In a complete random order, OP pic is Screenshot 1.
I don't speak Japanese but was interested how all these browsers handle all kinds of text. I also don't have access to macOS so would appreciate the screenshot of the same page in Safari and/or Chrome/FF running on macOS.
Now take a look at all of them and tell me which is the best looking one. And vote.
I'll reveal the key later on and then you'll be able to see which OS/browser suits you the best.
Anyway, post YOUR font rendering of the same page.
Ethan Rodriguez
>To my surprise, all of them render fonts quite differently... even on the same OS! This is infuriating at the very least, shit is broken everywhere It's really nice that this is a blind challenge, great thing OP
Jaxson Peterson
>This is infuriating at the very least, shit is broken everywhere I was quite shocked. Same OS, same fonts, yet totally different font rendering of all browsers. I have no idea why. GNU/Linux or Windows.. it was the same type of difference.
>It's really nice that this is a blind challenge, great thing OP Thanks! We've had a bunch of font rendering threads here in the past and it was always just a bunch of dick-waving without any objectivity. Maybe this will make people think.
Feel free to post your browser's rendering of it... but make the width approximately similar to these screenshots.
Bentley Powell
>post YOUR font rendering of the same page
Christopher Scott
browser? OS? japanese fonts installed?
Hudson Ward
>approximately similar to these screenshots any reason why? is it to eliminate variables?
If so, do I just resize the browser windows?
Thomas Ward
>any reason why? is it to eliminate variables? So you can easily compare them when you use your favorite image viewer that can easily switch between images in the same folder... you know, up/down/left/right arrows or something like that.
>If so, do I just resize the browser windows? Yes. And save it as PNG, not jpeg because JPEG introduces artifacts.
Samuel Hughes
Vivaldi, Windows 7, default fonts
Angel Williams
Isaiah Howard
>people voting 3 over 4 despite pic related
Asher Harris
4 seems to be the best idk if I have font autism though
but 3 was looking good 4 slightly better it seems
anything other than 3 or 4 is not that great though
Xavier Perry
Someone with windows 10 test the same.
Hudson Cooper
Could you please install WhatFont and click on the text in these areas of the image...
does anyone hare read/write Japanese? what font rendering do Japanese readers prefer? I know some of these look "bitmapped" but maybe that's what Japanese prefer? I have no idea.
Jace Collins
I'm on Windows 10, this is using Chromium
Does the screen's PPI have an effect too? I'm using a VAIO Pro 11, 199 PPI.
Jace White
Meiryo. On my Server 2016 rig it defaults to sans-serif.
Ethan Clark
Blake Jones
Fascinating! So glad I asked you to do that. Any idea where you got this font from? I doesn't come with Windows 10 as far as I could tell.
When I tested Win10, this is the font Chromium used.
Another very different font rendering! Your PPI looks 96 to me.
Blake Walker
Andrew Sanchez
Chrome on macOS
Ryder Martin
user show me how you got screenshot 4 and 3 please
Ayden Edwards
Julian Mitchell
I'm not sure if it shipped with Windows 7. The copyright says Microsoft, so possibly Visual Studio or some SDK? I don't remember having seen the old "Install files for East Asian languages" box since Longhorn, so that can't be it. I uploaded the font in case anyone wants it:!uUR12T7B!J863XiLNGLlCmXHZbzq9ud7rhOWcMsfhqJajhy9W_OU
>user show me how you got screenshot 4 and 3 please Here is the answer key user.
Anthony Butler
fuck im on windows best font rendering ive gotten has been mactype + decency.english, anyone recommend something different?
Ayden Gray
They look identical and both look just great!
user, could you install WhatFont for Chrome (this link ) and click on the same parts of text as in the image in that post so we can see what fonts Apple/Chrome selects for that japanese text.
Thanks so much!
Thank you user! Will give it a try,
Nathaniel Lopez
user, I think nice Linux rendering is due to Apple fonts that I have installed.
Can you download Apple fonts from somewhere? These are the fonts that Amazon, and all other Japanese sites that I've looked at, prefer:
Hiragino Sans GB W3.otf Hiragino Sans GB W6.otf ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3.otf ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6.otf ヒラギノ角ゴ Std W8.otf ヒラギノ角ゴ StdN W8.otf ヒラギノ丸ゴ Pro W4.otf ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4.otf ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4.ttc ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3.otf ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W6.otf
googling for them might be an easy way to install them...
Isaac Anderson
On all 4 areas it's using the same font with different sizes.
Eli Sullivan
Meant to respond to
Blake Ramirez
Thanks user! Screenshot 3 is from Chrome for Linux and I have all Apple fonts from 10.12. Notice how all the large point fonts are exactly the same as yours from Chrome for macOS but all the smaller sizes are not anti-aliased. I wonder why that is...
Nathan Hernandez
What is the best way to smoothen fonts on Firefox on Windows 10?
Dylan Hernandez
Tried enabling Cleartype? There's also mactype for Windows that yields better results...
Michael Watson
I have MacType but it doesn't seem to be affecting Firefox at all.
Isaac Ramirez
arch chromium noto fonts
Aaron Miller
Weird. Is there any explanation from MacType why that is?
Adam Jackson
HiDPI? Everything looks good on HiDPI ;). It's impossible to compare that to screenshots in these pics.
Can you try disabling HiDPI/scaling and then taking a screenshot? Thanks user!
Andrew Bennett
Same but firefox
John Flores
Here's mine: Win7 and Firefox, and I don't know shit about fonts or font rendering.
Dylan Hall
>everything not everything but fair enough this is with chromium set to ignore my scaling with --force-device-scale-factor=1
Chase Phillips
That looks a lot easier to compare. Thanks user. One thing I notice right off the bat is that Noto is not metric compatible with japanese fonts that this page expects. Notice how dissimilar font sizes are.
Nathaniel Howard
>Win7 and Firefox Win7 looks a quite a bit different from Win10 and Firefox Developer (Screenshot 2)
Daniel Morgan
>hidpi os/browser?
Lincoln Gomez
can't say I like any of them
Gabriel Butler
Details? Looks good... OS/Browser/font...
John Perez
Font rendering is extremely inconsistent across libs and platforms. Its a great source of frustration if you want things to look good everywhere.
Kevin Wilson
linux/palemoon I force most jp font rules to redirect to MeiryoKe_Gothic/PGothic. the latin text is Liberation Sans (altough it should be Open Sans. thanks to this test I noticed Arial wasn't redirecting to it)
(sadly) you really have to write your own font config on linux if you want good font rendering, because "good" is subjective when it comes to how fonts are displayed.
Jose Hill
can you dump your fonts.conf onto pastebin or something?
William Martin
Daniel Russell
Chrome on ChromeOS. I can't do any better on the resolution.
Camden Mitchell I have no memory of what /etc/fonts files I might have changed over the years; those might also affect my rendering. and I have no idea why pastebin decided to garble the メイリオ and MS Pゴシック strings.
my older config did a lot more fine tuning with font families, weights, per-font hintstyles and such. but libfontconfig decided to break a lot of the syntax when moving away from ~/.fonts.conf so I limit myself to good fonts and don't give a fuck what snowflake fonts sites and programs want to use.
Dylan Jones
That looks amazing user! I'll study your setup tomorrow when I get some quiet time.
Quick question... is there a way to target one specific font, with fonts.conf, and force it to anti-alias at certain font sizes? For example, that Hiragino font discussed above does not anti-alias at smaller sizes. I have no idea why. Would be cool if I could somehow force it to anti-alias. Any ideas?
Luis Hughes
Font rendering is as bad as talking about monitors since they play a factor in it too, what it looks like on your particular screen and your eyes. I used to use gdipp a while ago to blurr the text into something that worked with my bad eyes, it looked like garbage to everyone I showed it to but tome it looked perfectly readable even from a distance where the stock rendering didn't. Why use glasses like an ormal person when I can just blurr everything else.
Kevin Garcia
Hiragino 12 true
adjust font family name and pixelsize if needed. worked for me just now when I tried, alltho I forced antialiasing off for another font that antialias at small sizes and not the other way around.
indeed. "lucky" for me I'm nearsighted and not farsighted. japanese fonts add their own set of variables. natives tend to prefer the thicker fonts since you it's general shape and context that is important, while learners of the language will surely prefer sharper (and larger) glyphs so you can actually try to figure out what that kanji is.
Parker Martin
>adjust font family name and pixelsize if needed. worked for me just now when I tried, alltho I forced antialiasing off for another font that antialias at small sizes and not the other way around. THANK YOU so much user! Will give that a try later today.
Noah Butler
safari on macOS 10.12.14
Joseph Cruz
That anime was super anticlimactic. I wanted to know what was beyond the fucking wall!
Jaxon Howard
Tyler Hill
Fonts when bold are fucked. Also titlebar font is fucked for Jap.
Aaron Cook
same OS and same browser again
Eli Smith
why is that line of text below Amazon @ Kou Otani so pixelated?
Jose James
it's interesting that every browser that runs on a Mac has great rendering. I wonder why that is.
Colton Brooks
too easy >blurry and fucked up arch >pixelated and eyesore windows
Owen Davis
Yeah, but music was god-tier. This is also a great soundtrack for when you're just working on shit.
Xavier Jones
No idea, font is Roboto.
Andrew Moore
Whatever they're using for a font renderer is doing a good job. Unless you like bitmap fonts.
Gavin Edwards
Okay. Here is my screenshot. You'll never guess the browser and/or OS. Give it a try tho. Also, tell me what you think of it.
Zachary Cook
looks like windows using mactype
Grayson Bailey
Close. It's an iPad simulator running Safari. It was running on a Hackintosh on a non-retina screen. LOL! Wanted to see what it looked like.
Thomas Butler
Any idea how to improve font rendering on Ghanoo+Lewnicks
Austin Hill
Your font is chinese if the top left corner of 灰 is crossing rather than just meeting. It's just wrong.
Tyler Foster
>large ppi Isn't this cheating?
Dominic Smith
Guess my OS and browser, I haven't done anything to improve rendering
Luis Sanchez
Josiah King
ITT Reasons to purchase the new Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display.
Alexander Davis
I'll take a guess. Firefox on Linux Mint?
Eli Martinez
who the fuck still buys haibane merch jesus
Nolan Thomas
I'm guessing these are Linux screenshots. I think these look the best. Windows font rendering is too thin and doesn't look smooth, especially on smaller text.