How would a 747 fly into reinforced steel?

How would a 747 fly into reinforced steel?

It wouldn't.


It would be extremely painful.

>aluminum vs rebar + steel core

You're a big guy

Very carefully.

>failing to account for the "a" in "F=m*a"

cancer pls go

I uses something called lift user, the pressure under the wings of the plane is higher than the pressure over the wings, forcing the plane up.

This coupled with jet engines allows the plane to fly at incredible speeds.

You probably meant to post this one.

For you

is this a new unclassified pic from the fbi ?

yes, it would
nice formula buddy
funny dark night rises meme reference
not a cancer
physical teacher
maybe, I'm not him
no buddy

posted from my P9 lite.

I tried so hard to get attention and no one replied. Time to go back to /r9k/ with my autism.

Go away /x/

I wouldn't because steel can't be molten by the fuel.

Like 911

>P9 lite
chink botnet

It obviously wouldn't.

9/11 happened in 2001.

It's 2017.

Some people still haven't figured out it was an inside job. It's really quite laughable.

>yes, it would


Please stop. Hell, if the airplane was slowing down near the end, a is negative. Acceleration is not what you're looking for here.

is correct. What we're looking for is momentum, not force.

addendum: directional unit vectors are implied

>if the airplane was slowing down near the end, a is negative
'a' is deceleration on impact you retard

Kinetic energy and momentum are not the same thing friend

And this "addendum" outs you as a first year engineering student who mixed up his formulas

> this autistic

obviously it can be done in terms of both you hmong

He's hopeless, he said unit vectors are implied in a scalar equation

>tfw you accidentally out yourself as an idiot