>women can't co-
Women can't co-
-de unless they have an interest in it, which few do.
oh so one of "those" coders
My sister got a job making 50k+ annually with a math degree. She took some programming courses and now has a pretty good job as an associate developer. I think she is pretty smart and talented desu :-)
-operate in a workplace environment?
that's nice for her.
you guys gonna fuck tho?
Who was in the wrong here?
Pretty nice for me too. I get to stay home all day and get handjobs from her when she gets home from work
Oh my god why are food items even in the frame they're not even the focus of the subject why why why why why
Stop impersonating me!
Paid product placement
>On Wednesdays we kode floppy disk #kodewithkarlie
What did she mean by this?
Direct answer: marketing
Deeper answer: to normalize the idea of working through one's lunch time, driving us further into the depths of wage slavery
she can code on my face if you know what i mean
>this is your typical coder in current year
me on the laptop
No one is disputing that, it's just most seem more preoccupied with office and industry politics than actually getting shit done
Everything in that photo is marketing user, apart from maybe the laptop.
Even the code shit is paid for advertising for some coding bootcamp.
>most seem more preoccupied with office and industry politics than actually getting shit done
Shit like that is actually useful in secretarial pools, where it helps to have a secretary working for you who gets the skinny from the pool and reports it back to you. Women are naturally good at this shit too. And indeed, many secretaries back in the day made as much as mid-level developers.
But that's not good enough and is sexist, so now we have 'cd.. cd code cd/ cd..' passing as code in twitter pictures. Yay.
>50k annually
Nice "300k" starting dumb mathfags
Last year I knew a girl that got a degree in CS that doesn't know how to code.
Her final presentation involved talking about her internship.
She was there literally 9-5, 5 days a week but actually did no coding work and more tech support.
The extense of her coding work, literally in her own words: "I wrote a few javascripts to show and hide the news on the website". It's been a running joke among my friends.
She's in Thailand right now apparently lol
>math degree
>implying CS has anything to do with programming.
yea she's probably average intelligence female which is why she makes 50k and not 300k
>muh degree saturation
>what is software development degrees
post pics
ok but where are her pics
>CS is coding
Are you retarded? I hate those script kiddies that complain about CS majors who don't code for fun but study CS because they are project managers.
Let me guess; she writes node crap.
It was a CS/Software Engineering major
out of ~150 students that graduated last year she was one of about 10 girls that graduated
>wew lad
>how can you concentrate
>apart from maybe the laptop
>woman presenter
pretty sure they would have given the original developer credit right?
will my CS studies improve if i move my laptop over the edge like her?
"Oh look I eat healthy I'm not a fat nerd"
That's exactly what people look like when they code.
>feel like I recognize this person
>look up the video
>it's her
kek, never knew about this.
I wish I could work with a gorgeous Aryan goddess instead of disgusting, mumbling gouks
I wish
>society looks upon programmers as losers, virgins, pieces of trash
>women want to become this
I prefer when she rice her phone
Sup Forums BTFO
the thing that winds me up the most with this is that she spelled it with a k.
She's a KDE dev.
Why do Americans get so worked up by women doing something in their stead? Are you guys afraid women won't need you anymore? Where I come from if women take over something, we are pretty chill as that would mean, we dont have to do it for them, Isn't that a good thing?
She's autistic. Don't bully.
-pe with the fact they're actually just objects, and they keep complaining about it like it's going to make it any less true
go figure
Nah, she's European.
>Asked to write a webpage
>Copies and Pastes from stackexchange
>fucks it up
>uses web development "tool" to make webpage
>selects most nu-modern template available
>fucks that up too
>sucks off a numale's dick to make a webpage and takes credit for it
Brilliant, Empowered female coding right here.
cooking? yes they cant because thery are so independent and modern to do that