>Be a good goy an sell your amd stock
>Goldman Sachs
>company is doing well with their new product
>(((bank))) which produces nothing talks shit about company
>company suffers
It's been out a monthuge and they're not even revising it that much. Lol. They're correcting it to 11 dollars so they can buy more cheaper.
We haven't even seen Naples amd snowy owl sales or partnerships yet.
>bank then puts more money into AMD
Wew, maximum Jew.
oy vey
>business known to manipulate markets downgrades rating of a another business they just purchased $613 million worth of stock from right before said business' earnings report which is expected to beat previous reports by a significant margin
AMD is surely finished for real this time guys. There's no way Goldman Sachs is gaming the system for their or their clients gain.
No sir, no Jewish tricks going on here.
(((Goldman Sachs))) did this to buy huge bulk AMD stock so they can maximize profit off the rally.
>It also released Vega, a graphics processing unit that competes with Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card.
go find a news article about something that you're very well versed in. pay attention and take note of how the writer is a clueless retard. now, can you truly expect them not to be retarded in any other field?
no they did it because they shorted a bunch of amd stock and needed to artificially tank the stock to avoid losing money
Time to buy AMD
Not quite yet.
The clueless idiots who breath goldman are probably going to dump, prices may drop a little due to newbie panic too, hold off a day or two if you're going to buy.
Wait for the drop to 11.
Goldman Sachs bought a huge package of AMD stock just a few weeks ago. Their actions say more than their words.
>stock prices fall after someone states the obvious
People are retards.
>trusting what ((they)) say about one of ((Intel')) competitors
>sachs intentionally trying to push the stock price down in order to buy a million and make a billion
kek, see you all after it rallys back to 15$ next week.
Literally Sachs will change their tune when the financials come out and show AMD doing obscenely strongly. Their claims would be better served putting Nvidia's stock in its place. Vastly more overinflated.
Well from shity 4 dollars to 13 dollars in year that's quite achievement, but it won't suffice.
This entire thread is so Jewish, a dreidel just fell out of my drive bay.