
Simple Questions Thread

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Thinking about upgrading my 770 to a 1060, do you think the difference in power is worth it? I'm stuck running a lot of things at medium if I want 60fps these days.

>putting some shit on my #1 backup drive
>windows starts going apeshit telling me my drive is reporting errors
>check smart
>spin up retry count is above threshold
>banic and copy all my shit to backup drive #2
>next time i start computer the drive doesnt even appear
is my hdd fucked? i read online that if it's having trouble spinning up it could be my psu is shit (unlikely) or the drive bearings are fucked
i notice when i turn my pc off and the drive shuts down i can hear a sort of grinding noise as the platters stop

>Hey guys my HDD sounds like it's fucked
>And SMART tells me that it's fucked
>And it makes some fucked up noises
>Is it fucked?
user, I hate having to tell you this, but I think your drive might be fucked.

i've enrolled into a transfer degree for computer science at my local community college. I placed into math95-III and I have 3 months till summer term starts. How should I best prepare in the mean-time?

it's been making that sound for months tho

Then you've had months worth of warning that the drive was dying. At least now you know that for next time, if a drive starts making unusual noises, back up everything from it and stop using it for anything mission critical. That really should be common sense though.

what if its an ssd

>Making grinding noises
Then you need to have that looked at by a certified technician or psychologist.

what if my hdd is making ghost noises

get an exorcist from your local cuckolicism church

what's better? a celeron or atom?

I need a new computer to start working on game development. Which thread would help me find the best value computer for my budget? (I'm assuming this isn't the thread for that.)

Where can i find tech for really cheap? I need a fine point stylus but dont want to pay 50 bucks for one.

What Foobar UI does Sup Forums use? trying to find one that isn't garbage

i have a sony vaio pcg-c1vn apparently without an operating system, how do i boot from usb? can't figure it out in the bios.

it doesn't have a cd drive and afaik the only key i can push on boot with an effect is F2 for bios setup

F2 > Edit boot order > Select removable device

More specific

under Boot it doesn't let me change order?

+Hard Drive
Removable Devices

i can only change the + to a -

man where the fuck can i get a nand downgrader for ps3 that doesnt require soldering? finding the components is trick and the soldering points on the ps3 are really bs so i dont want to risk it. Soldering the external components is fine, but right now i can find

-teensy ++
-3.3v regulator
-360 clip thats meant for a progskeet.

can i actually work with just those components and nothing else?

What's the easiest way to edit the subtitles of a .mkv video?

I just need to edit the words, I don't want to change the font/orientation or anything like that.

Is there a really simple way to do this?

So my computer is down right now and I'm on my wii u doing internet shit. So I went into the settings and found where is says "user agent." Showing me, wii u, wii, 3DS, chrome, FF, IE, IE touch, safari, android and android touch. I dont think these are ACTUALLY the browsers, is it actually just the source code? My friend says it's likely that and I can see it. It makes sense.

youre not looking at the source code, that would make no sense to include since its webkit based too. Post a screenshot or something. Your """"""friend"""""" is full of shit.

No no. It was just an idea is all. We don't know how it works. ya aint gotta be so harsh dude. I asked a question. Also I can't post a screenshot. I'm on my wii u. The only screen shots I can post is if I were in game, but im not currently.

Anyone have a quick trick of how unban yourself on a temp board ban? Running windows

phone picture. that isnt harsh, if i were harsh id call you retarded or something.

i just want
to use this computer


This isn't your fucking laptops call center you spastic and it also isn't a tech support thread
If you can't figure out how to boot from a removable device then call THEM and demand help.
This thread is for simple questions not let's guide some retard through the vaio boot loader in 50 agonising steps

So, I have had my Vaio laptop for almost 7 years, back in the day, it was a pretty multimedia laptop and I got it with a discount, so well worth my money:


But recently, it started shutting down when running games I used to be able to run, I even tried to lower the setting but, same happens. It's not due to overheating.

So, now I'm thinking of upgrading/replacing it with this laptop:


My question is that, will the multimedia capacity of the new laptop be better or at least equal to the old one?

Thank you in advance.

multimedia is such a buzzword its not funny. Any laptop will fine for music and videos. Check the gpu for games. The fact that it used to be able to play those games suggests a dust build up or too much shit on the hard drive.

Imagine a beer can on one end of the table. I can push the can from one end to the other confident that I won't overdo it and it won't fall off the table.

Is there a name/word for this?


Hey man, thanks for replying. I only recently opened up the laptop to clean dust/reapply compound, so it cannot be it, I will try to clean the hard-drive, it's at around 45% capacity.

Here is the data on the two GPU, I really can't visualize which one will handle basic gaming better, but I do want to buy a laptop that is at least as good as my 7 years old model.

Also the CPU on the old laptop is an i7-740 QM.

pretty sure those will basically be on par with each other. the new one will obviously have a few more features but it wont translate to better performance.

If its not that it could be a soldering issue perhaps, nothing you can fix realistically

Anyone use Deezloader in a Linux distro? How did you set it up and get it working?

I've looked at a few guides and the steps to setting it up seem weirdly varied - even for Linux standards.

That's crazy. Essentially, you can get a >1k laptop performance, 7 years later, for half the price, including inflation.

Locked myself out of Samsung phone (pattern lock). Samsung's FindMyPhone doesn't work to unlock it. Can't do it with ADM. Can't see phone contents when connecting via USB (debugging off).
Is there any way I can get past the pattern lock?

Giving this PC to my brother because I'm building a new one. Any cheapish upgrades I can recommend to him?

Also what is the nvidia equivalent to an R9 280X?

are ips monitors worth it?
Also 21.5 inch monitor or 24 inch?

24 inch or more

Looks perfectly fine.

Tom's hardware has a graphics card hierarchy chart.

why though?


this monitor looks perfectly fine

TIL about that chart! Thank you user!

I like larger sizes because it's easier on the eyes, and frankly just the appearance of it. I run a 32inch 1440p monitor, for example.

Nothing is wrong with the monitor you linked, but just between the sizes you mentioned I'd go 24 inch.

Do spiders sneeze (asking for a friend)?

best rx 480 aftermarket card?

I have a 140 MB .log file from an IRC channel I need to view. It's so large that Word keeps crashing when I try to open it. What program should I use to view it? I want to Ctrl+F some stuff in it.

You'll definitely get an upgrade but you're better off grabbing a GTX 1070 for more or an RX 480 for the same price

I upgraded from a pair of 770's to an RX480 because it had hdmi 2.0.

Performance wise it should be on par with the 1060 and is a decent upgrade over my cards sli'd so should be a large bump from a single 770.

It's the last AMD card I'll buy though.

Spiders don't have lungs dude

really depends on what you're using it for
celerons are just shit, low-end processors while atoms are specifically designed to consume very little power

check out the build threads
also google logical increments, and pcpartpicker. those websites are excellent

nothing with a blower fan and 8gb only
brand is subjective

Should I buy a Logitech G303 or a Zowie FK2?

I'm going to upgrade my 770 2GB SLI rig to an R7 1800X with a 1080ti

I'm very excited

i'm sorry. i thought maybe there was some obvious answer. like i thought i read 10+yr old comps can't boot from usb idk.

hit enter on the +hard drive, it should list the actual hard drive and the usb. change the order from there

Hang around chinks and pajeet

Try notepad++, it can handle large text files better than notepad which hangs forever while loading them.

Nice! Mine to, this 480 is just a place holder and winding up in the front room PC as soon as we start seeing some custom cards. Do you have one in mind already? I think just a standard clock one and OC yourself right?

Also sticking with an i5 4670k or whatever it is for now.

also i hope you've used Rufus USB (google it, very useful) to put Windows 98 or something on that thing because holy shit is it old

What is the difference between Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Computer Science, and Information Technology? They all seem to stem from a background of computer knowledge but how does one differ from the other?

I'm honestly fine with whatever reference 1080ti is available, since they're low on stock pretty much everywhere right now. And I doubt I'll OC it, since down the road if I'm running out of power I'll just grab another 1080ti

And running on an i7 3770k at 4.5GHz right now

what are you even hoping to do with it? that thing could take windows XP at most and even then not run very well

Does GPO only apply when a user logs into a terminal even if it's a computer policy? Think along the lines of deploying a new local administrator account to a load of workstations, if no one ever logs into one of those workstations would the new local admin account still not be made on it?

I have 2400mhz ram, how do i overclock it?

in the UEFI
check for guides on how to do it with your specific motherboard/specific motherboard brand and chipset
also for reviews on the ram itself to see how well it even overclocks

Thanks, this is working great.

>Cyber Security
prevent people getting hacked
>Digital Forensics
Usually looking through logs and deleted files to collect evidence
>Computer Science
Pretty vague nowadays
>Information Technology
Manage computers for companies

I wanna start hacking stuff but I don't know where to start. suggestions?

your sister's facebook

is it safe to use a dremel tool to slightly grind down a gpu heatsink to fix a fan bumping the side

Thanks for helping me out.

nah I mean where do I learn that kind of stuff? I'm into cybersecurity but my school doesn't offer anything of the sort

Last year I attended a bunch of courses (Java, C#, SQL etc), and the training PCs had some convenient package installed where you could configure and start/stop Apache, MySQL, Glassfish and a few other things from the same GUI.

Now I'd like to try that out at home but forgot the name of that suite. Ring a bell?

the are ethical hacking seminars you can watch
beyond that i dunno what to suggest

It's risky, but because of the little bits of metal you'll be making, and of course the dremel slipping and you hit something important.

Take the heatsink OFF the card before grinding it down, and make sure it's clean before putting it back.

thanks I'll be sure to look into that

>Take the heatsink OFF the card before grinding it down
yep definitely was going to
was going to do it outside and then go at it with compressed air

And don't hit any heatpipes.
As for the fins themselves, it's just bits of metal.

... iirc it had an "X" in the name, if that helps...

Didn't plan to! But it's good to know what I was planning on doing won't fuck anything up.

Basically, my fans broke, but they're one of those stupid dual fans on a singular cable, and the ones I ordered from china are barely a millimetre or two too wide. So I shouldn't even have to shave too much off. Thanks pal

lightweight linux distro probably, use for mobile internet use. maybe see if i can add a graphics card to usb
my macbook's battery sucks ass

Is it possible to get a cheap, external BD drive for my laptop just to watch BDs?

Naturally read speed and write capability are irrelevant, and I figured I'd be able to save some cash as a result, but I can't really find a drive without those capabilities anywhere.

try legacy os

24. using a 23.6 inch and i think its too small in most cases and im only about away from it

How can I know if my 7700k is truly achieving 4500mhz on single core boost? None of the programs to check temps etc have ever shown the mhz going over 4400 for my cores (I haven't OCd yet). Might be dumb question but please enlighten me.


What's a leppo?

Motherfucker, we almost had this damn thread killed.

By default the 7700K has an AVX offset of -1, so any programme using AVX instructions will reduce the maximum multiplier by 1 to reduce power consumption and therefore temps. At factory settings this means the maximum boost clock is reduced from 4500mhz to 4400mhz in such programmes.

Where can I find an iso for Vizio blu-ray firmware?

HDMI or DisplayPort for freesync

Does one have an advantage over the other?

i like to listen to music while i shower. can my laptop get damaged from the humidity? i usually put it on the sink

you should put it under your feet while you shower, it works best.

yeah it can
should be negligible but even so you're slowly killing every time you leave it on the sink

Should I use Opera or Firefox?

I want to be a a cool guy and use .ogg.
Is there really a benefit to using it over AAC or MP3?

Right now I'm doing voice recordings and using Opus .ogg and it is fantastic at 32 kb/sec, but I'm just worried that it's not as shareable as the other formats.

>do i want to shatter glass with my voice or do i want to set animals on fire
i dunno both sound kinda hardcore