Find a flaw. How can Thinklets even compete?
Find a flaw. How can Thinklets even compete?
The price.
Wow that looks ugly.
Will the next model's trackpad finally be bigger than the keyboard?
the inability to upgrade every part with third party hardware if i so desire.
I'm straight
>t. Permavirgin autist
Jelly poorfags detected
I don't support apple because they are evil
Thinklets (i.e., dicklet beta virgins - pic related) BTFO
Loosen your tin-foil hat, Timmy. It's too tight. Also remember to clean out your piss bottles before bed.
Hideous virgin faggot detected
I found a pic of you
>not wanting to purchase even more expensive products for your custom macbook
it's almost like you don't want to enjoy spending your money.
Not even remotely close.
My mistake, you're not white
Wrong again
It's not made of liquid metal and it doesn't have an old screen.
>Find a flaw.
The hardware and software.
>How can Thinklets even compete?
By having better hardware and software.
No Linux
Dicklet detected
Retard detected
Are you disabled?
>How can Thinklets even compete?
They have ports.
>muh ports
The 15.4" has 4 USB-C ports. If you need more than that, you're either 1) a professional videographer/photographer and will buy convenient accoessories regardless, or 2) a retarded autist sperg who is simply jelly and poor
>and will buy convenient accoessories regardless
I won't. I will buy a decent laptop instead because I have to think economically to have my business running and "muh jelly poorfag" is not an option
So you're poor, cool. Kill yourself anytime
hinge designed by a retard and it seems like it will never change
ventilation is absolute trash, if you can even call it "ventilation"
homosexual OS
soldered smartphone ram
>professional videographer/photographer
>not using external screen(s)
why the fuck would anyone get a 15.4" screen?
you just said
"will buy convenient accoessories regardless"
are screens not convenient?
Your mom's raw asshole is convenient.
Here's a flaw, drop it once or spill some liquid on it and you can buy a whole new laptop. I guess that's considered a feature for macfags tho
I have a 3 year warranty through my CC company, but even if I didn't, I'm not a butter-fingered retard so it wouldn't matter.
>I'm an abject retard who requires my expensive electronics to be spill-proof so that when I rage in LoL while eating mommy's tendies and drinking Monster, I can spill shit all over my laptop without worrying about the electronics failing
Good to know.
They fucking can't
>Fat monster-chugging gaymer detected
>solid metal hinge
You're a fucking retard
I own one. It's flawless.
>my business
You don't have a business. You're a dirt poor faggot shitposting on Sup Forums.
This. The hinge system on the MBP is literally the best on the market.
Thinklets BTFO. How will they ever recover?
>macbook in the current year
you guys know cook is trying to kill laptops right?
MBPs are literally non touchscreen tablets with keyboards.
>t. retard who has never owned an MBP
lol you're one stupid faggot m8
nice samefagging. and why would i buy a macbook when iMacs exist?
Cause you're a nigger
>why buy a laptop when I can buy a desktop!
lol enjoy using it on your desk permanently, you faggots
just get a desktop next time
boy is this board shit
Just because you're a butter-fingered retard who can't take care of electronics doesn't mean everyone else is as well
"People" like you ruined Sup Forums
Are you actually this retarded or are you just b8ing?
Touchbar takes some getting used to, but that's about it. Overall a fantastic laptop.
There are no flaws.
Thinkpajeets BTFO
This nigga knows what's up
Poojeets BTFO
Inb4 the virgin anti-Apple shill pasta gets posted
Ranjeets BTFO
Rapooshs BTFO
Poosheets BTFO
Shitskins BTFO
>green is my pepper
Pandis BTFO
its not thicc
the level of eternal salt thrown about on Sup Forums over macbooks and iphones is amazing, people seriously can't deal with the simple fact that these products exist and people like them to the point it requires folders with ancient images that need to be dumped every time someone posts a mac thread. Kinda sad rly.
This. Street shitters BTFO for eternity
This. Shit never ends.
Damn, subhumans BTFO
The average anti-Apple shill is a neckbeard NEET that's never been anywhere near a vagina
>tfw Thinkpad running macOS
>anime poster
Disgusting. Go lose your virginity.
That red l337 faggot and the kevin@kevin faggot are the worst offenders of this shit. Fucking fat losers with nothing better to do but spread their giant caches of anti-Apple pictures
set all posters to anonymous or block tripfags
Seconded. They're the cancer of Sup Forums
You decide for yourself Sup Forums, which one?
anime website
Apple hardware should be tax free for women.
Because they HAVE to own it.
Or consequences.
What they'd be nobody really knows because its never actually happened.
Historians believe some ideas could be gleaned from studying the last women in America known not to own Apple hardware exclusively.
She was Margaret Marjory Thompson of Idaho Springs, Colorado. She died at the age of 97 back in '05. Divorced in the early 1980s she had no children.
She was rumoured to use ageing Compaq equipment. Many think her resistance to Apple products was related to her experiences with the British Special Operations Executive in occupied France but no details have ever been desclassified. Internet rumours however point to a brief spell contracting for Xerox in the 1970s although it isn't known if she was actually involved in the work of PARC at that time.
macbooks are garbage, iphones are garbage too but at least you have imessage
>technology board
Fuck off back to your containment board, virgin weeaboo fag
MacBooks have iMessage too, you abject retard. Kys
Terrible b8
Garbitard detected
They can't.
Poorfag detected
>built my desktop
>own a mackbook pro
Best combo.
Real shit my nigger
is this a new meme
shitpost Thinkpad machine >manjaro-openrc
6 yrd old self built desktop I stopped using after falling for win10 meme
pi seed/leech box
macbook pro (2yrld old?)
iMac {bigscreen computer}
got asked with Xmas, one month salary or macbook pro as bonus...
>guess my choice and rejoice
I feel u dawg