Website made in 100% javascript

>website made in 100% javascript
>automatic load more content when scroll bar hits bottom
>all links are onclick shit
>can't open links in new window
>return button doesn't work


Typical of web(devs|designers).

This is why I have JS disabled by default

>enter website
>video ad starts playing automatically
>scroll down
>new articles are loaded
>cpu usage spiking
>fans turn on
>close popup ad
>hit back button
>website has modified history
>scrolls up to previous article
>hit back button several more times
>finally leave site

Low IQ shitskins

>open website
>stuck in infinite loop because cookies are disabled
>enable cookies
>website is completely blank because javascript is disabled
>enable javascript
>website only displays a message asking me to disable my adblocker
>disable adblocker
>website is 50% ads and 50% clickbait
>add it to my hosts file

>use javascript to shift cpu load to client
>links are onclick instead of anchor
>clients have to make multiple requests per page
>nothing is cached
>load times for clients increase
>load stress for servers increase

>5mb per image, no compression
>text doesnt load until the images are finished loading
>muh js

>make small website where i upload torrents of rare and obscure music
>make site work only in chrome
>forced js, no js means no website
>store album metadata for 100s of albums in session storage
>lots of timers and synchronous ajax calls when trying to load a page
>single 'loading' icon on the website everytime an ajax call fires, forcing the user to wait
>forced thread.sleeps on the server at random intervals of between 5 and 30 seconds
>load balancer occasionally gives the user the wrong file/page they requested

>infinite scrolling

Sup Forums doesn't have this problem.

>open link in new tab
>it's an empty page of javascript:void(0)

What is void()? See it all the time.

>this web site requires Internet Explorer

And they're proud of that.

Is there any legitimate reason to use JS at all?

I was thinking of making my website in pure static html5. What's a good static html generator? Basically like a CMS but that compiles to static html.

Yes but Pajeets don't get it.



There is. I'm writing an image board right now that will work perfectly without JS enabled. I use five lines of js to hide and show some divs without refreshing the page but if you disable js those divs will be shown too.

Worst offenders are jQuery users who load that bloated piece of shit for making a floating windows.

>I'm writing an image board right now that will work perfectly without JS enabled.

So, any forum and image board software from before 2010?

it's so beautiful


what toaster are you running on exactly?


>video ad starts playing automatically
Turn on your ad blocker, stupid.

Basically. But I just do it for fun and won't ever run one by myself.

>that spacing

What's the point in making a new imageboard? Nobody would start using it because nobody would start using it.