Did Adobe finally defeat piracy?

It's been 5 months since Adobe CC 2017 was released, yet there still isn't a working crack.

Adobe also has been selectively rolling out updates to AAM to reactivate license validation on cracked CC 2015 and 2016 installs and disabling pirated copies.

Did Adobe finally defeat piracy?

>inb4 my pirated copy is still working -- updates that kill the crack are being rolled out selectively, it just hasn't been your turn yet

Other urls found in this thread:


It doesnt help kat was taken down so now everything is risky 2 download

Remember when Adobe Photoshop modified the bootloader with DRM killing all dual-boot systems?

I do.

The torrents are up on my private tracker. :p

cancelled my cc subscription, will slowly transition to open alternatives until the subscription ends in a month or so

>>inb4 my pirated copy is still working -- updates that kill the crack are being rolled out selectively, it just hasn't been your turn yet
most cracks i see usually tell you to firewall ps too

Good thing that Adobe has added literally zero value over their CS6 offerings since switching over from a software company to a rent-seeking company.


Why pirate it? Don't you value software development? Use a free alternative. If Adobe software has more value, they have the right to ask for a compensation for the work they did.

No? Use paint.net, shotcut, gimp; plenty of options to their creative suite.

if you can't afford 20$/month for photoshop I think you don't need it anyway lol


Only used in corporations now


if you're a professional you really have no excuse to not pay for this software.

if you're a student, get a student license.

if you're just learning use a free trial.

if you need similar features but cant afford use gimp instead.

there is no excuse anymore. its not even that expensive.


Not an argument

the shills are here

oh shit your a fuken haxxor dud

Everyone simply switched to the GNU is not Unix Image Manipulation Program :^)

ikr xddd thanks :3
ur cute btw

G/LIMP - limping towards being a better image manipulation program.

lol I really feel for the poorfags forced to use GIMP

u rather type the image codes directly in notepad and compile to jpg at least it won't break lolol

>you really have no excuse to not pay for this software
Shilling this hard for Adoobie

What kind of a cuck are you?

Uncracked shit has been around for ages. Diablo 3 will never be pirated.

What tracker? All I see is Photoshop.

> piracy
Nice meme pajeet, but there is no such thing as.

lol im a student but i get all of CC for free. probably included in my public uni tuition or something though.

Hi Adobe employee

Reposting from the other thread

Install trial from adobe.
Get amtemu v0.9.2 by painter
SHA-1 CAAD125358D2AE6D217 E74CFCD175AC81C43C729

Since nobody actually pays for Photoshop, this will mean one less reason to shill for Windows because
>muh Photoshop
that's their main argument.

Which tracker?

Of course diablo 3 will never be pirated, its a fucking online game where plenty of things are calculated at the server side

>will slowly transition to open alternatives
lol there aren't anything

what are you going to use, gimp?

Why is the US of A so cucked? stop using shitty private trackers

fuck off mongol scum.

Europe laughs at you

Just get a $50 Affinity license

Thats the only one thats been cracked fuck boy. The entire suite hasn't


This. If you don't need shitty video editing or 3d features, even Photoshop 7 is more than capable for memes and basic editing. Plus its light weight and still works on Windows 7.

Adobe rapes its customers more than any company not named Apple, people shouldn't feel bad about pirating

It is included in that, and you're overpaying if it's the only software you use lmao

Still yeah, that's what a student license is - free use.

>every conversation has to be platform wars

HitFilm Pro is pretty good

it's been cracked just not shared
t. dude who cracks software


Affinity (or Sketch) has been better for a while now. Vegas has always been superior.

No other software offerings from Adobe are even worth considering anyways.

They are all using the same activation method.
I actually don't have anything else from the suite because I didn't need to do any video editing in a while but I can assure you that it works using

I have cc 2017 photoshop

Actually, i agree with them. You don't need the suite if you aren't doing professional stuff. There are several good alternatives for every software.

Postan this just for your own use

CC 2015 2016 Still cracked and still working SO NO Adobe is still loosing

Yep, still driving my (legal, Academic copy) CS6 Master Collection. I was bummed when they announced the switch to Subscription because I thought it would kill innovation. Sure enough, it has.

Only drawback to CS6 is that Quicktime on Windows is a little sketchy these days. Wish there was an alternative that worked with Adobe.

GIMP doesn't have this problem.

I value software development. Adobe hasn't done any since 2012.

Can it draw circles?

what's relevant in cc2017

did they fix AE yet, or is 2014 still the newest usable version?

Sure I do. I buy a $2000 master collection license thats good in perpetuity. Want more money? Do something to convince me I need it.

CS6 works just fine for me.

I wish they had everything else cracked but I'm fine with what I have now when the whole 2017 is cracked I'll update. I'm like you I use Photoshop and IL the most. Everything else is just to say I have it. I do like messing with Ae and Pr

Still works for me

Yes. Select circle > grow by x pixels > fill with color

that's nice, now if only the site would use any other functional language besides this gypsy cucked word diarrhea that would be great. (European here)


CC 2015 works its what I have


I don't even understand what the big deal is, I got it working immediately when I felt like it's time to ditch CC 2015 back in January. The only reason why I haven't done the same with Photoshop is because I couldn't find a direct link to its offline installer at the time.


I didn't try it myself but maybe this custom thing works for everything.

audio scrubbing is horrid. Maybe they fixed that somewhere along the line but it never made it to the torrents.

Remember when wordperfect loaded the FAT into memory and only wrote it back when the program successfully terminated, so a crash for any reason whatsoever left the machine unbootable?

I do.

/Wordstar FTW

I have two different cracks for 2017 CC

Dubs and I'll upload both.

Looks like it

Meanwhile Krita keeps getting better

Not an argument

Student licenses for Adobe are retarded.
They should copy Autodesk and give everyone ``educational'' copies to lock them into the Photoshop ecosystem

GIMP and Blender are both free of charge and capable of covering all of user's still/moving picture needs

>private tracker

does something count as a private tracker when even the neighbour Pistike has an account?

Blender is pretty good thought

Back when they were still selling boxed copies, here in Australia we could catch a flight to LA, buy a copy of the full Adobe Suite, fly back and still be ahead versus buying it locally.

There was even an investigation into whether Adobe was tearing our assholes apart but it never went anywhere.

If that isn't motivation to pirate it I don't know what is

>Still using CS3, zero fucks given

Adobe's interfaces went to complete shit after CS3 anyway.

gimp is trash. blender may as well be the standard because its that good.

gimp would cover all my needs if the UI wasnt so retarded that I have to google solution for every trivial task. i spend more time fighting the interface than actually doing the task.

5 months? Give it a bit more time. With good anti-piracy measures, it can take pirates a bit longer to come up with a workaround. People will find a way around it though. If nothing else, because hackers enjoy finding ways around others' false sense of security.

Typical moron tripfag who doesn't know that its already cracked and believe op statements without even checking its validity

Adobe created flash, so they deserve any bad thing that happens to them until the end of time.

Did you not use UAP or something you mong? Did you block and disable the update service, and rename the files? Cmon...


Not an argument

>Adobe also has been selectively rolling out updates to AAM to reactivate license validation on cracked CC 2015 and 2016 installs and disabling pirated copies.
So don't update your pirated copies?

>Calling out morons need arguments

I didn't even have to torrent to get a full working copy of the CS6 master collection, it's just not worth it to switch to CC

that can be said for any piece of software one's not 100% familiar with
I haven't come across a task I couldn't successfully tackle using gimp thus far

You are a stupid fucking nigger faggot Adobe shill there Pajeet. Kill yourself now. Cracks for the very latest CC2017 apps are abundant and work just fine. Look for painter701 on twitter and there you go. Fucktards,

Stop being a jew and pay for software.

hmmm, doubt it. Earthquake letters and do a webm

As a non-commercial user the prices they ask for somethings are ridiculous.

The photographers bundle is great, you get Lightroom and Photoshop for like $10 a month. But if you want to add something like Premiere Pro it's an additional $20 a month.
For someone who is not doing this to make money it starts becoming a significant investment to purchase these additional packages.
And if you want to add a fourth application then it starts to make more sense just to buy everything for $58 a month.

I mostly just wish that every application was like $5 a month. Getting everything for $58 would still be cheaper, but this difference between photographers bundle and individual application price is just stupid.

You're not a professional since you've cancelled a personal Adobe CC subscription and are willing to use something else

So why not just use an older version of the creative suite? Not like editing memes requires bleeding edge software.

>adobe software

I have the 2017 suite somewhere laying and it's basically everything on 1337x, I worked with it for a whole week and I uninstalled it cause now it's a bloated piece of shit with little to none added functionality (kinda reminds me of w10), the crack works, the software doesn't.

I'll keep using the 2015 suite, used to it, everything works fine and I keep it behind a firewall with no updates so there isn't much adobe can do

is the 2015 or 2016 version of adobe software better? I found a crack for 2017 but anons are saying it is crap.

>anons are saying it is crap.
Here, take an idea, why don't you just try the crack for 2017 and try it for yourself instead of taking someone else opinion for granted?

Thanks, Downloaded!

piracy has come to the end of the line.