I'm upgrading my phone tomorrow(from an S6...

I'm upgrading my phone tomorrow(from an S6.) I really don't have a preference for iOS or Android as I've had experience with both(iPhone 5, iPhone SE, S3, S5, S6)

I've narrowed it down to to the 7 and the Pixel. Thoughts?

Side note: I'm open to other suggestions if you've got them but, no edge to edge displays because my palm usually ends up coveringa small part of the screen.

go for 7
fuck gookle

pixel if you like ricing
7 otherwise

Both are great. Take the one which suite your needs more. Don't listen to ppl on Sup Forums.

It probably makes no difference, as long as one doesn't end up being astronomically more expensive than the other.

I've had the pixel for a couple weeks now. It's awesome. I highly recommend it. I will say I'm not an apple fan but for a phone that is styled similar to an iPhone I really enjoy it.

I should be getting my iPhone 7 today. I'm upgrading from a BlackBerry Q10. Although I'm not sure it's an actual upgrade...

Get a 7 don't use lagdroid

Pixel if you don't want your phone to suddenly slow down when the next iteration launches.

iPhone 7

What do you use your phone for mainly? People spouting phone names like autistic broken records won't help you

nexus 6p

S6 is a decent phone, wait for the next round of updates.


I'd wait to the next iteration so you actually feel an upgrade.

I'm still rocking my HTC M8 strong, and don't see any reason to upgrade yet. Let's see what the next generation brings to the table, and it's looking interesting, starting with the Galaxy S8

Using a S6 right now. Fucking hate it. I'm waiting for my contract to be up then I'll get a blackberry.

>buying stupidly overpriced phones with shit tier batteries that won't carry you through a day of moderate to heavy usage

Buy something with a 4000+ mah battery and you won't ever look elsewhere.

Pixel. There's no reason to get an iPhone, Pixel is a higher quality product shipping with better featured and more functional OS. Before you even get close to the issue of headphones, Pixel already destroys the iPhone in terms of usability. If you're a cloud storage fag, Pixel offers unlimited Google Drive Photo storage for anything taken with the device AND you're not limited from using any other storage solution if you're uncomfortable with Google Drive. Apple on the other hand gives you 5 GB iCloud space and bans 3rd party solutions in combination with not giving users access to the file system.

Get the iPhone, definitely. This is coming from a long-time Android fanboy. Fuck Google. They fucked the N6P completely when the Pixel came out. Fucking cunts.

And what phone would have that, at least 3 GB of ram, 128 gigs of storage, somewhat lightweight with a good personal assistant.

iPhone 7 >>> Google shit.

>not getting an Oneplus 3T

you fucked up

As some one who owns both phones, I gotta say Pixel.

>iPhone 7
>paying 800 dollars for a phone
>paying 800 dollars for a phone without a headphone jack
Go on eBay and pick up a 6s for half that price. Just got one and it's perfect, especially considering there's finally an actual Sup Forums app on iOS without jailbreaking (TheChan)

This desu. On my 2nd 6p waiting on google to release a comparable handset to upgrade to.

Why? Any way to prove you own both so we know you're not being a fanboy?

>apple bans other cloud storage options
No they don't, the MEGA app and Google Photos on iOS do auto photo backup just fine

Pixel feels better in my butthole

That's a solid point

get an s8, if you are outside the states the prices are crazy 200$ more than the rest of the world for some reason


7 is locked in terms of audio. Either standard bluetooth or Apple's proprietary super secret no-licence-4u W1 chip.

Definitely Pixel.

Posted this from a Pixel XL.

>iPhone lookalike

Both are obviously really good but I would go with the iphone 7 tbqh


Reminder the post above is b8, do not give him precious (You)s

>7 or pixel.
Awful choices both. You won't listen either way do what you want


Meant to quote

Not him, but closest I can think of is the op3t. Doesn't have 4k milliamps, but it has more than the iphone and also has more than what you're asking for with ram and has a 128gb version, but what would you even use all that space for anyway?