where can I learn to make something like this?
Where can I learn to make something like this?
Writing malware is a felony.
nice try FBI
>ransomware forces you to play 2h
nothing wrong with this
wich 2hu wud u fug?
this fairly-recent phenomenon of "anime avatar programmers" needs to fucking die already, it didn't use to be this bad 5 years ago. just kys.
Just dump the process
all of them expect my daughteru reimu
>score 200mil on lunatic
your daughter is my wife!
delete this now you sick fuck
Where can I contract this? I want to try it.
rensenWare creator: github.com
rensenWare (CUT EDITION): github.com
rensenWare tool: github.com
>it didn't use to be this bad 5 years ago.
— Hello, is this an anime channel?
— Yes.
— How do I patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
What a fucking pussy.
Reimu, stop smoking!
I remember having discussions about OpenBSD on /jp/ years ago. It's always been there.
> How do I patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
For FreeBSD. Thing is, you couldn't install KDE2 on stable FreeBSD when KDE2 came out. So, this joke is not about using patch in FreeBSD.
I can't believe I've lived long enough to see memeji taking the crown of the most normalfag and cancerous touhou.
This is only the beginning. In 20 years all the expert programmers will be weebs. Your time is over normie.
it's just some dumb corean (oh, the ironing)
Haha he's still going to jail.
beta as fuck
Is this the new fuggin /jp/?
the qt bird from hell
I respect your choice
I wish
I know giving people viruses is a felony, but what about publishing the source code to a virus like this?
Is it still your fault if people get rekt it's under a FOSS license that offers no warranty of any kind?
can it be licensed under the 'Open-source software (OSS)' banner?
then yeah, maybe.
This is the time when cheating is legit.
WHat a nice fella. :)
but, why bring Touhou Project series into the fray. :(
Too bad that isn't Reimu, that's SNNN姉貴
>sad panda.jpg
>just werks
This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable.
You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.
(Click here to continue)
You pleb.
How can you enjoy whats best in life if it's hidden.
>1. have clean cookies
>2. login from e-hentai page
>3. open exhentai and never see sadpanda again
I never understood why so many people have problems with this...
I just downloaded 15gb of loli
What else would I need?
well he belongs there. If not for writing malware then for being a weeb shit.
How do weebs fare in prison, Sup Forums? I imagine your typical weeb is a more effeminate and pussy version of:
So we can only speculate that he will be turned into a cock loving bitch within his first week. I bet a nice, strong guy will grab him up and turn him into his exclusive cock slave. How long do you get locked up for if you write malware? If his new owner decides to cum in him twice a day, and generally produces about 15 mL worth of cum, how much cum will this weeb have ingested or had forced into his tight little boy pussy?
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
>Not deselecting western, cosplay, asian porn, and misc
>I just downloaded 15gb of loli
>What else would I need?
I have 250GB drive which is almost full already, around 90% of that is h-manga.
Started downloading it about 6 years ago. Also I only save good stuff.
15gb is hardly enough for half a year.
Around 5-10% of them are actually good, so I am pretty sure I would have regretted it if I never found these hidden gems.
Would you actually get arrested for doing stuff like packet sniffing or spreading viruses if it isn't actually damaging in any way?
I've been interested in learning about that kind of thing, but I don't actually want to break any computers or steal any information; I just thought that it'd be fun to learn.
>I just downloaded 15gb of loli
>What else would I need?
A noose, you sick fuck. Not even joking. Off yourself.
No shit. The generation that grew up with easy access to anime is now in mid 20s.
Pining for the fjords
>ransomware forces you to play touhou instead of pay bitcoins
Truly this is the best possible future
sure there may be the very rare gem but who the fuck cares you'll see it elsewhere, not worth it for all the trash it adds up. Also
>not using exhentai highlighter to highlight and hide galleries
>A noose, you sick fuck. Not even joking. Off yourself.
Top kek, I almost fell outta my chair
wow rude
>X country education
Wrong, the coder is Indian and the game Japanese, those don't work with the alternative gay numbers that a few countries use. When they say a billion they actually mean a million of millons, not a thousand of millions.
Writing, owning, or distributing malware isn't a crime of any kind you fuckign cucks.
>Being rude to anons who jack it over kids
>A bad thing
You get a noose too, senpai
which website did you think you clicked on
>tfw I'm the only person in this thread that would have no problem if I happened to be infected with this
Stupid Touhou shitters,
Why the feels
>all images are served over HTTP while just the exhentai pages are served with SSL
Join into Hentai@Home to get more lolis.
or just play their stupid minigame
Neither India nor Japan use the long scale you fuckwit.
>serving loli from France on a server hosted by OVH
wew lad
Do it like everyone else does and just don't be caught.
It's very easy to be invisible on the web.
Only retards get caught.
FBI has no power in my country, and our laws don't even know what a computer is.
>What else would I need?
A life.
>highly strong encryption
... those are buttons?
you seem to have had some practice writing gay romance stories, user
i like how the decryptor still requires TH12, when it could have just as easy either;
- acted like a TH12 process with the required score in the same place in memo-- oh wait, can you even do that in C#?
- decrypted the files directly, he made the first program, right? can't he just modify it so it just goes ahead and starts decrypting?
even in his apology, he really wants people to play TH12
What an absolute cuck goddamn.
If you are retarded it isn't our fault
>tfw someone can't get trought sadpanda.jpg
None of them because they look like monkeys
It's UFO though. Fuck that shit.
r u me?
Most people in the west who identify with playing Garegga care even less about letter scores if it means Garegga... It's just you who's an elitist about playing.
>jumping through hoops to look at chinese porn.
lmaoing @ ur life
None of you would happen to have the sample, right? Dammit, I really need it for my collection.
That's cute but you have to realize what karma can do.