Antergos or Manjaro?

Antergos or Manjaro?




It really just werks.

Why not plain arch ?

just use revenge installer and you can have plain arch but with a graphical install

Manjaro > Apricity > Chakra > Antergos > Arch

Why do the normies hate arch? :P

>Manjaro > Arch
top kek

I love Arch but if you are a faggot anyway install opensuse tumbleweed. Its at least better than those understaffed installscript distros.

But muh AUR

ROSA Linux

Install Arch Linux. What, you too much of a fucking pussy? I get work done and have the ability to install and use Arch. There is no excuse. Enjoy your gimped, Arch-like, Frankenstein operating system while I enjoy my fresh, pure Arch install. I guess there are reasons for Antergos and Manjaro. Yeah, to separate the men from the boys.

If you're too retarded to install arch properly just use ubuntu

these tryhard distros are embarassing

Antergos is literally arch with a pretty installer and some
themes(it will save you about a few hours if your new).
There are memes that arch is for pro's or neckbeards
but its just nice to have packages close to the version
the creators intended them to be at.
But Antergos isn't worth it for all, you may feel less secure
in your abilities as a man/nerd and will prefer
not to show others your sweet setup with screenfetch open.


>using Wifi
Please, do not use Wifi with Arch Linux. You taint the brotherhood.

Manjaro. I would use Arch but I literally can't afford a MOM PACMAN BROKE XORG situation on my computer, and Manjaro is less prone to that.

If you believe that then I'm sorry you fell for it.

this or arch-anywhere

Arch. Never use a meme fork. They all fucking suck.