Tablets vs E-Readers
>Can watch videos
>Can read comics in color
>Can browse Sup Forums
>Can surf the web
>Can read in sunlight
Tablets vs E-Readers
>Can watch videos
>Can read comics in color
>Can browse Sup Forums
>Can surf the web
>Can read in sunlight
E-Readers don't cause eyestrain.
Ereaders have insane battery life.
Both stop being a poorfag
What is the best size for an e-reader?
I had a 10" tablet and it was way too big to be used comfortably.
Is 6.8" too big? Is 6" too small for 4:3?
>static vs dynamic
Is that so hard?
7-8 inch. Chassis of a Kindle Keyboard but with a bigger screen would be perfect for me but no one makes that.
Around 7 is perfect.
One feature that is overlooked is the bezel width for resting your thumb on.
I have a kindle paper white and I wish the bezel was just a bit wider.
But a non touch screen reader won't have that problem.
Hard to say what's the best size but the weight has to be light enough to be read comfortably.
>can browse the web
>can watch videos
>can make calls and receive text messages
>can take photos and videos
digital camera
>takes photos a lil better
6" is very much big enough for reading e-books, not PDF:s though, PDF:s would require 9-10"
if I can sit on Sup Forums all god damn day and shitpost I'm sure I can read a book-novel thingy on a tablet.
sure you can but it isn't as comfortable & feels significantly less like reading a paper book
besides shut the fuck up if you don't actually read books (your post implies that you don't read electronic ones, at least). e-readers are not for you. the same way quality TV:s are not for people who don't already watch or play stuff that they'd want in a better quality/bigger size
This is quite honestly the biggest reason to get one of them. I can literally go for over a week without recharging my kindle.
Now, I don't turn on wifi and I either have the backlight off or very low, but still - it's a long-ass time. I can take this shit camping, it hardly even sips power.
Even the size is just fine for me (although I only read books, not pdf's/comics). Seriously the only things I could possibly want in a new ereader are more battery life, faster screen refresh, more disk space, better ergonomics, and a better operating system.
What is the best screen size for reading PDF? Is 10" enough?
Ereaders can go a month on a single charge. It's amazing.
Can anybody recommend me a good e-reader and source of e-books? I've found myself getting dumber and my attention span shortening.
a kobo with right size
for books you go on undernet in the channel #bookz for books
I have a kindle paperwhite, but I had to jailbreak it just to change fonts and add a screensaver, and the default OS sucks complete ass holy shit.
If I were going to buy again, I'd probably go for one of the kobo ereaders, but I don't really know how the OS and fonts and stuff compare.
For books, it didn't matter because I'm downloading shit and converting using calibre as necessary.
P.S. jailbreaking your kindle is a huge pain in the ass.
I use an old Kindle DX (approx 10") for PDF:s (when a book is only available as PDF) and most of the time it works OK. It has a shitty resolution but most PDF:s are made so that at 10", the text will be readable without zooming. Zooming is what kills the experience on devices like this.
10" is the minimum, I'd say, and a good compromise between usability and portability. Bigger is better I guess though.
The Kindle DX is pretty decent btw if you find it for a really cheap price. I paid like 50 for mine but I've used it to read several very expensive books that I could only pirate in PDF, so I count it as a good deal.
Kobo might be a lil better if I recall right, but it all doesn't really matter if you aren't going to pick fancy fonts etc anyway. 95% of using one of these devices is going to be reading text and tapping next page, occasionally using the built-in dictionary or making an annotation, the experience is pretty much identical on comparable devices.
I had a look at the current options and they're all expensive (for me anyway.) Can you recommend some good previous gen 2nd hand ones or maybe even a chinkshit option?
don't think there's going to be chinkshit until the patents expire (which I think happens this year)
So you've probably got like 2 years to wait on that
i wanna get an e-reader but fear i wont use it cuz i havent been a habitual reader. will having one encourage me to read more?
Honestly literally anything from the major manufacturers (kobo, kindle, sony at least)
There's not much difference, they all play well with calibre etc. Maybe there are differences with fonts, I dunno, I always used the default settings except for size.
Just try to get one in good condition and with the kinda things you want (like if you want the frontlight, check that it has it...)
Kobo Minis are quite cheap even when bought unused, but they're 5" and don't have a frontlight. Otherwise they're nice lil devices and 5" should still be ok for text.
Maybe. I'm a habitual reader, always been, but when I got an e-reader, I started to read even more. It did make acquiring new books a lot easier, esp since I live in a small country so buying English books would be a major pain in the ass.
I'd say go for it, but go for it on a cheap level. Get the cheapest acceptable Kobo/Kindle/Sony/something you can find and make a decision to read at least a little bit every day. You won't lose much even if you end up not reading, but if you do end up reading, its a nice gain in your hobbies.
>>Can watch videos
>>Can read comics in color
>>Can browse Sup Forums
>>Can surf the web
>>Can read in sunlight
Tablet with MEMS (aka Mirasol) display would give you all the above. Too bad they abandoned that technology.
no backlight is a dealbreaker, right? I imagine ill be reading in the dark a lot.
I have an aura one and I'm on the fence as to whether it's a bit big, not heavy or thick, just big. I got it to replace a nook simple touch glowlight which was bretty gud.
PDFs are fine on my 8" shitty samsung tablet.
Also, for the artsy faggots you can draw on a tablet pretty good.
can you take a picture of it beside your phone or tablet for size comparisons?
I wish. I get ~15 hours on my aura one with wifi off and the light on automatic. I read 3-4 hours per day, so it's not the battery discharging between uses.
#bookz on undernet, #ebooks on irchighway
I like my aura one, I liked my nook ST w/glowlight also. I hear good things about the new nooks as well from family.
Whatever you get, get one with a front light - it may seem minor but it's really awesome even during the day.
This. Some even have f.lux type capability
I wish the side bezel on my aura one was just a bit wider
I must use the camera on my phone and I don't have a tablet.
What I do have is a quarter, a pencil, and an old 5th gen iPod video I use during yard work