>mfw there's no AMD GPU that's comparable to a Nvidia 1070/1080
wtf when did AMD become so shit? Im tired of Nvidia and wanted a good AMD GPU
>mfw there's no AMD GPU that's comparable to a Nvidia 1070/1080
wtf when did AMD become so shit? Im tired of Nvidia and wanted a good AMD GPU
RX 480 is AMD's 14nm pipe cleaner product. Vega is probably being released at COMPUTEX Taipei in June.
then ati got bought out and went full poojeet
Get a sapphire r9 fury for $250
But the r9 fury is literally low end, can't compete with 1080
? the fury x competes with the 1070
>FUUU face
What year is this?
When AMD had a competitive GPU for the last time.
>tfw no games are even worthy of purchasing a 1070 and nobody needs that card.
t. 390X owner
Sup Forums is mostly third world kids these days, the only references they know are reddit rage face circa 2006.
it's very sad, but again all they know. we should all pity them a little bit before encouraging them to find a different website that speaks their native language.
Vega will be out soon and Nvidia's cards are perma-garbage at DX12. They literally cannot fix it. Verdict is still out on Vulkan but they aren't looking too hot there either.
Entire thread needs to be banned for shilling and ban evasion.
Is this a good time to buy a gfx card anons?
I need to buy one now to substitute my GTX 680, but I'm not sure if I should wait a while or not.
If I would buy one now it would probably be the GTX 1070
I'm in the same boat. I'm using GTX 770 right now and want to upgrade, but don't know if I should get one now or wait
you don't need anything power powerful than a rx480 currently so it doesnt matter
works great for 1080p ultra at 144hz
>t. 1070 owner
I'd wait for Vega, whenever that is. Will at least get price drops even if it's not as good as we expect
>Vega will be out soon and Nvidia's cards are perma-garbage at DX12
They're fine, they just don't suck complete ass in DX11 and as such the performance increase isn't impressive. Some games are so shit in DX12 that the NVIDIA DX11 driver is actually faster on literally the same hardware - this should tell you a lot about how competent devs are with DX12 nowadays. AotS and RotTR are good, solid implementations though and show that there's potential.
I use a cute little passive 1050
yeah a lot of cards work great for 144 hz 1080p, 1070 is a waste unless you got it for free.
>rebranded rebrand
how cute
Radeon Pro Duo smashes the 1080.
Same here. Does more than enough for the game I play
Any benchmarks?
>Im tired of Nvidia
Tired in wich way? You're just a kid who don't want to buy the most popular/powerful card because muh special snowflake or something?
No because it's not true.
Plus it costs more than a 1080, 500-600 vs 700+