
I'm in the middle of downloading macOS 10.12 Sierra and I'm going to try to install and run it on virtualbox to see what the fuse is all about.

What should I do on it that would impress a long time Windows user?

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learn to use a bash shell

Try to take a screenshot.

>What should I do on it that would impress a long time Windows user?
Use less than 1GB of RAM after using it for a few days.

>thinking running macOS in a virtual machine is anything compared to using a Mac

Just stop, don't even try. You'll come back to Sup Forums and make a retarded shitpost about how shit macOS is because something wouldn't work.

nothing, macOS runs like shit in a vm

Install gentoo

>What should I do on it that would impress a long time Windows user?

Sorry, there's no RGBT keyboard action so you'll probably get bored of it quickly.

Losing all your files when you move around folders.

I can't image that to be unique to OSX
I'll try that
I don't see why that would be important
Why not, I've got better than a mac pro spec with VT-x. I don't see any excuse for it not to reflect the expected performance.
I don't have that on windows...
I'll try that

Running it without the right hardware gives you like 25% of the experience. Also you'll probably going to hate it at start since it does a lot small things different than Windows and it takes a while to get used to it and even more time to appreciate how much better it is.

When I switched from Windows to OSX on MBA from 2012 first, it took me couple months, now I wouldn't want anything Windows for free.

Whats the right hardware?

A Macbook. Apple trackpad is pretty much essential due the gestures that improve your workflow A LOT once you got the hang of them. A good screen helps to show the much better font rendering too.

Then there are tons of small ass details you don't really notice until they are gone like it saving individual profiles for your headphones or all the Continuity shit if you got an iPhone.

>t. mactoddler shill

>I can't image that to be unique to OSX
it's not, but it would impress a windows user. most windows users are clueless idiots

That would impress most mactoddlers too since all they know is how to scroll up and down facebook.

I hope you're downloading a preinstalled image, because if you're going to try to create your own vm from the OEM installer without access to a Mac you're going to have a bad time.

>>What should I do on it that would impress a long time Windows user?
Try to connect a PPTP VPN

>Apple trackpad is pretty much essential due the gestures are required since OSX window management is a clusterfuck pile of shit.


Wouldn't happen if you just used full screen like a normal person.

OP here from the VM.
Took a bit to get it to a reasonable resolution 1920x1200 seems to be max

Tried taking a screenshot but I have no where to paste it so I don't know if it worked. Whats the Mac version of msprint?

command tab over to safari and then command ` to the window.
Its a clusterfuck, but its usable in some way at least.

Photoshop :^)

Bit convoluted but I did it

shift+command(windows key)+4
Then drag a clipping tool over everything and it drops it on the desktop.

I thought this thread was about impressing Windows users, not making them laugh.

You mean it's the same thing just doesn't need you to start a tool and it's somehow bad?

>macs jus werk dad!!!11 y cant u jus memory 8 simple 4-key combinations?!?! UGH!!!!!1111

Do you right click on files to copy them too?

Only when using macs since trackshit is fucking cancer for click&hold.

>having actual files on a dedicated facebook browsing machine

Yep, that did exactly as the image said. Replaced the whole folder without merging them or firm warning that the files will be deleted

Present on MacOS since 10.4

It is assumed that you know what you are doing.
If you want hand-holding go to Wndows.

iphone safari and imessage intergration

>providing you have iphone

>This is what iCucks actually believe

I thought Apple was all about being intuitive?
Put two boxes of items together and you get a sum of the items, not one box.

There is literally nothing impressive about macOS from the perspective of someone who also uses Windows.

t. art student who is forced to use Mac Studio computers that, despite having a lot of ram and processing power, are nonetheless slow and buggy.

Steve Jobs was right in 1996:
If I were running Apple, I would milk the Macintosh for all it's worth — and get busy on the next great thing. The PC wars are over. Done. Microsoft won a long time ago.

Photoshop is an adobe product, you fuckhead.

>a mactoddler has defended his special snowflake fruity toy OS

You don't even need an application to take screenshots. Shift + Command + 3

You can also select a portion of the screen with Shift + Command + 4

Press Space afterwards to select individual windows or components.

What if you want to take a screenshot of the entire screen?

see and

>Shift + Command + 3