>year of our lord 2017
>still using a thinkpad with a shitty screen
Year of our lord 2017
That's not how it works senpai.
Nice paint skills tho.
That literally is how it works
The one in the OP looked like you just used the original pic, but I'd consider a retina display if I become richfag desu.
who gives a shit
I watch my animus with a proper tv not a laptop
I'm not the flaming homosexual in the OP
Uh you read that wrong.
I meant that in the OP pic it looked like he was just using paint and paste'd in the original picture, not that you're that canon mentally ill cat senpai.
does it really worth it to shell out so much money for that when i have an ipad?
I meant the OP is gay for liking Felix.
Can I have a genetic IPS comparison?
>replying to this thread
They're photos of the same screen. One just has scaling enabled, the other doesn't.
Oh, gomenasai
Have a cute crabbo
Just memeing, thread will get deleted for sure.
Im not homosexual, if it's cute, it's not gay
why would it get deleted, it's about screen technology
Retina isn't even high DPI anymore against other screens in the market, my monitor is 270 DPI
Still just a picture of a cartoon animal person thing. Zoophilia is not cool, user!
rms disagrees
Your UI will be too small or you'll have blurrier shit everywhere because you're using Window's awful scaling.
Windows 10 scales just fine. Not my fault you're a retard who doesn't know what they're talking about.
>Screen shown at an angle
>perfectly vertical pixels
Check for an actual comparison with actual photos
I never started. My next laptop's going to be an x61t with an SXGA+ IPS screen though
Matte displays are the objectively superior option
Glossy displays have better colors, and macbook pro 2015 displays are glossy but not very reflective.
I wish there was on OS with hi-dpi support that actually works other than macOS
>Matte displays
They literally take small glass beads and blast the shit out of plastic covering with them. It acts like a fine sandpaper and it scatters light.
Matte displays are only good if you are in the sun. For all other applications, glossy is 10x better.
Sigh, no, that's not how it's done.