/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:

plus.google.com/ LennartPoetteringTheOneAndOnly/posts/J2TZrTvu7vd.

Why do the OPs need so much fucking bloat in them?
Who the hell reads that shit?

The last few threads didn't really have any discussion about it: why is systemd bad?

What is systemd?

It's an over complicated solution to a problem that was solved by other means.
It was obsolete before it even began.

An init system.

It's not bloat
That has been addressed by OP himself.
It tries to solve every problem related to Linux. There are defined goals, but new goals constantly pop up because it's a complex and changing area. This isn't your lazy bait thread or your anime desktop thread. It's a crucial general and those things evolve as common practices evolve.

Kill yourself for needing to have basic things explained to you while displaying smugness about your lack of knowledge, idiot.


a meme

it just werks

so it's a meme-it system, gotcha

systemd is the ultimative memegenerator

What distro doesn't have systemd?

void, Gentoo and slackware
Every other distro without systemd is garbage

>An init system that let's you set locales, dates and all sorts of shit like init system do.

can someone sum up the discussion from the last thread?

you could also try BSD without systemd

Noone has any idea how systemd works, people talk out of their asses and parrot what they have heard in order to feel computer literate.

What about Crux - Arch Linux for fit adults?

haha, no

also devuan but as said it's hobbyist garbage
ffs the download page uses an invalid security certificate

you might also be able to remote systemd from arch

this basically sums up the whole internet


why not

if I want a cuckold system, I install windows

That's hilarious, cuck.

OpenBSD is the least cucked system that there is.

keep telling yourself that

>BSD license

I'm interested in Crux, please explain it

What's wrong with systemd? Everyone talking its shit but nobdy why!

It's like Gentoo with less support and choices.

nobody knows why

>Sure you can fuck my wife. If you get her pregnant then the child is yours.
>Sure you can fuck my wife, but if you get her pregnant I get to keep the child

quick roundup

>write program
>people like it, adopt it in their distro
>more people like it, more people adopt it
>tinfoil hatters cry alarm


>things that never happened


>npn blood related child
WTF I love GPL now

so we stick to systemd for now?
I don't think that hobbyware like void or gentoo is worth the hassle

>giving up

Salix is pretty comfy

>implying systemd is bad and using it is giving up

Go see a therapist, you have Stockholm syndrome. Lennart is not your friend.

>source: my ass
no thanks

>hating on people because you hate a program

I hate Lennart for being Lennart and posting shit like plus.google.com/ LennartPoetteringTheOneAndOnly/posts/J2TZrTvu7vd.
And I hate systemd for being systemd.

>Red Hat employees develop systemd
>Red Hat sponsors Gnome and it's the default DE for fedora and RHEL
>Gnome depends on systemd now, yet other DEs such as KDE and xfce can do the same stuff without the dependency
Really fires up those neurons doesn't it

It's happening: unity8.org/
>This is a fork of canonical's unity 8 repository as of April 5, 2017. Following Mark Shuttleworth's announcement to abandon unity 8 development, we are planning to continue working with the project.

That link is broken, what does it say

Don't forget that the first bigger distro to adopt systemd was Arch.because tomegun pushed it.
He's an Arch dev but also works for Red Hat and is one of the original systemd devs.

But it's not broken.
Do you use some shitty extension?

the dot at the end is not part of the url

that was the problem, I feel special now

Gay. You can make GNOME almost exactly like Unity which itself is a butchered GNOME. Canonical will probably ship GNOME fixed up with a few extensions to give nearly the same experience.

Hey Sup Forums, what's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?

I honestly don't understand why dash to dock or dash to panel aren't preinstalled with gnome at this point. it's unusable without them and actually becomes decent when they're installed.


+ XFCE or Mate

Roll the dice, can't go wrong with any of them.

Half of these are utter crap, especially Mint. Why do people keep suggesting it?

>I honestly don't understand why dash to dock or dash to panel aren't preinstalled with gnome at this point.
They are on several distros. I'm fine with a more vanilla gnome though. Not everyone is into that shit. Workspace panel scroll is the most important extension in my case. I open a few programs in different workspaces and switch between them with my scroll wheel over the panel.

Friendly reminder that plaintext BSD style init is literally the best init ever made.

is it possible to have my linux installed on my computers harddrive, and then I "take" my linux with me and use it as a boot drive on another computer?


you can install linux with your package manager on all distros

I'm sorry i don't quite follow

does rms approve of systemd?

they are coming freesmug.org/

I guess RMS is the wrong person to ask about the system issue since it's not an ethical one. He only cares about software freedom, so he should be fine with it.

It's GPL software, so yes.
I doubt he uses it though.

It's free software, that's all that matters to him. He doesn't use it and doesn't care about it.


do killer wireless cards (1535 specifically) require proprietary blobs?

What are killer wireless cards and what makes them different from regular wireless cards?

Is there any special linux way of recalibrating my laptop battery?

I'm just going to do the standard leave BIOS running until it shuts off, power it on and do it again and keep going until it refuses to power on. Then plug it in for a good 8 hours and power it on at the end.

What's all the fuzz about systemd latly?
I'm using it, should I worry?

every time you boot with systemd a Unix guru loses his beard


Stop keeping systemd on topic. I know what's going on in here. You can't troll me.

I want to play an alarm audio file when I remove my usb stick from my laptop. How could I script that?

systemd is quite possibly an nsa botnet
in all seriousness, it's entirely possible that red hat put a backdoor in for the nsa. it's a complex, critical system component that they aggressively pushed so it became the standard for linux. youtu.be/fwcl17Q0bpk?t=22m57s starting at 23 minutes, it becomes obvious that systemd is probably an attempt at this

Fresh oc, /fglt/ gets to see it first.

Yes there are distros that you can install to a USB drive and use it from there. Search around for live USB distros.

But that doesn't look like Emacs output at all

>use VOID
>ignore systemd discussion

I never tried but saw a guy taking the hardrive from his laptop and put it on another computer and it worked.
I guess it might cause some issues by doing that, like if the GPU aren't using the same drivers, wireless card etc.

if you need something lightweight, try something that comes with xfce. Maybe xubutnu

mir was a mistake they didn't had to create this shit. I wonder if unity would have survived if they were using wayland from the start and dedicating more resources on unity.
Anyway, compiz and unity were two unstable piece of shit

Why people ask the same questions about systemd 5 times per thread ?

They still would have to create a compositor.
Weston a shit

>using literal autism, the distro

All I need to be happy now are thumbnails in my filepicker. Please help.

install KDE

It's simple to use and is well maintained. What's autistic about it?

But I want to keep my rice and don't want install a 1,5 gigabyte huge filepicker.

Isn't there a patch for GTK? Can someone help me compiling it?

Gentoo is the only truly aryan distro for whites to use.

fuck off Sup Forumsack

>package manager written in Python

He uses lynx or a graphical web browser. Sup Forums looks the same in either. Depending on your terminal color scheme. It is basically the same thing.


Gentoo is cancer like Ubuntu and Mint; it invites users to install nonfree software.

You're right, it should have been made in rust or java instead :^)

>posts link to website
>doesn't read website

He clearly says that he's using Icecat with Tor.

Should I try qutebrowser? Anyone itt using itt?

Is something like userstyles and userscripts possible?

>void has no packages and is unusable
I wish this fucking meme would die
>void with nonfree and multilib enabled
11000 packages
>arch with multilib enabled
9000 packages

Qt webkit is outdated and their webengine backend is still experimental

Fuck off, you didn't read the fucking site or your reading comprehension is lacking. Eat shit and die.

"I generally do not connect to web sites from my own machine, aside from a few sites I have some special relationship with."

"I usually fetch web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see git://git.gnu.org/womb/hacks.git) that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me."

"Then I look at them using a web browser, unless it is easy to see the text in the HTML page directly. I usually try lynx first, then a graphical browser if the page needs it (using konqueror, which won't fetch from other sites in such a situation)."