Roast me


You already roasted yourself. There is nothing to add to this anymore.

Looks like a 14 year old's room

>sitting that close to the monitor
I hope you go blind and kill yourself due to depression from not being able to see

Is this person fucking retarded?

kendini kizarttin user


burdadami turk var ;_;

It looks like a standard high schooler's room

Middle schooler more like.

Literally nothing to roast, I'm quite jealous to be honest.

Came here to post this, dangit. Fpbp

we have the same mousepad

I feel dirty now...

lack of anime figures.

if you dont live in an industrial warehouse you aint shit
get on my level kid

>Razer anything
Roasted yourself already

you have a fucking independent trucks sticker but no fucking thunder trucks. Plus empty bottles, seriously? Just throw them out. post specs of pc too

Hopefully one of those post-its is a reminder to take your meds

posting in a Razer thread

>dat backlight bleeding

OLED when

>imagine being literally so retarded you pay a shit ton of money for a keyboard and a mouse just because it lights up and has 1 nanosecond faster response time.

OP obviously uses them to pee while playing LoL or DotA.

>imagine being so poor you even care

Not wasting money ≠ being poor

not having autism ≠ wasting money

spending wisely ≠ autism

wouldn't be bad at all if you
-got rid of all the empty bottles and cups. like seriously what the fuck
-clean desk top
-new keyboard
-new mouse
-not use a shitty TV as a monitor

Do that and post pics again. you might actually have a decent looking setup after it.

Fucking newfag
Keep off of my /bst/
This is not the first time you have made this thread either.
You'd think you'd've learnt by now.

Turkish pot smoker : aren't you supposed to be in jail ?

you gotta go back

roast me


>shit ton of money

sure is poorfag in here

All but two of your monitors are displaying useless graphs.

Looks better than my room

Roast me and my W520

nice autism

Thanks famalam, it's comfy af.

>Le bitcoin

I'm going to be rich, just like drug users and pedos!!! Reddit told me so.

Monitor looks like its sitting a bit too high up. Where does your eye meet the screen if you sit normally and look straight ahead?

you automatically roasted yourself for starting this thread newfag

right in the middle, or about 3/4 of the way up, depending on how much I am slouching. the desk is actually really low- 24.5 inches off the ground.

Reminds me of my workplace tower back in the day. Better times will come, user.

did you fix your 520 louis?

I don't repair macbooks


>all those stickers
You're the mentally ill kid who mumbles about conspiracies and aspires to be a killer but the only thing that's going to die is you from either malnutrition or heart disease.

roast me

love those Klipsch, what is controller for?

I have the exact same mouse and mousepad.

Micca Origen+, DAC/headphone amp. I use the preamp for the speakers, so it's a volume knob when using the speakers. Actually just replaced the klipsch today


all but two of your family is alive

> razer mouse
> steelseries mousepad

Roast me

enjoy your neck pain from constantly looking down on your monitor

That's sysadmin, that picture was probably taken many years before you stumbled into here from Ebaumsworld. Fuck off.

OK, the razer mouse and keyboard are kind of tacky, but functional. Razer mousepads are just god awful.

>falling for the "it gets better meme"
