Feels like fucking garbage because I haven't installed my nvidya driver yet. The softness of the screen makes me feel like I'm going fucking blind.

Well what the fuck are you waiting for?

where's the rest of the play by play? are you installing the drivers now? going to bed? what's for breakfast tomorrow? staying home from school to avoid the math test? any fun plans for the weekend?

please keep us updated OP

I know it's a shitpost but I'll take the bait anyways.

Flux, steam, lightshot, and dropbox are what I'm downloading now.

I have to find an alternative for Rainmeter, as well as grab CCleaner, maybe a pro-pirated version.

Next to those I'm also trying to make sure I don't download the wrong window's update and destroy my "genuine" version.

I can't remember any of the other useful programs I have but, I figure if I can't remember them, I didn't use them that much.

I also need to grab the old webm converter if it's been updated or improvements have been made to the process of converting .mp4s to them.

What else, I might need to readyboost my 16g flashdrive just for shits and giggles.

use ninite my friend

and stay there, please

Have a Sup Forums meme since you spotted me.

Install ramdisk, compress filesystem, readyboost. You've literally downloaded more ram.

What did you just call me

I did some funky shit a while ago to my school laptop where I put the homestuck logo as my windows icon whenever it booted up.

Was fucking kickass, thinking about doing that again.

>RAMDisk is a program that takes a portion of your system memory and uses it as a disk drive. The more RAM your computer has, the larger the RAMDisk you can create.

Sounds like fucking witchcraft to me

Chocolatey or nothing faggot

These programs are just packages?

Huh. I'll take a look. Thanks dudes.

I fuckin looked. .. :-(

Yeah it's pretty nice desu
keeps everything NEET and tidy and does the work for you. Really good choice of programs too

Ninite is run by kikes and has jack shit unless you pay for it.

Chocolatey is a proper Windows package manager with all the bells and whistles.

Install PowerShell 5, set execution policy to unrestricted and run the chocolatey install command. Now updating literally everything only requires you to type "cup all -y".

Your welcome, ninite is shit.


But, why powershell.
It's saying I can just juice this thing with cmd, unless PS is the only one that can mass update. Is that true?

PowerShell supports the scripting and other additions that cmd doesn't

It's fine, just try it.

It big and codey and it's scaring me

But I guess I'll lostboy this shit and see what happens.

>Give it unlimited power
>Run shady script

No problem user

>shitposting without valid excuse
>shitposting without any excuse

have you dicked around with this program at all?
if so provide insight.

It works like aptitude

One is installed just type
choco install adobeshockwaveplayer adobeair 7zip notepadplusplus flashplayerplugin flashplayerppapi cyberfox ungoogled-chromium powershell silverlight adobeair -y

It will install all that shit, it downloads from official sources. Add anything else you want to the command, separate packages with spaces, add -y to auto confirm so you won't get constant prompts.
Google for package names.

How do you people not know of this?

Because not everyone goes to search for a .net framework that will update all programs of your choice at once you triple checked double nigger.

Not a lot of people are going to open CMD like they know what it does, people including me.
The only difference is that I'm willing to learn.

In Linux it's called zramswap

It's just a tiny, expensive hard-drive that runs kind of fast but if your computer loses power you lose all the data on the drive.

>lose all the data on the drive

Fuuuuck you, I already did that today

You've never used a developer environment? I thought this was Sup Forums, everyone should be able to do this stuff here.

You don't get sick of the UPDATE NOW? Bullshit that Adobe and everyone pesters you with?

What if instead of having to dodge bull shit adware on their site, you could just update everything with one short command just like Linux does?
Enter chocolatey, it has just about any software you need, just Google a package name, install it with choco and it will always update with everything else when you type in cup all -y. You won't want to not have it once you've tried it.

The more I stare at Chcolatey the more I don't want to install it. The only reason why I know about this weird cup -y shit is because I was told, not because I read about it on the site.

Fucking weak, but it seems like an awesome opportunity. Hmmm. Taking my software knowledge to the next level sounds fun.

>Not a lot of people are going to open CMD like they know what it does

This is Sup Forums my friendo.

It's cup all -y
It's short for "choco upgrade all -yes" retard.

Just try it in a virtual machine if you're to pussy to try it for real, you'll feel stupid though when you see how it works.

Not him, but I didn't realise Windows had anything like chocolately and I'm pretty grateful that I came across this thread. Now I really don't see the point in using Linux though, other than difficulty finding a few specific packages.

Haven't used choco but I'm assuming that you can try it without the -y or type in "help cup" and it'll tell you something in the terminal.

Linux still has uses, it's free and does many things very well.

This just puts them on a more even playing field update wise since Windows installers are pure cancer.

Yeah I'll admit it, I never have.

I do get sick of it. Especially with CCleaner.
But, how do I become familiar with a developer environment if I don't know dick?

Jumping into this all at once doesn't seem healthy and feels self-destructive on my system.

I know this isn't therapy or a stupid question thread, but how do I familiarize myself with it and feel comfortable at the same time with this sort of thing?

You can, it will just prompt "y/n?" For every package it installs or upgrades, pointless and annoying for the most part and makes installs take longer and they can't be left unattended or they won't finish.

Yeah, but if you've never used the apt-get before it can give you a little bit of insight into what this chocolatey sauce is doing to his precious computer parts when he's not looking.

That's literally it.

Install powershell 5, reboot, set execution to unrestricted, run the command on the chocolatey website then just type choco install [any programs you want, separate with spaces] -y
That's it, do not include brackets.

I've already given you an example above, it can't be more simple, if you can type google chrome into Google then you can type choco install googlechrome -y into PowerShell.

If I've already installed flash the normie way, do I just uninstall it then reinstall with choco and put an auto-update script on my startup?

That would be the easiest thing to do.

Fucking cares

Alright then big man, I'll take the plunge.
Maybe this will be the start of something beautiful for me.

Thanks. In return for your generosity I share my most valuable picture.

Oh yea, don't forget there are two different flash players though.

The packages are flashplayerplugin and flashplayerppapi

Don't be stupid like I was and forget to enable flash in the browser for 2 hours too.

>CCleaner, maybe a pro-pirated version.


> In return for your generosity I share my most valuable picture.
> People on a tech board unironically believe in curses
Let that sink in.

After Donald Trump, I'm not chancing dick.

Trump was the opposite of a curse faggot.

I was talking more about meme magic.

Install the Ancile Script for Windows Update, get a certain update rollout package from 2015, Windows Update fix, and the 2016 'Service Pack 2'. Also do the things on the installgentoo wiki for faster boot and less RAM usage.

what the fuck is happening in this gif??

It's a spray to relieve pain from carpet/rug burn. odds are he went to kick the ball, landed on his ass, and skidded a few feet.

idk why that file name made me kek

thanks user, should have guessed as much
appreciate your explanation