/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• user gets a fake leather Surface Pro sleeve • user considers disputing after his batteries giving off a different capacity • user is happy with his $20 vape from Gearbest • user is surprised with the high quality of his new camera tripod and fluid head • user has his Soshine batteries show up • user's $3.50 wallet is still going strong after one month • DAILY PLANT PICTURE • user has the Fake Rolex that recently popped up on AliExpress for cheap arrive, it's a poor quality copy but user got it for free • More Chinese seeds • user has a new toy Previous thread

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0.1 daposited

Trump will make Alibaba great again

nth for Doogee

imagine getting so butthurt over a chinese brand that you have to falseflag shill it on a taiwanese knitting forum
imagine getting so butthurt over not being able to make your own threads so you have to derail the generals for months on a taiwanese knitting forum

Don't forget imagine hating /csg/ Discord in the thread then making ten thousand alts to get back into it after every ban. The /csg/ shitposter has no life.

Got some foam eartips today, but too lazy to make a photo and already did that last time I got the same thing, so, yeah...

And what proof do you have of this?

Anyone know if these chinese scope probes are any good? They're for a 60MHz scope.

Are there any earpads or other accessories for the ATH M50s?

I haven't checked the thread since the autism cube era, did I miss something?

Can anyone recommend a tablet? Preferably one that can be flashed with a third-party ROM?

you need a study or what?
not everybody is gifted with an autistic brain like me

Mi4C is old tech, it's not fair comparing it to Doogee Shoot 1

Nvidia Shield K1

How long do packages shipped with DHL usually take to arrive in Southern Europe? Malta specifically.

So what are we ordering today? I'm getting myself some linen pants for the summer.

It's still the same era, there's also autism spinners now.

I'm ordering these doodelidoo shoes to wear to my gay pedophile meetup next week. Can't wait

Specs for the upcoming Xiaomi Mi6!!!
#omfg #hype #chyna #mitulove

SD835, 5.1 FHD, 4/6GB RAM+64/128GB ROM, 8+11 MP camera, Android 7.1.1

Any recommended chink cooking knives?

Just ordered a picrelated, so hyped.
If the seller doesn't take an eternity to process the order, then it should be here in a week or so. Then I'll finally be free from my slow phone prison.

Great choice, welcome to the Xiaomi family!

need a cheap af tablet so i can read my lewd cartoons, suggestions? willing to go with a big phone so long as its really cheap

It's been 41 days since I ordered my RN3P, it arrived a few weeks ago but tracking never updated to say delivered. Just that it arrived in my country. What are my odds on winning a dispute for non-arrival?


Got me a chink autist fiddler for 1.5$. It's alright, gave it few spins and got bored.

It's in a box so I'll just gift it.

don't know about Malta specifically
but generally to Europe it's about a week


Maltanon från Sverigetråden.

*knifes, fuck

Varför DHL? Bara handla från någon med europeiskt lager (gearbest, fyndiq)
Vad ska du köpa?

Jag beställde ett tangentbord från James Donkeys officiella affär, inte särskilt snyggt tangentbord, men det kommer fungera bra för sitt syfte. Ingen annan verkar sälja just det tangentbordet. De erbjöd mig att skicka med DHL istället för sin standardmetod då det skulle gå snabbare.



All I see is +$2 ones

dct.dhl.com/input.jsp?langId=en#shipping_options säger 3 dagar

those are fake Christian Louboutin shoes that usually go for about $2k

Har gått mer än så, men vi ser vad som händer.

Fick du ingen spårningskod?

Jo, men den fungerar inte på DHLs webbsida. Men jag har inte den med mig just nu, är på jobbet.



I'll try it out when I get home, thank you!

Any recommended chink cooking knives? Should I just buy the japanese ones? Don't remember the name

Price has gone up.

kek away and then point to some smartphones that have hardware support for hdr photography
(yeah, all the phones you know that take hdr photos, are doing it by software processing)

How are they?

>go to aliexpress on firefox mobile
>"Firefox wants to permission to take photos or video"

What the fuck, am I in the botnet now? Was my Redmi 3 phoning home?

There's an aliexpress service where you can take a picture of an item you want to search for, chinks thought it's usable if burgers forgot what that item is called.

A rat ate my foam eartips.

VR BOX virtual reality goggles for $1.99 with the coupon DEALS

is this better than google cardboard ?

Hep c is better than that cardboard molestation device, fucking hell

>shipping makes it cost more than ali/gb

nice, comfy and fragile

sorry for your loss

Btw I have exactly this one, bought it for 15 bucks at bol.com at the time. It's a decent fit, but the controller is shit. Get a different one if you want to use one.

yea its +12$ for shipping fuck that.

go to your containment board you tripfagging child molester

Help me /csg/. I got the redmi 4 (snapdragon) from an official store retailer and it came with global stable. I applied for bootloader unlock. I didn't receive the confirmation SMS but I was able to download the MI unlock tool. When I log in and unlock, it says account different from device. I've tried all the forum remedies. Some say I need to be in dev rom and others say I need to wait few more days.
Do I wait or flash?

who here has picked up this £25 go pro knock off?

seems pretty decent and other cameras with the same SoC and similar sensors seem to have alright image quality even with youtube's compression.

Isn't it better to get an Eken H9 on Ali since it's only £30 and has 4k support instead of 3k? These action cams are going to get cheaper and cheaper anyway.

Buy "SJ4000 sports camera" on ebay, then request refund because it has fake specs. Same goes for Q8 2.0 tablets (aka 7" allwinner a33)

>didn't receive the confirmation SMS
what makes you think you should be able to unlock it, then?

iirc dev rom is necessary, wait for the confirmation, might take a few days, their system is shit.
also be sure you have the correct device drivers installed, on my machine windows tried to automatically find the driver but the progress bar always got stuck and never finished so I had to install the MIUI pc suite to get the drivers.

Got spill proof lids for my Ozark Trail cups

Both 20 and 30 oz versions fit perfectly and don't leak. $2 each on AliExpress

Goddamnit my Redmi 3S doesn't want to update to MIUI 8 because it thinks it's a downgrade. Still thinking about rooting instead but I'm afraid my band 2 functionality will be hurting.

That's some oddly shaped ice cubes

any good hard drive hot swap bays?

1080p60 is more than enough, and the allwinner V3 chipset in that £25 camera seems to have more support, but i'm coming from an old as shit kodak Zx5, so pretty much any of these chink cameras are an upgrade.

how does it have fake specs?

>What the fuck, am I in the botnet now?
Why else aliexpress would offer cheaper prices on mobile?

I've never seen a home automatic ice maker make better shapes

I'd be interested to see them though

What's the best chink quadcopter i could get?


do you know if they sell Baofengs on the streets of Hong Kong? A friend of mine is there and i'd ask him to buy me one

maybe in the 20-30 dollar range, but have been looking at that and the mavic.

or Macao, he's going there too

Because every time I visited the site it asked me to wait for the permission. One day, I was greeted with the download link. Weird thing, friend has a Xiaomi too and he got the confirmation SMS. He has the same problem too

Has anyone made a claim under DX's import tax insurance scheme?

remember about three weeks ago when those fake Rolex watches appeared on Ali?
I received mine today

obviously I dont own the real one so I cant compare to that but I'll say this
+ looks real enough
+ decent build quality
+ no visible scratches or faults
+ real glass, probably cheap and prone to scratches though but its not plastic
+ wristband is of decent quality
+ came with a battery

- loud ticks
- feels too light
- glass has too much of a bulge
- missing the Swiss Made text near the bottom

at $18.88 and just shy of three weeks shipping I'm satisfied, was expecting to get chinked

Horrible upscaling, says 1080p while realistically closer to 240p

Very likely, they have no evidence that it arrived.

All Rolexes feel light compared to Jap/Chink makes.

The fact that it is a Quart is a bit of turn-off.
You should have sprang for that ETA goodness

Honestly, ask him to go to Mongkok and have a feel of the place or travel to Shenzhen where shit is even cheaper

Yo vape user, you still around?

You tried smoking hash from that thing?

Wait, they have vaporizers?

Also, new stuff came in today. Finally my H265 media player's here. Also the car charger which is for the car I don't yet own.

Fucking racist

yeh, check the news, vape user liked this one


Choosing express delivery, DHL HK costs 4,48 € and is 3-7 days, DHL EU costs 14,74€ and takes 3-7 days
Can I choose DHL HK? Seems fishy that it's so cheap

Sup /csg/
Best unlocked phone under 100$? Full root capabilities and removable sd card is a must.
Being spoon-fed would be nice but a place to start looking is just as helpful. Thanks!

Go to Sham Shui Po, there's a cluster of four electronics shopping centers (Golden Shopping Centre, Golden Computer Arcade, Metro Sham Shui and the Wing Kai Building) and there's loads of stalls along Ap Liu St selling all sorts, with the stores behind them selling all sorts of other things. That said, it wont be as easy as buing it off Taobao or AliE because SSP means digging through shit and devoting at least a day inspecting all the shops and stalls. It's fun as fuck though if that's what you're into.

Mongkok is all new stuff and more expensive than Sham Shui Po. Mongkok is for tourists, though there are good shopping centers if you're into anime stuff.

How long from "United States - Arrival at Sorting Center" to delivery? Does customs make this step take a long time?

FT232RL board arrived.

Had to snoop around a bit to find a miniUSB cable, however it works.

Redmi 4A

Kind of cool, wearing a fake Rolex would make me feel like a fraud though

>How long from "United States - Arrival at Sorting Center" to delivery? Does customs make this step take a long time?

its random you fucking underage nigger.


>700mah RCR123
Shit, I might pick those up to extend the battery life of my Olight S1R. Stock Olight battery is only 550mah, although I doubt the Soshine is capable of going to 900 lumen Turbo S mode like the Olight batteries are. Doesn't matter to me though, I never go above Medium anyway.

On a side note if anyone is looking for a high-end EDC flashlight, Olight stuff is 10-20% cheaper on Aliexpress than on Amazon.

You unironically want Japanese steel. Look at Spyderco's line of Japanese-made chef's knifes.