*block your path*
*ruins your interview*
>psssh, nothing personal kid
*block your path*
is this about the distaste for whiteboard interviews?
do you guys just browse hackernews and reddit and shit on a two-week delay?
is this about the distaste for whiteboard interviews?
do you guys just browse hackernews and reddit and shit on a two-week delay?
is this about the distaste for whiteboard interviews?
do you guys just browse hackernews and reddit and shit on a two-week delay?
It's a meme mocking people who find it hard
>implying it isn't just making fun of how stupid and worthless whiteboard interviews actually are
just cause some old faggot in the 80's needed to know bubble sort on the spot, doesn't mean that you need to do it in 2017 without any external sources. Why should you invent the wheel twice?
>tfw agree with whiteboard interviews to a degree.
Being a math major without a comp sci bg, it gave me an edge when compared to other candidates. It separated me from the rest.
But I'm also biased. I'd orgasm from exams and shit. I base(d) my self worth and esteem on grades and the respect of my mentors/peers, but never myself.
You sound like a total slut desu ne senpai faggot
>Math major
Can you prove 2+2≠4?