I'm considering buying an iPhone 7+

I'm considering buying an iPhone 7+

Should I do it? Why or why not?

All I really want is something that works and has good battery life

If you have any good ideas for alternatives then go ahead and suggest them but they have to work with Verizon (CDMA)


If you want good battery life don't buy an iPhone




enjoy ur botnet

>If you want good battery life don't buy an iPhone
Shut up. iPhone 7 and 7 Plus's battery lives are way WAY better than all previous iPhones.

Buy samsung

>better than previous iPhone
Androids exist you overgrown mong

Just dont give a fuck! Buy what you want and learn the right way...

> good battery life
> 2017 smartphone

pick one

If you decide to do what this user tell you to, your taste automatically turns to shitty.


Oh, you meant the poor man's iPhone? Oh shucks!

Don't buy the 7 if you want battery life. Two of my friends have the 7+ and they have to walk around with their portable chargers. Also, they don't even use their phones for games so they're not doing anything intensive and the battery is almost dead halfway through the day.

Isn't 8 coming out soon and is actually supposed to be good? At least it would bring 7 down...

Nice made up story, kid.

Depends what you want in a phone. If you want something with a big screen the best camera on the market go for it. If you don't care that much about either then you might as well go for a 6S and save a significant amount of money.

Either you're bullshitting on they're doing something very wrong. I have a 7+ and only need to top up if I've been doing heavy (multiple hours) of video watching/game playing. For everything else it easily lasts all day, sometimes multiple days.


this, my 7+ barely got me through the day so I returned it. Now I have an S7 active and I still have like 60% battery life the next day, it's amazing.

Also one huge problem that I noticed was paint chipping and terrible colors on my display. Don't know if it was just me but I'm never buying apple again.

Another made up story right here. Not sure if the same, user.

Not this.

Not this either.

Some people are allergic to facts y'know?

Are you fucking retarded? The iphone 7 and 7+ literally have the worst battery life in terms of really important things like call time and email browsing, that's why so many people experience horrible battery life on them.

Sorry not everyone spends all day in the basement with the screen set to 0 brightness watching gay porn videos all day.

fuck off shill

Enjoy your botnet.

>everything on the Internet is true because I'm an idiot
Their site was taken off after that misleading info. It isn't available on their co.uk site.

You fuck off tool.

>Apple paid them to make their test "disappear"
How convenient.

Stop making up bullshit user. This is Sup Forums not your underage basement kids you trollz for lulz.

>Are you fucking retarded?
>I know you own and use the product on a daily basis but I know better having looked at some random infographics
I take my phone off charge at 6am every morning and put it back on at 10pm every night and it's usually at around 30%. The only exception is when I do some heavy gaming or movie watching.

My Nexus 6P is the same way give or take like you said.

I'm in the same boat. Thinking of getting a used 7plus. I've been using an Android phone for the last few years and tried my old iPhone 5 again after not using it for years and it's still blazing fast on the latest iOS.

Really sick of Android's security holes and shitty update scheme. iPhone software and cameras are also superior.

Consider to go with the smaller iPhone 7. Scaling on the bigger screen is atrocious and due to iOS' lack of multi window the added screen real estate is of no use.
Specs are better but not worth the downgrade in "handiness" of the device.

Android in any variant that comes with google play services is more botnet than iOS.
If you want to escape the botnet then consider SailfishOS or an old Nokia N9

i never trust those android battery life, many thread here on Sup Forums showing not a single app being used so guarantee good battery life, even plenty Sup Forumsentooman here using android without google play services/gapps.


The battery life is really bad. I have these niggers in my workplace that are always bugging people for iPhone chargers, and if they see them they steal them. Don't be an iFaggot.

>All I really want is something that works and has good battery life

buy a flip phone

Get a Huawei Mate 9

Is iPhone SE worth getting?

I like mine a lot. Nice camera, super smooth in usage and the battery life is great.

If you don't mind the smaller screen it's definitely worth it.

Consider this
>inb4 chink botnet

No. The battery life is trash, the OS is terrible, and it gets extremely hot. Don't listen to the shills. Do not buy Apple products.

These posts is how I know Sup Forums is full of shills, unplugged my 7+ this morning at 7:30am it's 11pm past now, I have 70% left. Mind you I didn't use it much, 10 mins of GPS, browsing a bit, and messaging.

It just works, I made the jump from android. Some things are annoying like the inability to jailbreak it properly but still worth the trouble.

Fuck off shill.

>I didn't use it much