> Wake up
> Still no Vega
I-I just have to wait more, r-right?
Wake up
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No shit you pussy ass s-s-s-s-s-stuttering bitch.
You could have a heart attack and die tomorrow, user. You might not make it to Vega. Just think, you could have been enjoying similar performance with an Nvidia card for almost a year up to your death, yet instead you chose to wait and never got to know what that feels like. Sad!
b-but the Fury X was worth it, r-right?
My local store had an ad for Fury X for only 450 eurobucks, should I get one?
stop carving for obsolete tech and wait for DDR5 and NAVI
no, regular fury is much better value most of the time, i saw one for 280€ a few months back
DDR5 is already out user
gddr5 (which is based on ddr3) is out, ddr5 is still years away
DDR5 is set to be finalized next year according to jedec.org
Though when the products reach market is a whole 'nother question.
I was pretty hyped for Ryzen and ended up getting a 1700X. pretty glad for it too.
I just can't bring myself to care about Vega though. there's nothing to suggest it won't be just another GCN iteration. I understand that AMD can make computing powerhouses but I don't mine bitcoins.
JUST wait™
same here, finished my 1700 build last week, but i endet up putting my R9 290 in it because what point is there in upgrading as long is i'm still on 1080p
> 1080p
Then at least get a 480 you huge faggot. or wait® for the 500 series.
why the fuck would he upgrade if his 290 is good enough for him
>spend money
>buy buy buy
Because you should at least not have a huge bottleneck on your system. He fucking got a 1700, a 8 core CPU, his GPU should be on par with it.
> all settings maxed
> fps>monitor refresh rate
the only advantage the 480 has is its lower power consuption, but i dont give 2 shits about that, also its doubbles as a nice heater during the winter
yes but its not the gpu holding me back, its my screens
> fps>monitor refresh rate
then why did you get a 1700 in the first place? The $70 kaby pentium would do the same.
in gaming yes, but try running 2 different VMs on a pentium (protip: you can't), neither could my old 2500k (5,1 ghz stable for 5 years, best cpu ever), thats why i upgradet
>there's nothing to suggest it won't be just another GCN iteration
actually it does. tile based rasterization and more effective scheduler would change the performance drastically.
Fuck gddr5, hbm2 when?
I'm the same boat user.
I've been waiting for Vega so I have some options before upgrading, since nothing amd has seems like a big jump from my 290x.
>Then at least get a 480 you huge faggot
Why the FUCK would you recommend """""upgrading""""" to an RX 480 from an R9 290? They perform almost identically.
> performance is almost identical
No, it isn't.
rx480 is 10% faster, WOW
>I've been reading about graphics cards since AT LEAST last month
A 480 is not a worthy upgrade to a 290.