing I don't listen to unemployed neck beards.

Got an old thinkpad which was nice, also got a mechanical keyboard which I really struggle with, I cannot type on something with tall keys and a lot of travel

I love my ThinkPad X220 except for one thing...

The exhaust from the CPU heatsink smells so bad. It was in a clean office environment the entire time too. It comes from the chassis itself, and only gets worse with age. My X60 also came from a very clean environment. I practically disassembled and cleaned the whole thing. The smell just does not go away.

Things I've been memed into:
Arch linux, Haskell, vim, and FOSS in general.

Things I've been memed out of:
Rust. I used to like Rust before all the retarded shills started treating it like the second coming.

I regret nothing.

>not a weeb
Get the fuck out

I only fell for Arch

>iphone meme after years of Android
>mech keyboard after years of rubber dome
>Seiko sdgm003 and skx009

The only bad meme I fell for was getting an i5 2500k back in the day instead of a i7.

vim > emacs though

So you're just an idiot?

>own 6 thinkpads.
>recently bought a Casio F-91w
>system is watercooled.
>have a FX CPU
>use a SSD
>home server meme
>I have a UMPC, thinking of getting a GOLE 1
>got a Twing/o/
am I meme enough?

fell for the first two. will fall for the other when the first dies or i find a bag of cash on the street.

i got memed into NoScript. lasted about 4 minutes with it, I'm pretty autistic but that shit is too much

So Ryzen isn't a bad choice, but not the best one for me.
Bulldozer and the rx480 are terrible though

There's literally a botnet in Chinese phones. Why the fuck would anyone buy them?

and what smartphone isnt a botnet...

>get an SSD
>life is now bliss
>get several mechanical keyboards (blue, brown, red, currently topre)
>life is now even more bliss
>get a 144Hz screen
Thank you, Sup Forums.

How is vim a Sup Forums meme? Tons of experienced developers use vim.

You use veme.

:( but muh plugins!

>Fell for the mechanical keyboard meme about 5 years ago.
>bought a $120 keyboard with blue switches
>got carpal tunnel from it
>went back to my $35 master race Microsoft 4000 keyboard
>can type faster with no pain
>$120 mechanical keyboard now used by my 4 year old


make sure you grow him up as a true gentooman.
>no vidja if possible
>don't trust shills
>16:10 masterrace


5:4 master race

Palemoon is great except for the random times it gets fucked by an imageboard script and locks itself at 25% CPU usage.

Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says

>tfw you think that your 5:4 is obsolete and recommend more "modern" aspect ratio.
>secretly still love your old 5:4
>there's someone that thinks the same
my day just got a whole lot better, thanks user.

Her computer runs Linux Mint

Her computer also has a 19" ultrasharp 5:4.

Running Windows 10 LTSB
No mechanical shitboard, regular one for $5.
LG phone.
Intel + nVidia like a proper citizen.
$5 headphones

Fuck gee neckbeards, never listen to them.

Uninstalled after 5 minutes.

what's wrong with seiko watch though?

well for one it is not omega

>Switched to openSuse then Arch
>Chinese InEar Headphones (Kz ED9 or something like that)

I don't regret anything

Recently bought a Zuk z2. Seems to be fine, but probably to early to say something about it

>bought an SSD
>bought an S4 when the S6 was flaghship
>want a mech keyboard with blues
>bought a 212 EVO and later a 212X
>want a tiny but powerful laptop
>used Crunchbang as a daily for like 6 months until it broke or I cracked the shits with it (can't remember)
>use Waterfox
>Intel + nVidia mustard rays

Before Sup Forums
> never owned ishit
> never used chrome
> my first linux was Mandrake
> nano all day every day
> >watch
> Phenom II 940 stronk
> scissors+clit > mechanical
> major in CS and now sysadmin in a comfy office
> maximum weeb
> T42p
> X61 tablet

After Sup Forums
> got T601 or whatever you prefer to call 1600x1200 LED frankenpads
> got W701 and want to get ds one
> planning to fall for ryzen hexa when it's out

Nothing out of the ordinary.

>ultrawide 3440x1440
>AMD gpu
>mech keyboard
>switched from iOS to android
>mITX build

Only one I'm not fully sold on is the mITX build. It's pretty cute but it was expensive for what it is and it's a pain to work on, 'm definitely going back to a tower with my next build.

If you're using a thinkpad I'm pretty sure the smell is you

so basically you like anything Sup Forums hates and vice versa

>tfw didn't fall for the "java is bad" meme

>sansa clip +
>sony mdr-v6 headphones
>mech keyboards
>countless /csg/ memes including autism cubes and spinners
>macbook pro

I switched to a moto G. Had no problems whatsoever over the 3 years I had it. Liked it so much i went for the G4, still no issues. The rest of the stuff you mentioned, decided to avoid all of that

The rx 480 is literally the cheapest option for 1080p60

>switched to arch linux
>bought an old chinkpad and unironically started using the clitmouse
>started using emacs
>majoring in CS
>got circumcised
>got a mechanical keyboard that drives everyone nuts with noise
>16:10 display

> not using uBlock Origin with advanced settings enabled

it's like you WANT to be spied on