I finally have to switch to Windows 10, give me the straight dope Sup Forums, how bad is it?
I finally have to switch to Windows 10, give me the straight dope Sup Forums, how bad is it?
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Font rendering makes me want to kill myself every day.
Your eyes are gunna bleed, I just had to switch two months ago.
It's better than Windows 7 if you properly configure it
why do you have to switch?
windows 10 kills drives
Use WIndows 8.1 instead if you have to use Windows. Or use Linux and install Windows 8.1 in a virtual machine.
did a system wipe, reinstalled windows 7 but my product key is invalid and I dont want to get a new one from some shady site, and I can get Windows 10 for free from my university
what do u mean?
This. It's like cheese graters on your eyes. When did they make font rendering so shitty on Windows?
you mean 8.0, 8.1 has horrible input lag
Have you messed with the performance options?
enjoy botnet
OP here, I also download a lot of certain things from certain sites, I've heard W10 can track that stuff? is that true?
>I've heard W10 can track that stuff? is that true?
Every trap and goat porn you watch will be reported to Microshaft, which in turn will be reported to Google and then NSA.
joo can git linux free too
you get jobs for knowing linux, friend
plus impress your teachers
yeah but no programs work with linux and its a buggy piece of shit
Dazloader, m8
Best guides for removing the botnets?
Like a terminal illness.
how do i find one that isnt riddled with malware though
It's horrible. Start menu is bugged, so is the search tab represented by magnifier. Even trivial things like clicking the volume icon is broken, because most of times it has no effect and then 10 minutes later it opens volume slider which you can't close.. simplest things are broken in this piece of shit system. Microsoft didn't release anything reliable since years and windows 10 is pure shit. I don't know about font rendering and other crap, but in windows 10 even task manager hangs itself if you press close button.. everything is broken, doesn't work at all or works just barely. I'm forced to use this shit though..
MacType pham. It's being worked on again because Win10 is so fucking bad.
take an hour to go through the settings and turn off all the detection, turn off cortana, and uninstall programs you don't need. afterwards it's pretty nice.
I have W10 and it works fine. Maybe the problem is your computer.
If you search dazloader on google, there should be a reddit post that'll lead you to it, it's the one I use anyway.
Not him, but I had to completely reinstall that bitch 3 times in order for the fucking "App store" to stop corrupting itself. Shit's broke, yo.
It's better at detecting and installing printer drivers than 7. It still won't succ me off though.
what are the specs of your computer?
I keep win10 quarantined on a separate 1tb HDD not listed here
>fresh install of Windows 10
>spend a bunch of time configuring it so it's a half step above being absolutely useless garbage
>need to uninstall a dozen garbage apps that come pre-installed for some reason
>oh now it's downloading a big update
>reboot PC
>Candy Crush Saga and a couple other shitty mobile games installed without asking for permission
This is on Windows 10 Pro. As in "Professional". MS is pushing shovelware mobile bullshit on a "Professional" operating system.
I have no doubt that after the next big update, I'll have to uninstall that shit again.
Read through MyDigitalLife forum's stickies.
It's pretty good, come on over friend!
>windows 8 comes out
>big uproar, nothing changed other than start menu
>windows 10 comes out
>wow it's so nice, and it's free! XDD
It's pretty good. Just make sure you use LTSB.
I've never had any of the problems you mentioned.
It just works if you don't give shit on botnetmeme (use enterprise and local account)
How ever open gl not working on PS (T420) it's fucking annoying when i drawing shit on PS
And lot of cozy soundeffects are gone
>windows 7 with ios pasted on top
no thanks lol
It's not bad, I love it. Muh botnet fuck off. None of you fags do anything that's illegal. Maybe download shit, stop being a poorfag and buy the product.
>Best guides for removing the botnets?
No such things, the best you can hope for is turning off shit you see, but you will still be tracked all the same, it's just it wont be displayed to you.
Dont forget to set to Developer Mode and get Bash/Ubuntu running.
Former MS Engineer on how MS fucks you over.
Here's what windows 10 will send back to microsoft
archive link:
And this is only the shit they were willing to show after being forced to
its bad.
i had to help my dad tranfer his data from his busted iphone 4 to my old iphone 4s on his new hp pavilion with win10
had to install a new driver hidden in commonfiles/mobilesupport and fuck around some more
>literally the one of the most popular phones on the planet
>windows 10 fucked it up
usual apple shit aside... i literally couldnt fucking believe it. Bravo M$ !
If your Uni is anything like mine you can get Windows Server 2016 for free as well, which is bascially a far better version of Windows 10.
Run it virtually in windows 7 and disconnect the eithernet from it.
there were bugs in early upgrade installs, backup and go to recovery>reset this pc. fresh install working fine for me.
uninstall microsoft app installer.
Do this
go into privacy>background apps and turn all that shit off.
go into personalize>lock screen and turn all that shit off
open defender and turn everything of except real time protection.
something with updates and other pc, turn all that shit off
cortana, turn all that shit off
you can disable live tiles in start by right clicking them.
finally got this pos to leave me alone long enough to run a few benchmarks. have to check for updates and then open TM before every run to make sure it's not leeching 10% plus in background bullshit I can't fully disable.
On an older board and none of the drivers work on 10, had to use intel chipset update utility then go through dm and right click everything>update
It's not bad now that's it's working as best I can get it with out reg edits or other fuckery. But I think I'm gonna clone it to a spare hdd and just buy 7 off ebay for $30-40, if you're before haswell it's not as compatible it seems.
had to manually move every sub folder in users because you cant move the user folder in 10, now I have 2 control panels and 2 user folders, whoo. twice as good.
OP here, thanks to the guys who suggested dazloader, I installed it and can keep using windows 7, cheers anons!
Did they never fix that? Ultimate cowboys.
So far only had W10 on a pos Medion Akoya celeron 4gb...
...and it works flawlessly.
And? Is there supposed to be a double standard or something in that?
There are many little annoyances, but most can be fixed easily if you do some research.
The bigger problem is the fact that it's a very buggy OS and it looks like it will stay that way, with regular big updates and all.
Also the UI in general is unfinished.
Unless some serious competition comes (Google/Android?) Windows 10 will continue to look like a beta release for a long time.
use this OP, it's safe
Pirate LTSB
this is b8
the volume slider issue is probably your hardware, i have had issues like that before which were caused by my Logitech G930's freezing the audio driver/audio service. If you just upgraded from win7 rather than installing thats probably the reason for that other shit. Just reinstall man, desu i don't know how the fuck people can be on this board and still have autism when it comes to using computers and not fucking them to the point that their os is broken. Literally i have never in my life had issues with computers, its not hard goys.
Don't worry, your data is safe in NSA's database.
If you are switching from another version of windows you can experience the best version of windows and you were dumb for not taking the free upgrade
If you are switching from linux or mac osx you are really wasting your time
May I call them for a backup?
not at all. it's great.
nice meme. gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8
It's so bad it made me retroactively hate 7, so I switched back to Vista
Dude you fucked something up real bad. I have 10 on 4 machines and none of them have those problems.
Microsoft just released a detailed list of data collected at the Full (highest) telemetry level.
This is the default setting but you are offered to change it during installation on a dedicated privacy page and it's in no way hidden.
There is also a page which lists all Basic level events but it's a bit harder to read.
It seems to mostly consist of detailed device specs and configuration, update status, driver information, and simple crash reports.
For those who want to limit telemetry (Security level) and disable other potentially invasive features, the following page has been updated for Creators update.
are you able to do this?
Sounds more like an Apple problem, they force you to use that shitty excuse of a program known as iTunes to do shit with your phone on a PC