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What is this?

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that's your mum


a 6/10 dothead teaching virgins remedial programming that a WW2 veteran could decipher

>that one betavirgin reply in the comments


i'm amazed that the video has ~5:1 likes to dislikes. i would've expected fat feminists to make a big stink over this kind of shit on twitter and pummel it with dislikes and shit

idk if this isn't too fast for someone who doesn't know it already

>implying the girl is not just reading from a book
I noticed a trend with shitty tutorial makers not knowing what they are talking about and ending up just reading out a text book to you

Yeah they already did.



the dislikes are exclusively from Sup Forums posters who hate women tho

this is how web developers learn to code

No new uploads in 5 months.

This seems like such a horrible idea. Why would any good looking girl who knows how to program want to whore herself out like this?

If she knows how to program she can probably land herself a good/decent job.

Craptastic idea for a youtube channel.

It's actually pretty difficult to find attractive indian girls who are willing to wear a bikini like that. There are a few bollywood stars and that's about it. This youtube series is shit, but still good find!

I'm not a coder.
I'm not gay.
Yet this must be the most retarded thing I have seen today.

wew le frontend weby devy coding xD

this is so fucking cringeworthy it's unreal

I take it. You haven't looked in the mirror yet?

5 and 60 retweets respectively. if you think that's all the fat feminist SJWs on twitter, you're sheltered.

it hasn't blown up among the fatty feminists yet. wait till something gets 1000 (or even 100) retweets/favorites.

No cute penis.
What is this faggotry?

>"Shit Gets Real"