Whats Apple REAL endgame here?
Whats Apple REAL endgame here?
Retaliation and reprisal for Imagination not accepting their buyout offer a year ago.
Maximum overkikery.
>Apple wanted to buy the GPU portion of IMG and nothing else.
>IMG demanded all or nothing.
>Apple walks away from negotiations.
>1 year later
>Apple tells IMG they won't need them in 15 months because they had a team in Orlando quietly developing their own GPU tech.
Before some faggot comes in and claims its a ploy to force the price down so Apple can buy IMG for cheaps, that would be fraud. Apple has to buy IMG at the share price before the announcement.
I was going to make a thread about this. This is indeed very interesting. Apple determining they don't need PowerVRs anymore. It would be very underhanded and Jewish of them to do this so their price tanks and they buy it up.
>that would be fraud
only poor people are charged for fraud.
Thats gangster as fuck.
Better GPUs. They got sick of Imagination Tech's garbage and decided to do something about it. There's really no other choice for them in mobile.
AMD and Nvidia don't license GPUs. So it was either to continue paying for shit or make their own. If they replicate what they've done with thier CPUs, everyone else will be fucked.
i think they've had their own design for a mobile gpu for awhile now it's just they didn't have anyone to fab it for them so they still used PowerVR as a temp solution pretty much.
Finally apple has the balls to do something.
retarded enough to only have one large contract
>being this stupid
Apple would be inundated with lawsuits from every IMG shareholder, some of which are very large investment firms with their own armies of lawyers.
Between getting slapped in the wrist with a fine by the British govt and settlement payouts to all shareholders, the cost of all that shit would very likely be more than what they offered IMG for a buyout.
When acting macho goes wrong.
so what is apple going to replace imagination gpu with?
if they make their own, they will just get sued
>they will just get sued
So you know more than Apple, engineers and their army of lawyers?
Stop parroting what you read on the verge.
Since Apple is so good at making their own CPUs for iPhones/iPads, how long until they buy a company like VIA and start making their own x86 processors for Macs?
if it was so easy to make gpus without getting sued, you'd think intel would license nvidia patents?
>x86 processors
Apple will focus on mobile, just watch how deprecated all their desktop tech is.
Apple has to bring parts of their IP in-house or they are done. There's only so many ways to re-patent a rectangle with rounded corners, Samsung now extorting for OLEDS, software is pajeeted everything else is stagnant. A hiring exercise is a hiring exercise and done in time saves startup flipper premium.
AMD and NVIDIA license IP though. nvidia licenses gpu tech to intel for their igpus. So apple may pair with one of them in order to kickstart their efforts.
>Applel kills a company during their own shareholder meeting
Pretty scary stuff actually.
Oh well, at least we can expect massive GPU improvements in 1-2 years.
I know you're right but just why would it be fraud? Apple weren't event the ones who announced the news.
Don't be silly, it's finished in the next 5 years.
Apple have seemingly got pretty cozy with AMD lately. It's possible they'll be licensing designs or IP from them.
>I know you're right but just why would it be fraud? Apple weren't event the ones who announced the news.
Maybe not fraud, but they would be rightly accused of abusing their position as a very large contract customer to force the share price down so they could then acquire the company for cheaper.
No, don't be delusional. There aren't any ARM processors that perform as well as x86 processors in a laptop or desktop. The only people using ARM servers are just doing it to show it's possible (namely, Microsoft since they ported Windows 10 to ARM). It'll take more than 5 years for ARM to catch up to x86 and offer compelling reasons for people to ditch legacy software, or at best, emulate it with a huge performance hit.
So is there some kind of "cool down" period where it'd be okay to buy them? Say after they completely stopped having a business relationship?
Because while it's not a nice move I fail so see why it should be illegal.
Sentence in pic related hints the company knew and been in damage control over this since February.
>Because while it's not a nice move I fail so see why it should be illegal.
Any company that has a single customer who dominates their profitability is in trouble.
If anything happens to the customer, they're sunk. A take-over, new tech, model change or going out of business will do it.
Also, the customer should have at least one second-source in case of trouble with the supplier.
Desktop, perhaps but A9X was already pretty close to Core M in limited benchmarks and the weakness was the GPU. Apple made bigger improvements with their CPUs from year to year than Intel and upscaling from 6W to 15/25W or even 45W from 15" Macbook doesn't sound that unbelievable.
Also no need to emulate, unlike MS, Apple isn't held down but crazy legacy support, their customers are quick to adapt new technology and many like Adobe or Autodesk are already offering ghetto versions of their software for ARM, with the initiative of having people who buy ARM macs getting the ARM version it shouldn't take too long for ports.
Afterwards Windows manufacturers will catch up. Intel demanding crazy prices should be decent enough reason for them to switch.
Sure it sounds pretty unlikely but would you guess 10 years ago that Nokia and RIM would become irrelevant while Apple created two huge markets and competes with Google there while MS started to throw their previously expensive as fuck OS on home customers for free because muh cloud?
Sounds like more of a failure on the side of Imagination by putting all eggs in one basket, specially given how it's nothing new that Applel changes their supplier often.
I'm not doubting that x86 will eventually be replaced, I'm mostly objecting to the 5 year claim. Unless something truly revolutionary happens, like silicon is replaced with a new material that enables much better performance and efficiency, but requires a new architecture for some reason, then I doubt x86 will be replaced in 5 years.
99% of non-tech business world runs on x86 and use business applications by corporations like SAP that has zero intention of switching architecture because of hipster trends in consumer electronics brands.
Hipster fedora tippers will never understand this.
this desu senpai
They also run ancient computers, so not exactly relevant for future developments.
Nobody is talking about servers.
S-should I buy some of imagination's stocks?
how do their gpus compare to nvidias or amds?
No, the company is now worthless except for its patents. They lost most of their key people to Apple, who was also their sole client.
Their best hope for the future is to get scooped up by a Chinese company for patents.
>>Applel kills a company during their own shareholder meeting
It looks like they suicided themselves, what else could Apple do? cave in and look weak?
>Chinese company for patents
>intel marketing material
kek'd. at least you attempted to remove Intel marketing logo from the bottom of the slide.
Nah, only first world countries charge people for fraud.
Time to buy shares, r-right Sup Forums?
Yes, in Apple.
Shit is going to skyrocket if they deliver good silicon.
Pretty based, specially for a super low wattage system. You cant really compare it to Nvidia or AMD though, compare it with Adreno or Intel HD.
You wanted your Brexit, you got it, Trumptards.