Holy shit, what the fuck is happening?

Holy shit, what the fuck is happening?

Why the fuck is half the world using windows 10?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was free.

It should be obvious.

A better question is why are 3.11% of computer users retards?

Steam users are going to be on Windows 10 for DX 12. Windows 7 is still well ahead of Windows 10 outside of gaymuerz.

Microsoft said I had to or else none of their games would work

because linux is so bad that most people would still rather use that ad-ridden spyware piece of shit

There's nothing that blew up on their face yet.

>0.26% contains all the other distributions


No wonder Sup Forums is full of microshit babbies

Sadly this

X11 is fucking garabge
Driver issues still a problem
103842 shitty Window Managers instead of a good one
Unix Permissions are a fucking dogshit paradigm for the desktop
etc etc.

Linux is great. It's more so that the kind of people who willingly use DRM-restricted and anti-user, anti-privacy services like Steam also happen to default to Windows.

>A better question is why are 3.11% of computer users retards?
Windows is only popular in 3rd world shitholes. Everyone with some brain has moved to OSX or Linux.

Windows is literally for toddlers.


Monopoly, obviously

It's also why the standards for operating systems are so low. No decent competition to keep microshit and their pajeet spaghetti coders in check.

Why no love for 8.1?

It has some of the good bits of 10 without the intrusive spyware.

NO, Windows 8 is no the same as Windows 8.1. W8 was shit


W8.1 is underrated and the UI is so much more convenient than that shitty traditional start menu.

50% of Steam users use Windows 10, not half the world

>daily i need to feel better about myself post

holy fuck what a garbage quality pic

also because 90 percent of new computers come with windows 10

If you liked 8.1 there's no reason not to simply use 10.

Only correct statement ITT.

>X11 is fucking garabge
Fair enough.

>Driver issues still a problem
Only if you use AyyMD garbage

>103842 shitty Window Managers instead of a good one
Oh, because Windows is a prime example of UX. At least Linux DEs will let you customize/debloat them

>Unix Permissions are a fucking dogshit paradigm for the desktop
No they aren't. Security is built from the ground up instead of being a gimmick (like UAC)

>etc etc.
8/10 because I tried to argue with you

>No they aren't. Security is built from the ground up instead of being a gimmick (like UAC)

When Linus himself complains about his daughter having to use the root password to set up a printer you know it's fucking garbage.

For single-user systems it sucks.

Turns out that secretly installing spyware in the middle of the night is an effective strategy.

>Thinking that privacy is still a thing for 2017
Top lmao

this desu windows 8.1 is the best modified windows

> clover
gives you tabs in explorer

> start8
adds start menu back like w7

mines modified so it works better than w7 and I never see the startmenu shit

if you want aero theres a tool that adds it back but the developers a jew who secretly makes the free version nagware and demand you donate money for an activation key. he doesnt tell you how much though so you need to donate "generously" and if he thinks your donation was generous enough he then sends a key.

If you are shitting on Mac OS instead of Windows, you don't belong here.

lmao what did you expect

did anyone really think people would use linux when there is a superior os like windows on the market

literally just a setup and you are done and can use almost any program you desire

Windows 8 was cheap, which contributed to some of the numbers.

>50% of users have bought a new PC since Windows 10 came out.

-It was free as in free beer for a long time
-It got a more "traditional" start menu and windowed apps
-Gayyyyyyy mers
-New PCs being sold with it

I like 8.1 more than 10 as well. When I want to stack windows, 8.1 does it fine and 10 decides to fuck it all up and give them different sizes for no reason at all.

It's really fast too. I wouldn't say it doesn't have intrusive spyware but it's not trying to track every little thing you do and newer updates won't break any attempts at customization.

And font scaling works nice on it.

>daily .002 cents from Microsoft post

There are a few reasons:

-The default theme on 8.1 is better than the literal MS Paint shit 10 has, and can be changed easily without having big updates break it
-Doesn't nag you with updates, and you can easily disable them without resorting to use a non standard version of Windows
-10 needs a DPI fix through software, 8.1 doesn't.
-8.1 remains a more comfortable system for tablets than 10. My dad got a toshiba encore 2 tablet recently for very, very cheap and it included 8.1. Updated that shit and to be honest, even after a year of using 10 he still misses 8.1 on that thing (but he must use a certain app that's only windows 10 compatible believe it or not)

Heck the only problem with 8.1 I can see these days, considering you can just install something like classic shell if you want to get rid of that fullscreen menu you're going to use maybe 3 times a month, is the "apps", which are no longer updated.

where the fuck is the scroll wheel?

>Steam stats
>Why are people who are already using a botnet using a botnet

It just works you fucking autists

>tfw Win 7 still feels "new"

What the hell is this cringy shit

Thank god I stopped watching stupid chinese cartoons back in 2006

Superior system for games, and not a single obsolete win7 fanboy can change that

what scroll wheel?

This is the only problem.

I really want to like and switch to Linux but its fucking shit.

Like mentioned
When Linux can compete with Windows, and be a nice "desktop" OS, I'll use it.