Nutcases are going to have more options to anonymously kill

In the next 20 years, we will probably see an explosion of creative ways nutcases and rogue governments can anonymously massacre thousands of people with advances in technology.

>Terrorists steal Self driving car, hack the AI and turns the car into a road missile by filling the trunk with explosives

>A swarm of armed off the shelf quadcopter drones with basic facial recognition software becomes the perfect assassin.

> Energy Dense lithium Air batteries becomes portable bombs. Soon you won't be able to take any electrical devices to the airport.

>Robots become advanced enough that robot militias will start posing problems for conflict prone regions.

Other urls found in this thread:

Has technology gone too far?

>Terrorists steal Self driving car, hack the AI and turns the car into a road missile
What else did you think research into self driving was for?

But your usecase of public ownership of is a fallacy. You're not getting one. No one's getting one. It's all PR to allow such research.
There's no way to insure a self driving car correctly. Makers wont payout if it's their end. They'll go bankrupt. You can't be held responsible because it's meant to be safe to not pay attention and fuck around on your phone while you're running over children.

They'll probably get into consumer products but it'll be beta and shit Compared the AI software in the military

( X )
Even emergency breaking cars are being phased out. No one wants them, people that have them hate them after having their head slammed into the dash on a false alarm.

Honestly, these are all really boring and they're not much different in effect than what is actually possible today.

>Nutcases are going to have more options to anonymously kill

At last............ I get to use my mustard gas via my drone army.

>Car hit and running me
>Battery bombs
Heh, good luck, kiddo.

Thankfully I don't live in a country where any retard can walk into a grocery store and walk out with an assault rifle and enough bullets and clips to kill half the population of LA.

dayum that is cool. it would be shit if it tripped tho.

Why does Jeff bezos look like Lex Luther from SR

You're living in the Matrix user. The computer overlords don't care about making truly unique skins.

These ideas are insane and science fiction tier but intereting, why doesn't this board talk more about it?

I wanna see a goddamn terminator

These technologies are being developed today, and weaponised quadcopter are already being used in Syria by ISIS. There's nothing science fiction about the OP.

The internet of things will be like a candy store for this kind of thing. Disable a homes heating in winter and open all windows. Literal hacker know as Sup Forums blowing up your computer, boiler or tesla.

Thats just the start though. There was a paper last year which demonstrated attacks on 3d printed products. They altered the files for a 3d printed quadcopter blade to include a weakness. A little void in one of the blades. The dronebits used on flies fine for a few minutes. Then it shatters from the stress created by the void and down it goes.

You think NSA botnet backdoors are bad. Wait till they have them inside your products, even buildings. The future is going to be wild

Forgot gif

>tfw we will finally get the cyberpunk dystopia we were promised
I don't see what the problem is

Heres a video of the 3d print attack

3d printed and robotic construction is starting to become a thing. Forget about jet fuel can't melt steel beams. Imagine weaknesses secretely programmed into buildings...



True "weaponized" quadcopters are at least half a century away. Nothing on the market can handle the recoil of even the smallest caliber firearms, and there's basically no way to carry a reasonable amount of explosives with one, either. You could spread anthrax pretty easily with one though, but a vaccine exists so it'd only work in super poorfag countries, and only for a short while before hospitals begin stocking them.

>Live in Sweden
>Get run over by Muslim
>Go to hospital
>Beds are full of migrants
>Leave hospital
>Get raped
>>At least there's no guns

You don't have to strap a gun to a quadcopter to make it weaponised.
Isis are using quadcopter to carry homemade bombs to their target. I could easily see terrorist bombings of the future carried out by swarms of quadcopters controlled by remote. Quadcopters will soon become ubiquitous as a result companies like Amazon using them to send packages to their final destination, so soon, it won't seem abnormal to see quadcopters whizzing through public areas, which will make it difficult for authorities to differentiate friendly quadcopters and weaponised ones.

Drones really are sketchy, the technology available to the average consumer is insane. I am surprised we haven't seen drones deployed in domestic terrorism yet.

>"God fucking dammit richard you left the door open now wheels out again, the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Also the only limiting factor that prevents quadcopter manufacturers from installing more powerful motors and better stabilisers inorder to counteract the recoil action in a weaponised quadcopter is battery life and the shitty power/energy density of lithium ion. Once we have lithium air or solid state batteries, it'll open up new applications for quadcopters

>Shitty emergency breaking is the same as good self driving

>he still thinks it's for public consumption.

>no one is getting one
You can buy a tesla right now.

Define "reasonable amount." There are quadcopters that can carry a few pounds.

>can't handle recoil
Wrong. I'm on my phone now, but there's a few videos of drones with guns strapped to them. A .22 has such a small amount of recoil that any large drone could handle it

Fuck that noise. Not to mention lack of it.
Also on the fly hydrogen conversion is easy(ammonia and a neon sign converter), leaving a normal tank to fill with water, allowing 7X power gains from the higher concentrations of oxygen.
Also a traditional piston engine allowing repairs, unlike electric that's more throw away garbage, that you'll probably be charged for despite the 200 odd kilos of copper.

Electric motors are like 94 percent efficient whilst the best combustion engine are like 30 percent. And because electric motors have 10 moving parts, whilst combustion has 1000, they're pretty easy to maintain and last longer. Electric is the future. Most major car companies have ditched hydrogen programs for electric. Although gonna be pretty sad that we won't hear the sound of a V8 on the streets in a few decades desu

The horror!

That's why you should keep out Muslims and other demographics prone to terrorism (e.g. separatists) while you can.

>Electric motors are like 94 percent efficient
It's pretty simple to slap an explosive to a quad and just allahu snackbar it.

>>Robots become advanced enough that robot militias will start posing problems for conflict prone regions.
this wont happen.

we already have robot tanks and other shit like that but 1 EMP or exploit makes it fucking useless.

we have robot snipers that can kill a nigger well over a mile away but it doesnt matter when its piss easy to take it out with a missile 2000 miles away.

Oh, shit. I stand corrected, then. The thing looks like a nightmare to aim, mind you, but I guess that's solvable with a pretty lightweight system to move the gun around under the copter.

agreed, lower class white people are also prone to domestic terrorism so let's kick them out

>lower class white people are also prone to domestic terrorism
Feel free to support your claim, Akim

There are lots more.

You have to leave, cletus, you're clearly a threat to the nation

You do know that drones do a bulk of the killing in wars these days. Drones are flying robots.

And you could make the same argument for the first firearms like the flintlock rifle, which were often only accurate for a few metres and incredibly slow to load. First generation technology tend to be shitty and impractical but they do dramatically improve over consecutive iterations


>Timothy McVeigh
>Dylann Roof
Gen Y degenerate. Not white.

Other two aren't white.

Hey man, I agree with you. You said "we have to kick out demographics that are prone to terrorism" and I said yeah, kick out all the muslims and lower class whites.

Only person who would have a problem with that is a liberal terrorist sympathizer.

Dylann Roof looks pretty white to me.

Different user to the original guy. I was just pointing out that there are few to no terrorist attacks committed by white people. You listed one white guy and he was a veteran.
>Dylann Roof looks pretty white to me.
East European lineage and possible Spanish genes.

And don't liberal me with you including mass shootings as "terrorist attacks".

>this man isn't white according to you

> was just pointing out that there are few to no terrorist attacks committed by white people.
>"This is a terrorist act committed by a white person"
>oh he's not really white despite self-identifying as white and the fact that 99% of the population in america would see him as white
Nice no true scotsman bud

>looks Spanish

I know you're underage and think all Europeans are white from liberal teachings but in fact anything farther east than Germany and south of France is not white. Slavs are not white.


see Also, it's time to go home:

the "white race" doesn't exist

I said possible retard.
>self-identifying as white
End yourself SJW
You ramble your degenerate shit all you want. Wont make you white, cyka blyat

>uses 'No True Scotsman' fallacy
>gets butthurt when he gets BTFO for it
>"e-end yourself SJW"

>self identifying

Do you have an actual couunterargument or are you going to admit you were BTFO?

I have no argument for a detergent slav that "self identifies" as white. I only have disdain,

>I have no argument
Glad you actually admitted it and made this easy. Bye idiot!

>he never watched black mirror
You will bee glad you watched it ;-)

>Thankfully I don't live in a country where any retard can walk into a grocery store and walk out with an assault rifle and enough bullets and clips to kill half the population of LA.

FYI all your bullshit existed ten years ago as well.

Morons will still bring a handgun to school, and quite frankly to quote Louie CK's 2017 skit, "You make the choice to keep going every day by not killing yourself. If you killed yourself ISIS would have nothing to do."

Rc shit has exited for decades and there's never been any serious of it for terrorist purposes.
People underestimate the brainpower of most terrorists.Most sandniggers and rednecks are borderline retarded.
Isis was trained by cia and jews and they are richer than any other terrorist organization.

how come terrorists arent using remote controlled drones equipped with explosives yet?

wtf i love savage salafist terrorists now

Well they are now

>one tiny quadcopter drops a tiny pice of a bomb outside your room as you sleep
>goes back to base and gets another piece
>and another
>suddenly 5kg of C4 blows up your whole family

The technology is here, bro.

>94 percent efficient

Why would a car be designed to break in an emergency? If it were to brake first, the car-breaking incident could be avoided.

Yeah, more like 98% for shitty ones

What is Europid ancestry White people is a blanket term for several races that all share the same or similar traits.

>Terrorists hacking AI
Your delusions are colossal

Knightmares when?