Here's GNOME Shell stylised as Unity with the currently available assets

Meanwhile Ubuntu Sup Forumsayniggers lose their shit and spray diarrhea on GNOME for no reason.

Other urls found in this thread:

>window control buttons on the right

>like it has to be
fucking jew reading from right to left, you fucknut.


This is Zorin OS. It uses GNOME Shell as the desktop environment while absolutely not looking like it.

This project is maintained by a small team.

Now imagine what Canonical can do with the extension framework and active contributions to GNOME project.

>weather app
>big as fuck application bars
>round power/lock/log out buttons
Yeah, looks nothing like gnome.

bot do the task bar and the windows bar combine to allow for more vertical space?

At least link Solus if you want something nice and gnome based

Its probably because of the GTK theme. It isn't tailor-made for GNOME yet, so it looks a bit ugly.

>weather app
>big as fuck application bars
because these are gnome apps, you fucking retard
>round power/lock/log out buttons
I think this can be changed as well.

There are extensions that do that as well.

It's not GNOME Shell based though, it's a different thing.

Give my credit card back, Dimitri.

Nigga I'm not Dimitri, fuck off

what a dumpster fire

Go away, Kevin.

Why are you so mad, hohol? Is it because you are starving and freezing?


POINTLESS BAR AT THE TOP that cannot be removed. At least on macOS, that's where all the menus are. On GNOME, it's just for fucking show and small applets. Fucking stupid. They can't even copy right.

HUGE-ASS TITLE BARS! lamo... is this a phone/tablet UI???

FUCKING HAMBURGER MENUS all over... wtf man... I want menus not that shit.

Rest I don't care as much.

GNOME Shell = SHIT Shell.

>those ugly corners in the GTK3 theme

Ha ha, oh wow.

But I eat russian children and burn their clothes to get warm tho

>I want my desktop to be javascript/css powered.
I have no idea why you people like slow shit. Not that unity was fast, but gnome is worse.

not him but man... Ukraine went from an OK country that is developing into a total shithole in like under a year. all your best & brightest people have left Ukraine and now Ukraine is full of retards who cannot leave and is sliding down into an africa-tier shithole.

well done.

Open up gimp and try generating clouds, offsetting the image and adding a blur in under 20 seconds.

Pro tip: you can't without unity.

What do you guys think of this?

You can move them to the left quite easily, actually.

>no global menu

They literally removed the best feature in Unity.

How to merge, like unity does, the window title bar with the top bar you can't remove?

>POINTLESS BAR AT THE TOP that cannot be removed.
>At least on macOS, that's where all the menus are.
>On GNOME, it's just for fucking show and small applets.
>Fucking stupid. They can't even copy right.

Gnome is a top heavy, asymmetric and as a result ugly environment.
This is the main problem of Gnome, not the wasted space nor the bloat.

Good post

You fags realize that you can download gnome-tweak-tool and put the bars wherever you want?

I rather drink bleach than use Gnome 3

RIP unity I will miss your sane default settings and how everything just worked out of the box.

You do realize that you cannot remove that fucking bar from the top, right? You can move it around, sure, but it cannot be autohidden or removed. Are you stupid to understand the point of my post?

And the rest of my criticism still stands too and cannot be fixed with any tools.

Just fucking use Cinnamon or XFCE. They're both sane. GNOME is a fucking abomination. It's a failed tablet OS.

>GNOME is an OS

The irony is hilarious

Also gnome tweak tool and gnome extensions are a shitty non solution to a shitty problem that wouldn't exist if gnome shell and gmome 3 wasn't a complete dog shit in the first place

Yes you can, you ginormous fucking faggot. You can literally fuse the dash and the panel to get GNOME looking almost identical to Windows 10 and there are several extensions to autohide and make the panel more functional unless you push your mouse to the top of the screen.

>GNOME is a tablet OS
Yet another fucktard that doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

how do?

So you are saying that after 2 days off tweaking a garbage DE with no standard extension I can make it just look like another DE?

Seems cool, can't wait to waste my time to do that and fix it once an update breaks everything :)


>2 days

If it takes you more than 5 minutes to run through every single option on GTT, you are too stupid for a computer, let alone linux.

fucking newfag
ask google

You can easily hide the bar at the top. This is nothing new. In fact, you can do pretty much anything with the top bar. Add transparency, color, add or remove text.

>bar on the left


>gnome is worse.
Wrong. I use both Gnome and Unity. Out of curiousity I checked out resource usage of both DE's. Gnome with a fuckton of tweaks uses roughly the same as Unity with no tweaks (I hate PPA's and consider them a security risk). So, in reality, Gnome may be slighty lighter, stock, than Unity. Who even cares though?

>2 days
You can only exaggerate so much up until it makes you look like the dumb one, user.

>once an update breaks everything
Literally what. "Off" is the default option for the version verification that extensions did because this hasn't been a thing for years now.

I don't understand what's so funny about that. It's there when I need it rather than cluttering up the top bar. Most indicators don't even have any real functionality.


Get over this trash and just use a standalone WM already.

Jesus Christ! Are Unity users really so deluded that they really think Unity is dramatically different from Gnome3? It's practically the exact same thing. Do you really think Canonical dropped Unity just to be mean? No, they dropped it because it's a lot of effort for something that already exists and has far more labor resources. Unity is a fine DE, but Gnome is where the focus is in Linux.

I used to use i3 until I realized GNOME3 had the same workflow and better application integration. i3 feels like it's held together with tape now. Also, as easy as it is to configure i3, it still takes way more time than activating a few tweaks in GNOME to make things comfy.

It doesn't look like unity at all.

no global menus
windows decorations are all fucked up

You fags realize that you can use the extensions which can make it behave more mac-like?

Why am I defending gnome though, kde is a superior environment.

Budgie >>> GNOME

Nah, not really. It's not a shithole just yet, it's slowly but surely getting better. The portrayal of Ukraine in mass media is overly exaggerated even here. Not saying that I wouldn't run away from here, but it's rather comfy in bigger cities (like Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro, etc.)

Budgie === GNOME

Please eat 1GB of my RAM for no fucking reason.


Kevin, you again?

Love you, Kevin

>using localised version
>using cyrillic
You dumb slav, anyway dont you have atleast some kremlin approved distro without nsa/cia backdoors?

Doesn't it run on top of cinnamon now? When I disabled all autostart shit on boot it booted into basic cinnamon.

KDE is best Unity

Yeah, but better.

I just fucking installed it and did what I knew I could do. I don't use GNOME as my daily driver anymore cuz KDE is the shit.