SJWs are cancer

So Sup Forums how many SJWs does your company employ that spend more time talking about oppression and diversity than doing actual work?

Other urls found in this thread:

My company has no SJWs.

t. Walmart Master Race

At my job I see more autistic virgins complaining about (((SJWs))) than I do actual SJWs. Then again I work in a mathematics department in a pretty homogeneous state so ymmv.

If you actually think people act like that, you've clearly only worked minimum wage jobs if that.

>homogeneous state

So, California?


it means everyone is the same race
so pretty much any state in the midwest


Walmart is the scummiest country on gods green earth

>doesn't allow workers to accept tips
>pays them low on purpose so they get welfare, EBT and medicaid
>massive surveillance to ensure they don't unionize

Where do you work then?

t. twitter activist

t. has a fake black Twitter account


kek you're fucking retarded

funny mistake lel but it is a shit hole

My uni employs many diverse faces that come to tell us all about how privileged we are, how they're the true owners of this land and how they deserve everything in society because it's on their property

You've never worked in a large organisation or for the government.

I have, both actually. Nobody once told me to check my privilege for being a white male. Now where do you work?

Fuck off you racist bigot. There is no place for alt-righters in 2017.

>or for the government
and i hope to remain so lucky.

this desu

Never had to deal with it honestly, outside of some odd university encounters.

>Doing shitty soft skills course in IT program
>case study about a non diverse workplace
>I'm the only white guy in group
>group immediately decides on diversity hires
>other groups all decide on diversity hires
>class is so diverse that whites are outnumbered
>whites that were born here are just me and one other guy
>no females
I miss white women

SEA here. Did not see anything related, even in university.

i mean, they're right, pasteface.

Weird, the only time I ever hear about SJW's is on Sup Forums. In actual society I never hear about them, at all. Only on Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums.

I worked in a company that was in the process of being subverted by a collection of Jews and SJWs after it had been purchased by a large multinational. Most people won't recognize it when they see it, because they have not read the books that lay out their strategies.
>I have, both actually. Nobody once told me to check my privilege for being a white male. Now where do you work?
Sort of like this guy. Ignorance is bliss.

It's almost as if everything is blown out of proportion or something. The worst I've ever heard is my female coworker calling a guy coworker an ass the break room.

So Sup Forums how many people have you seen who spend more time talking about SJWs and politics than actually talking about technology?

you should report these threads.

SJWs aren't our main concern right now.

>SJWs aren't our main concern right now.
You're right, the people who are supposedly for Net Neutrality that are importing millions of mercenaries from the Middle East and Africa are our main concern right now.

I dunno, but I started pretending to be trans to get interviews

If the redskin wanted to run the country they shouldn't have lost the war.

you have your head up your ass if you don't see the dangers of the SJWs. SJW/Feminists are in the same group as communist if they ever gain political power the whole country will collapse just the same way Venezuela collapse under socialism for letting the poor reproduce with the welfare state. the oil they have now is not enough to sustain the increasing welfare in Venezuela.


I am not from fucking Sup Forums this is serious issue and a relevant to the threat. I don't like Sup Forums because they have their head up their ass in somethings.

Just hide and report these threads. This is offtopic and belongs on Sup Forums

>Never had to deal with it
>Except for when I have lol

>people who want gender equality are the same as Latin American dictators
Want to know how I know you're male?

He has better opinions and is more intelligent?
I could tell too.

The tolerant males, everyone.

I don't tolerate your retardation if that's what your implying

>get mad when SJWs claim that misogyny is real
>also perpetuate misogyny yourself


Maybe you should go outside more then

I don't get mad. I believe women should be taking care of children and men work for a living

mein nigga


And if women don't want that?

Misogyny is hatred. Something that's not hateful can't be labeled as misogynist. His opinion about position of women in society is not hateful. It's not misogyny.

Their life should be miserable in order to encourage the correct behavior.

He states that men are more intelligent than women in an insult against me. How is that not indicitive of hatred?

You really are a classy gentleman from a more refined time. I tip my hat to you, good sir!

Just because you see it as an insult doesn't mean it is. You can feel insulted by literally anything, but that doesn't mean that everything is hateful.

Great comeback.

Those shoes though

I'd like more females in the workplace, sick of these fucken bronies and neckbeards

White women did this

fuck off

>what is right by conquest
natives get smallpox'd the fuck off their own continents

>tfw male SJW makes as much as female non-SJW coworker and we both put out the same amount of work
it feels good to be me

Only USA problems

There has never been a surer sign that Sup Forums is unemployed than thinking SJWs are boogeymen.

Painfully obvious that no one here has even glanced sideways at a tech company.

And how has that worked out for you?

>upboat post
Back to twitter

>offtopic and belongs on Sup Forums
What a coincidence, you belong on reddit

Stop pretending it was some kind of biological warefare before people knew what a disease was.

But I live in France

This is literally a Sup Forums thread. Fuck off.

>complaining about Sup Forums

You dont belong here cuck

go back to >>>/tumblr/ sjw