I just tried Gnome to mentally prepare for a switch from Unity. Oh. My. God. it's so bad...

I just tried Gnome to mentally prepare for a switch from Unity. Oh. My. God. it's so bad, every application that wasn't created with their ugly CSD (and people complained about Ubuntu's NIH, yeah lets make an ugly ass window theme that only works well in Gnome Shell) looks like shit on it and takes away vertical space for nothing. Also, half the extensions don't work etc

I try KDE now and if this is not any better, Linux on Desktop is dead to me.

Other urls found in this thread:


tablet DE

>Linux on Desktop is dead to me
Do you want us to talk you out of something or something

Nice blog faggot.

I'll admit unity is less shit than gnome but they're both shit anyway

install MATE or KDE and shut up

lso nice blog post faggot

I can't be the only one who thinks that Gnome is just bad

No your not, but i'm not shit posting about it, i'm doing something about it.

You see that search bar? You're supposed to use that for your daily usage. Not manually scroll through all the applications.

Good, go back to your shitty tablet and stop trying to force us to use your gimped playskool bullshit.

not OP but what?
he's upset about gimped playskool bullshit.

Try Budgie

i'm gonna try ubuntu gnome in a vm on the weekend and i know i'm going to to be disappointed, might have to cave and become a macfag

> ctrl + f
> no cinnamon

why does this shit keep happening ?

i have been comfy for 5 years

I agree.

The top bar is Unity is so cash. Saves vertical space and supports tray icons for many applications. Super + # also allows easy switching between your applications.

I'm just going to switch to kubuntu once 18.04 releases.

Kde is not better, it's just different. I use both, btw, each one has its own advantages.
For gnome it will be, i say, stability and customizablity (yeah, really. It supposed to be kde advantage, but current plasma is not even close to ability to change look and behavior of every single element using simple css).
For kde it will be flexibility and options. Gazillions of options you can change all about window manipulation. Transactions, opacity, buttons, global menu, placing. Kde is fucking powerful when it comes to that.
But modern plasma is pretty unstable so expect glitches.
Plasma 5.9 has it's own "global menu" plasmoid tho.

Wow. Sup Forums is just incredible. I remember a few months ago everyone hated Ubuntu and the Unity Desktop Environment. Everyone. There were so few people who actually liked it in any capacity whatsoever. I remember this one chap saying something along the lines of "Unity is good while you wait for [preferred DE] to install." When will you tards stop switching sides?

Sup Forums is so contrarian that it suddenly loves a desktop environment that it has traditionally hated.

>Plasma 5.9 has it's own "global menu" plasmoid tho.
Couldn't find this from a quick search. Can you link what you're talking about?

It's almost as if Sup Forums isn't one person

really makes you think

Daily reminder that Uubuntu is a thing:

>dead to me.
You have to be alive to die.
Canonical realize how retarded the linux desktop community really is, they choose to stop everything and let streetshitters at RedToTheHat doing the shitty job as they're used to live in unhelthy areas.

and this is why i use KDE in suse, not gnome

it seems like noone uses or likes unity because those who bitch about it are very loud whereas those who use and like unity are the silent majority

Unity is shit because it is gnome on steroids.



Nah, Dustin (whatever his last name is) put out a open discussion about Ubuntu and what it's users would most like to see changed.
I was a bit shocked that Canonical actually listened.

I don't especially like Gnome but I cannot believe anyone would prefer KDE over it. KDE is a stinking pile of horseshit.

Also, anyone who disagrees can go right back to their hobbyist distro and can suck their own mouldy chode.

Wait why is that bad? I have unity configured as pic related anyways. Looks like I can do the same in KDE as long as the menu items don't have to be hidden behind the triple bar icon.

Honestly, these days I prefer using Unity to G3 if those are the only two choices.

Just use xfce you damn casuals, no one needs your bloat

I did the same, OP. What a piece of shit. I guess this will be the end of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu's predicted Unity flavor will be something like the app people install on their Windows 8 to get the start button back.

Some people will install it, the people who don't will have to learn the unproductive new thing introduced by their OS.

Some will hate the new thing and look for the alternatives, and switch to another OS.

Some of those switched will remember why they switched to Ubuntu years ago.

Some of those reasons were Windows 8's lack of Start button and Windows 10's lack of privacy.

The cycle will continue for forever.

>that font rendering

it's ass ugly.

What do you even mean?
That's like, you're opinion man

You should look into bitmap fonts. Literally pixel-perfect.

Yeah, and this is your opinion, what are you trying to say exactly?

gtfo,yes gnome is bad but it's nowhere nearly as bad as unity.

Even though i hate canonical and their shitty OS so much, they did the right move, unity was cancer and probably even worse than gnome in terms of performance, specially on older machines

>just tried GNOME
>Post a generic screenshot of Fedora 18
>people ITT are taking the bait
What do you gain from this OP?

I typed this on another PC

Gnome is complete shit whereas unity is 50% shit.


There's nothing wrong with the font rendering in this pic. It is ugly though.

t. butthurt gnome dev


This is an anti-Linux shill thread being bumped by Microsoft shills.


>Linux on Desktop is dead to me.
This is how it should be. If you're sick of windows, use OSX. Run linux on your servers and ssh into them from your mac.

Step 1: press Super button
Step 2: begin typing the name of a program
Step 3: press enter
Congrats! It's literally even faster than le i3 me-me.

I'm a Mint user.
I just don't get it why Sup Forums is making such a big fuss over it.
It makes sense to ditch Unity and adopt GNOME. Nobody actually liked Unity and now they can relocate devs to more meaningful tasks and let theyr DE be developed by other people.

Gnome 2 is the best version ever, yet 3 is still not as bad as unity.

Dash is cancer(probably why it was and still is a botnet), their sidebar is aids.If it wasn't for the huge toddlers who make up the unity community and come up with few integrations for the DE it would be completely useless.

go back and suck canonical's dick, unity is worse even than fucking LXDE, and i'm not using none of the mentioned DEs as my flavour

>I can't be the only one who thinks that Gnome is just bad

Even people who are KDE men themselves know that GNOME is a superior desktop environment. The only reason why they keep going back to KDE is because of old habits.

>no taskbar

Whats it like being a dumbass?
Unity 7 is supported until 2021, you are getting ready 4 years too soon.

Cinnamon, dumbdumb

That you're a fartnugget and your opinions suck.

Gnome is really bad. But Gnome and KDE aren't the only desktops out there.

Look at Xfce or LXQt. Even LXDE can be nice, when themed correctly (e.g. in Lubuntu).

GNOME does have sone issues
>Wasting vertical space

But it's OK
>Dynamic workspaces
>Easy accessible programs (press win key and just type name)

But it's nowhere as comfy as i3wm
Long time GNOME fan btw


>didn't blacklist the software bloat patterns before updating

Boii, same shit with windows vista. Sup Forums is bunch of faggots filled with hipocrisy.

>what is vocal minority
A lot if people use Ubango with Unity, m8

Quit bitching and use cinnamon

Just run explorer.exe from Win NT 4 on wine

Kevin please

I actually find Gnome3 ok, my only complain is the weird notification bar-popup-thing that apear at the bottom left of the screen sometimes.
Unity does not do that.

Gnome 3 is a fisher-price desktop environment for babbys. It's hardly customizeable and it's complete and utter shit.

Unity is great for laptops, really saves screen real estate. I understand your frustration. You should try out Xfce, it's the only decent alternative in a world of shit DEs.

I guess it depends on what you're used to, some love GNOME and others hate it. I personally hate it, it's like they think that more than one window on your screen(s) at a time should be illegal or something.

>I try KDE now and if this is not any better
The beauty of GNU/Linux is that there are many choices beyond GNOME vs KDE. I prefer XFCE. If you don't like XFCE then there's LXQT, MATE, Fluxbox, Cinnamon and other alternatives you can try. Many of them are highly configurable.

>But modern plasma is pretty unstable so expect glitches.
Are you kidding me, is plasma _still_ not stable? I remember when KDE 4 came out and it crashed from time to time. I think I had a Phenom II CPU or something at the time, that's ages ago.


"Global Menus allow the user to have the application menu into the application itself, as a titlebar button or into a widget panel placed at the top of the screen."

It's great that the people who want .. that can figure an option to have that but I really don't see the point. Why would I want the application menu on every single window instead of just having it on the auto-hidden taskbar down in the corner?

>Just use xfce you damn casuals

>Gnome is complete shit
That's a very good point.

No, I'm not stuck using it, I have XFCE4 and plenty of other alternatives. I won't be stuck with it until it's built into systemd, which will happen - but first they've got to integrate wayland into systemd and that will take some time.

Yet ubuntu, and thus unity, was one of the most installed os.

True. It's so fucking strange, right? It almost feels like they were different people.
Crazy stuff.

Real gentoomen use KDE

>I just tried Gnome to mentally prepare for a switch from Unity. Oh. My. God. it's so bad
Maybe you should have tried harder, faggot

Get out, retard. It's Xfce. Not XFCE.

>I don't like GNOME 3 so it's shit
k man

That's how you spell i3 now, babies?

Maybe your dad should?

Yes, you are Snowflake-chan.

This desu

lmao fuck that I'd rather just know where things are, a search bar isn't an excuse for a shitty ui

They don't look bad if you look at the actual resolution.

>are many choices
Which are all shit. Especially now, when the only not shit de was discontinued.

Oh my god just use Budgie you fucking idiots.

Go to sleep, Kevin.


>there are people here who think that GNOME 3 is hard to customize
>there are people here who can't replace the GNOME dash for a application list or use the dash to dock/ panel do dock extensions
Brainlets can't even into themes and extensions such as dash to dock.
Brainlets can't even into CSS.
rofl neo Sup Forums everyone.

install EXWM

The state of Linux is a fucking catastrophe. 800 flavors of dogshit to choose from.

I hate Gnome 3 and would rather smash my pc than to install it

and less people like gnome 3

no security patches

nah it's like the same but you can use shortcuts to open programs on i3 too

That shit is a deprecated mess.

Try KDE Neon.

I haven't used Gnome 3 in a while, but it was okay if you got extensions working. I think it was actually intended to make heavy use of extensions.

The problem with that is that those extensions break every time you upgrade, so Gnome 3 is pretty much LTS distro-only.

GNOME 2 forever.


>those giant icons
bro do they even know how to desktop?

Unity is still shit, Gnome is still shit. Nothing has changed, literally everyone agrees that KDE is better.

Which is funny, because I cannot believe anyone would prefer Gnome over KDE; I think Gnome is a stinking pile of horseshit.

But seriously, different people like different things for different reasons. I don't go around trying to convince people that what they like is bad, I just leave people to use what works for them.

so many people saying gnome sucks, yet provide no evidence as to why.
>stays out of the way
>good functionality with multiple monitors and desktops
what's not to like?


It's just fucking ugly.
>but you can change settings
So can you in every other DE, they should just make the default settings not so retarded.

I just don't like the way it does things. There's no particular behaviours or features I can name off the top of my head, and I'm not about to go and install it just for the sake of an argument on the internet. And let's be honest, whatever I say about it, you're unlikely to say "yeah, it does actually suck" and stop using it. And whatever you or anyone else says about it, I'm not about to say "actually yeah, it is the best thing ever" and switch to it, for that matter.

Does Gun Jesus use KDE Neon?