Python thread

python thread


i wont lerning python.
where to begin


the latest Humble Bundle

Is python the worst performing programming language ever made?

Quite the opposite actually

learn how to use a text editor?

Why is python more popular than ruby?

It's not THAT bad. And if you're worried about performance, then run your script in pypy.

no, but it's probably the worst performing popular language so far
Quite the opposite actually

Because of brainlets.

And without further modification that won't give a significant improvement.
Same applies to every AOT compiler.

python is the chad of programming languages

more like javascript is the chad of programming languages

>I'm too stupid to use whitespaces or smart IDE for my indentation.

More like JavaScript is the pajeet of programming languages

>pypy won't give significant improvement without further modification
taking as an example, that sum all primes below two million meme that seems to keep getting posted on this board. I get a speed-up of 4.5 times going from cpython to pypy. Pypy's own somewhat broader benchmarks seem to suggest a geometric average speedup of 7.3 times. That doesn't really seem 'insignificant'

Python is amazing for non-performance intensive small scripts. No 'real' program should be made in Python unless it's deep learning (I've heard Python has some very good libraries for that). It's perfectly acceptable to program in Python recreationally. I do wish they would create a 'Python 4' without the whitespace syntax though, it is slightly anoying.

Then what's jQuery?

a. that's insignificant, given Python is up to 500 times slower than C and comparable languages
b. it's insignificant since your benchmark is a trivial numeric benchmark, one of the easy things to optimize for in just in time compilers
The only thing that's significant is the amount of work that went into PyPy to squeeze out such little performance improvements of the script-only tier Python semantics.

They should have gone the Crystal way up front instead of rigging better semantics in the half-assed way they did with Cython.

>speedup of 7.3 times
Woah. I just coded up a shit test to sum the primes under 2 million, and I get a 7.3x speedup with pypy on my machine.

import time
start = time.time()

n = 2000000
sieve = [False] * 2 + [True] * (n-2)
for i in xrange(int(n**0.5)+1):
if sieve[i] == True:
for j in xrange(i*i, n, i):
sieve[j] = False
print sum([i for i, j in enumerate(sieve) if j == True])

print '%s seconds' % (time.time()-start)

1.31999993324 seconds

0.180000066757 seconds

You are the retards. He made (or copied) a quine program, that prints its own content. The program had a (deliberate) indenting error, which caused the interpreter to print an error message, which is the same as the code.

The answer to the question whether it is actually a legal quine depends on how you define a quine program.