Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

not a desktop

>Macbook Pro

>shit keyboard
>trackpad too big

The 2015 mbp is better.

You have jizzed on it.
You move Apple nigger.

There are none. Only beta permavirgin poorfags will claim otherwise.


How many people do you personally know still using desktops in 2017?

Not an argument.

Pajeet detected

I agree that the oversized trackpad is down to preference, but the keyboard is 100000x better on the 2015 version.

You must suck over 20 dicks to unlock it's full potential.

I personally disagree. It takes some getting used to, but it feels infinitely higher quality than the previous wobbly, plasticy prior keyboards imo. I love mine.

Someone lied to you, but have no fear as you can now stop sucking those dicks like a fag and simply enjoy your wonderful marvel of tech that is the MBP.

Its a fucking laptop.

Hideous gaymer beta permavirgin loser faggot detected

go back to your containment board, loser

What's your point? Laptops are confirmed productivity-nightmares for decades and this is not a crappy manlet keyboard and tiny high-res screen that whill make me change my mind.

>decent desktop for real work
>crappy laptop with vga port for presentation
best setup ever.

Poorfag nigger detected

literally not an argument

>Laptops are confirmed productivity-nightmares

Delusional NEET loser detected

Curious, what kind of demanding work do you do on desktops?

He's gaymer and needs his l337 graphicz

He's probably a full-blown autist NEET


Rajesh get back to the call center, you dirty shitskin

no dedicated function keys

It's perfect desu senpai. Loving every second of using mine.

You are the flaw

I can get a better fucking laptop at over half the fucking price.

It's too expensive, considering its specs.

poorfag permavirgin losers detected

bad keyboard and hueg bezels

>No function keys

Same. Ignore the poor anti-Apple shills - they're just jealous man-children

>implying it's a bad thing

>virgin loser manlet exddeeeeeeeeee
Hahhaha, no.
You must suck a lot of cock on a daily because of your love of iToddler products.

I'm a 6'2, 100kg alpha male who isn't cucked enough to spend my hard earned shekels on literal shit.

Yet you're here, making troll threads of a fucking anime imageboard. Here's your (you).

Kill yourself weaboo trash

Little too overpriced for the hardware your getting in my opinion.

I found a pic of you, faggot.

>Running outdated Skylake instead of Kaby Lake with 8K HEVC Main10 hardware decoding & VP9 10bit hardware decoding



nigger detected

virgin weaboo subhuman detected

kill yourself

That laptop appears to be running proprietary software. Are you aware of how harmful this is, OP?


permavirgin autist detected

Samefagging this hard.
You must really be a fucking loser, huh?

nigger detected

It's not pic related

>>>/Reddit/ detected.

We have this thread everyday.
Lazy attempts to flame are resulting in a lesser effect over time. Git gud or kill yourselves.

Faggot neckbeard detected

Under(s)age detected.

I'm not a reddit user, but I hate weaboo faggots like you

kill yourself

nigger detected

>hates weeaboo faggots
>posts on chinese cartoon imageboard everyday

Hate you too, buddy.

Lazy manchild detected, please git gud

Sup Forums isn't a faggy anime board

fuck off and stay in your permavirgin loser containment zone

gay faggot detected

retarded nigger detected

manchild virgin detected

Get the fuck out, manchild animu scum. Subhuman fags like you need to be gassed.

Ah yes, too bad it's site culture. Oh wait, plebbit wouldn't know anything about that.

Just buy a pass, mongoloid. Then you don't have to wait a minute between posts. Oh wait, you'll just be wasting money on a site you use to shitpost.


gay nigger detected



Please keep posting until the thread hits the bump limit. I'll gladly sit back and 'mire as the thread falls off the bottom page.

I hate flat keys

fat fuck nigger detected

gay faggot detected

Moar bb, a shitpost is a shitpost is a shitpost.

Corners are too sharp
Metal case is uncomfortable to hold/use

it's not a ThinkPad


Keyboard has short keytravel which makes typing less comfortable than on a normal keyboard. It's also louder than regular laptop keyboards.

No SD-card slot even though Macbooks are popular with photographers where SD cards are still very popular and won't be replaced anytime soon.

Proprietary storage. Can't upgrade. If your Macbook Pro breaks you can't access the data on the drive.

Soldered RAM when there are thinner devices with replacable RAM.

Reduced battery capacity. Less battery life.

15 inch model not available with physical function keys.

>Keyboard has short keytravel which makes typing less comfortable than on a normal keyboard. It's also louder than regular laptop keyboards.

This is just complete nonsense. It's not uncomfortable at all. And it's quieter.

Where do you read this shit?

I've tried it out. It's almost like typing on a flat surface. And it had a click sound that was louder than the damped sound chiclet keyboards usually make.

I don't think you've ever used an Apple laptop.

Most uncomfortable keyboard I've ever seen. Only tried it once tho so maybe I could get used to it but I seriously doubt it can beat a nice mechanical keyboard

Yeah they should put a mechanical keyboard on a laptop

>> Desktop & Documents in icloud Drive
>> two-factor authentification
>> iCloud Photos Library
>> have no iCloud storage subscription.
>> how did all that could happen ?

>> need more dongles.

The Macbook.

You don't own it, so you got an image from the internet
poorfag detected

It's not pic related


And it's beautiful.

>Unnecessarily large bezels
>Metal case makes it annoying to carry
>High price for its level of functionality
>Mushy keyboard doesn't suit well for me

No touchscreen
>don't need it on a laptop
You do when its the number one platform for developing is apps

>Based on UNIX
>No .NET
>0 games
>Literally is a meme about uptight people
>4K support is shit
>Not XP

Yeah gee I dunno can't think of anything

> implying there is only one flaw xd

> USB-C only, impractical for use with peripherals as u need shit dongle dong

> only has nvidia cudameme support no graphical rendering support, bad gaming expirence

> expensive for the components you get

> mac OS X has small percent of game market share than Windows, most of my steam games would not run so regardless of graphical support it wouldn't make much of a difference.

> no rain meter support for mac.

> Squishy cheap feeling keyboard

> Actual OS feels like a toddler fruit inspired meme

If the software side of things were fixed and OS X was dominating the game market and software market then perhaps I would fall for the hackintosh meme.

It's not an iMac.

It's not what I'm using

>Number 1
You mean only platform? Kek

This is the toddler fruit loop engrish pajeet

that room is filthy bruv
