> Nvidia 480
> Released in 2010
> AMD 480
> Released in 2016
HOLY SHIT, AMD is literally 7 years behind Nvidia, that's why they're cheaper and slower right?
Maybe that's the reason Ryzen only gets Haswell tier performance too.
> Nvidia 480
> Released in 2010
> AMD 480
> Released in 2016
HOLY SHIT, AMD is literally 7 years behind Nvidia, that's why they're cheaper and slower right?
Maybe that's the reason Ryzen only gets Haswell tier performance too.
Other urls found in this thread:
many shekels
such shilling
fuck off, Intel shill.
>low quality bait
nice projecting, shill
> AMD subhuman damage control
Is that all you've got?
Top memes xDDD upboated xPPP
> top AMD GPU: RX 480
> 7 year old 400 series technology
> barely gets at the level of the low-tier Nvidia cards (1050)
> Can't compete with:
> GTX 980
> GTX 980ti
> GTX 1060
> GTX 1070
> GTX 1080
> Titan XP
> GTX 1080ti
Meanwhile, Nvidia is literally finishing Volta, while AMD can't even deliver fucking Vega, TOP KEK
I have a Haslel 4770K which I run at 4.2Ghz because I have not been able to clock it much higher (probably just needs more voltage)and I don't feel the need to upgrade just yet. But boy you Intel and Nvidia fags sure are salty. Intel and Nvidia have had their fair share fucked up launches and Jewing but you are probably all too young to remember (convenient).
Just like those launches support got better over time. It's only because Intel and Nvidia refreshes are only tock increments they don't need to change much of anything to get a stable launch on a new product. That coupled with Nvidia's ageing DX11 API and devs coding mainly for that API has left everything stable but 'stale' with no real competition in the marketplace.
I find it strange how Intel/Nvidia fags would not want better and more affordable products.
You really have lost the plot.
> 1080 price drop
> 1080ti is the most powerful GPU in the world, and also the cheapest Ti ever
> Nvidia fags don't want better and more affordable products.
You don't understand how this game works do you?
Don't listen to this Ryzen shill, get Intel and don't look back.
Here is the philosophy of waitfags:
>you have 2 bottles of milk in your fridge, one is old one is new.
>drink the old one first, in the meantime the new one becomes old
>now buy a new bottle of milk, and repeat
They get cheap shitty components over and over rather than buying a new top-of-the-line component and using it for 5 years.
And they're always defending their meme component, invalidating benchmarks and, swearing the next model will btfo intel
>protip: it never has, and it never will
What did you expect from AMD subhumans?
take a look at the 1070 and 1080 founders editions, this is what nvidia does when they don't have to compete.
now take a look at 1080ti prices... oh, just straight 700$, to me it looks like nvidia is splitting the baby, they don't think vega will be that good, or get out the early editions for 700$ and milk while we can.
It's called investing in future proofing. Like the fact you won't have to buy a new motherboard when Zen+ comes out. Unlike Intel who have a new motherboard for every CPU. Also my RX480 performs as well as a GTX1060. I knew going in it would be slower initially because I know how this shit works. But enjoy your system being out of date by the following year.
everyone is a shill including me
>Also my RX480 performs as well as a GTX1060
>I knew going in it would be slower initially
top kek, so you bought something slower and more expensive and is bragging about the fact that it "performs as well"? Are you fucking retarded?
It was cheaper actually. But keep embarrassing yourself.
>muh future proofing
>muh rolling upgrades
why use inferior shit and swap it for new inferior shit every 18 months, when you can buy something that's competitive for 5 years and works for 10 years?
>yfw vega gets btfo by 1080ti
>yfw vega gets absolutely humiliated by the next model nvidia
>b-b-but on this one game vega was a little bit better
>b-b-but the next model will be even better
>This stupid bait thread will get 500+ replies.
> j-just wait for (whatever comes next to Vega)
> j-just wait f-for Ryzen 2
> j-just wait for the performance patches
>1080 already beaten by AMD and they haven't' even released Vega yet.
> AMD shills on full force right now
I thought it was night time on India right now? Time to sleep poojet, Rajat will not cook poo if you wake up late dude!
>[citation needed]
Are you a fucking retard? Can't you fucking read?
>AMD 7700k
>released in 2013
>Intel 6700k
>released in 2017
Intel is finished
>Maybe that's the reason Ryzen only gets Haswell tier performance too.
That's false though, actually OC'd Ryzen barely gets at the i7 4790K level, so maybe Ivy Bridge is more accurate.
Ryzen is literally FX 2.0
Kabylake confirmed haswell?
> Radeon Pro
100% legit bro
are those Joker's fake benchmarks? kek
>he doesn't know
>gamers nexus
Get out after trying to dispute this. Enjoy your minimums
Shill the post
> dual Radeon Pros (total: $2000)
> vs single 1080 (total: $499)
> Didn't even put 1080 on sli (because that would BTFO the shitty AMD gpus at half the price)
> 1080ti is $599 and performs better than the fastest AMD gpu on crossfire
> AMD is slower and more expensive
> can't even handle 4k at 29hz
HOLY SHIT, what an amazing GPU, almost at Intel HD level!
>he STILL doesn't know
>nicole tucker
Go figure that some normie roastie can't even use a 1080 beater
>comparing milk, who rottens, with processors, who improve with bios and microcode updates
Is Intel that desesperate about the inminent shoah they will suffer in server market that they resort to shilling video game aspects of the processor?
>Is Intel that desesperate
Yes pic related
> $799
> $100 more expensive than a 120% faster GPU (1080ti)
lmao, AMD fans are really subhumans.
> 1080ti is the most powerful GPU in the world, and also the cheapest Ti ever
yeah, so much cheaper than 560 ti and so on
So price only matters when AMD wins? Gotcha schlomo
>tfw my 720p 144hz monitor is finally relevant again
>they're almost paired in terms of performance, Ryzen perfoming slighty worse
>in multicore they obliterate the i7
My god, Apple, make a Ryzen Mac Pro, i want to Hackintosh it!
something something something bottleneck
You're forgetting the release date schlomo
>the Radeon Pro Duo, released on April, 26th, 2016
>1080 released May 27, 2016
>Nvidia is behind AMD
> 1080ti is 120% faster than AMD
> "huuur AMD is more expensive therefore it must be faster"
the state of Sup Forums
120% faster means the 1080ti is more than 2x faster than the Radeon Pro.
Consoles: 64 bit instructions in 1996
PeeCee: Still using 64bit in 2016+1
pc market btfo.
The state of Sup Forums
> 1080 is released 1 month later
> is already 2x faster
lmao, the 980ti came before the Radeon Pro and is already 1.25x faster
> is already 2x faster
>lying on Sup Forums
Are you fucking challenged? the video clearly says DUO
woo wee m8
why don't you invest all your savings and pension in processors, you'll get a nice return with the next bios upgrade
fully not expecting vega to beat the 1080ti, however amd seems to instead of focusing on more powerful on paper gpus, like increasing the shaders, they instead reworked fucking everything else. if it comes out at 33% more flops to beat nvidia equivalents, its as powerful as a 1080, if it has at least polaris efficiency, its closer to the titan xp then it is to a 1080, but if they actually got all the card saturations problems solved, or near solved, then this thing is a monster.
Thats also assuming they are only clock as good as the enterprise passively cooled version.
Looking at it, its specs, and its features, it seems like the second coming of the 7970
Meanwhile at Intel/Nvidia thread
Nice bait.
Looking to buy a GPU this month or next month. Currently on an i7-7700k using its iGPU, 16GB of RAM 3200mhz. Do you guys think there will be prices drop when VEGA hits?
I only play at 1080p but I'd like something a bit "future-proof" still so I'm not sure getting a 480 or a 1060 would be really worth my money. My monitor is getting old too so it might die and I might have to change it, if I do so I'm thinking of getting a 1080p 144hz, maybe. I'm not sure I'd be interested in 2K or 4K really since I mostly play a lot of retro or emulation games, but I do like newer FPS games (like BF1). Thoughts? What to do?
Definitely wait for Vega to hit and to see it's benchmarks.
Prices aren't going to go up and you might end up with more options
> wait for
Fine, buy now. It's not like it's right around the corner
Isn't VEGA something in between 1070-1080 power-wise? I'm guessing it's going to be quite expensive, isn't it? I don't think I'd want to spend 400€ into a GPU just for BF1.
If I'm not mistaken they'll also release the RX 500 series? April 18th it seems.
I'm not that faggot, I'm fine with waiting, especially since the Intel HD 630 can run anything I want to play at the moment (100+FPS on LoL in ultra settings, I'm still amazed). There's no urge.
1070 would be futureproof overkill for 1080p.
A 480 will be a nice rounded bet that I'd take over a 1060.
Well there's no telling what the Vega lineup will look like or what it's performance will be.
AMD COULD pull out an ace in the hole and stomp the 1080 for 100 USD less
We won't know until Vega is released.
>AMD COULD pull out an ace in the hole and stomp the 1080 for 100 USD less
I don't know what levels of self-delusion you are on to consider this a real possibility.
Sure, all your atoms could quantum teleport 100m into the air suddenly but if you start trying to tell people how it 'could' happen, you're a fucking nutter.
"Just watch me flip 40 heads in a row bro"
Anything is possible
They could fuck it up and actually revert progress on their GPUs
I'm just saying the coin flip is up in the air until we know via the release
Pretty much this. My current set up, is pretty much the same set up I have had now for... 8 years? 1st gen i7 running at 4.0ghz on water. Only upgrades I made were a graphics card, a better SSD and I had to replace the original water pump ( about 5 months ago ). I am gonna hold on to it still till next year when they get the NVMe figured out a little better, and get DDR5 done. Then, I will upgrade. Until then, this thing runs just fine for what I do.
>Next year
More like in 3
>Piledozer got BTFO
>200/300/400 series got BTFO
>Ryzen got BTFO and overall it seems that people don't want to buy AMD no matter how good it is or how many Linus like shills AMD pays off.
>Intel caught with pants down still doesn't have to drop prices, has complete control over laptop and gayming virmin markets.
>Nvidia still 2 years ahead of AMD as usual.
>Year of the AMD
>1700 while Intel is already at 7700
wow AMD is like 10 years behind, that's probably why their CPU only work with shit tier software, because it's old
This is the worst thread on Sup Forums right now.
This only proves that fags can't help but keep the jew cock in their ass. They feel empty inside without it there.
can anyone give me a quick summary on the cpu wars? i want to meme too
get NVIDIA for fuck sake you fucking retard
Are you saying you need a quick rundown?
i specifically tried to avoid writing it like that
ad hominems do not make for a good argument
nvidia has support for most games, you know when the logo comes up at the start?
most games have the nvidia logo. you have to be retarded to get AMD and make your future games incompatible
thank you for your great contribution to my knowledge
I think you meant to say "the best".
Sorry, that was the thumbnail
This one goes into detail
intel users in full buyers remorse
ayymd making ground with every update
1700 oc comparable to 7700k
gaming benchmarks are all that matter now
people that buy high end cpus only play at 720-1080p 120fps+
5ghz overclocks cost nothing
coffee delayke pushed to 2018
7 days till ryzen 5
R3/5 and rebrandeon 5XX are going to destroy the entry and midrange gaming market
Sup Forums's favorite niche, high fps gaming will still be intel all the way though, shitposting will resume as usual.
Do you even look at the images before you post them? Because that picture is showing the Ryzen cpu's in a very positive light.
pls delid dis
Only if it's kabylake
>be me 6 years ago look at the market on how many applications are using how many cores
>well mostly everything is using 1-2 strong cores but some stuff can use 4 cores pretty effectively
>people screaming muh multi cores, muh FX series 8 cores will be great in the future when they change everything
>nah, I would be a retard to ignore all the apps on the market today and expect such a dramatic change, most likely 4 cores is the sweetspot and will be for years.
I got a 2400 back then and it still serves me well today and what do you know the fucking Moar cores more threads was a meme then and even today the top cpu is 4cores 8 threads.
And I still don't plan to upgrade for another 2-3 years because the money I put into an upgrade isn't worth the performance boost yet.
But if I did upgrade I would get a 7700k since its the best now and like my old cpu choice will be great for many years to come.
Mean while in AMD land
>omg goym a socket change a year means you need to buy a new motherboard every time they make a new cpu, you need to buy a new cpu yearly!
Except if you buy something that is great now, you wouldn't need to upgrade yearly faggot. But then again when you keep buying shit products like FX and ryzen then I fully understand why you would be itching to upgrade, even when you say bought it for future proofing yourself, you constantly talk about how you will be able to buy zen+ in a year or two because muh same socket.
neagger pliz, b8 harder, the most you're getting is 3.6-3.8 4 cores and with sandy IPC, even a R5 4/ would be a big upgrade. If you were smart enough to get an oc board and turbo up that 2400, you could always put a 3770 in there and do the same.
I think it's safe to say people can start filtering this word because every time it comes up it's the same AMD fanboy shitposting desperately.
> AMD 7000 series
> Released in 2011
> Nvidia 1000 series
> Released in 2016
HOLY SHIT, Nvidia is literally 12 years behind AMD
>even a R5 4/ would be a big upgrade
>paying money more money than my original CPU to get a moderate performance boost
No thanks, if I am going to drop some dosh on an upgrade it should be a big performance boost to something like 7700k, which would last me another 5-8 years.
>paying money more money
Therein lies the problem, you don't have any.
You would've popped a Xeon 1270 in there for a measly $100 and got rid of your 2400 for whatever you could get out of it. Or an i7 3770 non K for about 50 more if you wanted to OC a little. Let's be real here, it's not cpu performance, it's financial performance keeping you on a locked sandy with so many options.
I'm poor too, it's cool. we're anonymous and all the chicks have dicks here
ill just add h to to it
>because it's old
>Novideo being the one that can't into DX12
top kek
>Therein lies the problem, you don't have any.
Source:Your ass.
Spent $175 for 2400 6 years ago.
>You would've popped a Xeon 1270 in there for a measly $100
Yeah, Xeon 1270 for $328.00-370, what was I thinking not spending twice the dosh of my original to get an upgrade + a new motherboard.
Or i7 3770 where I could spend the same money to get a 7770k right now.
Thank you my jewish friend, trully you are my greatest ally.
I have plenty of money, but I have never been brought up to be a good goy that spend his money as fast as he earns it. If there isn't a compelling reason to upgrade, such as massive performance boost, or really good deal on performance per dollar then I wont.