is there a more prefect desktop environment than this?
Is there a more prefect desktop environment than this?
Guess you cant call it a DE but i3 is love i3 is life.
Unity 7
Not an argument
i3 is for autistic neets
Not an argument
u wot m8
btw. just set up this lappie yesterday.
lmao all i3 babies use the same config file from reddit
What? I didn't download anything. It's just i3gaps and fontawesome icons. You obviosly are retarded, consider ending your life.
Not an argument
kill yourself reddit nigger
>more perfect
Pls go away
I am just more productive with i3. When I try to use something like xfce or gnome now it just feels unproductive moving all those windows around.
I3 users will understand.
Someone got mad? Link me my "downloaded config"
And I've never really used reddit, so yeh...end the pain m8
Not an argument
Whats not productive about i3? With a press of a button I can go from my IDE to my webbrowser, everything with just my keyboard. Especially comfy for laptops without mouse.
wow nice I can do the same on gnome what's your point?
idk, man
just trollin'
anyway nice time dubs
Not Stefan Molyneux
The point is i don't even need a mouse, dude.
>5. gen CPU
>still 1366x768 display
No you can't. You have to move your shitty windows out of the way etc.
You've obviously never used i3. Just stop talking shit when you dont have a clue. Hope you and your ape family get deported.
>not using i3
Any reason for not just using Openbox?
I guess no.
because you're a strong independent black woman and you don't need no help, right?
Its my old lappie. I also got a desktop. Out of arguments so you gotta shittalk the specs of the lappie that I got off of a deal on ebay? Nigger
>what's shellshape
fucking clueless niggers
You ever did work while laying in bed? Its comfy :)
Wrote this from my lappie running i3 on my bed
so being THAT triggered, manbabby
that's fucking disgusting, dude
looks like something I would have thought was amazing back when I was 14
>laying in bed
But yeah, I tried it. My spine is a pretzel now.
oh wow you really use this I thought it was just a bait. in such case end yourself
Not an argument
literally every other de is better
Yes. It's called Explorer and is way too productive for you lincucks fags.
>javascript gnome-shell
>compiles to javascript extension shellshape
Might consider getting a better bed then. Also it's called Brezel. Muricanfags will never experience real german Brezels.
Manjaro XFCE is pretty comfy out of the box.
>le German SSID
>le American date format
>le European time format
Not an argument
Ever since the Manjaro forums told people to set back their hwclock to mitigate their site's certs being out of date I've dismissed them as a distribution entirely.
Yes, Windows, you fucking mongoloid hurr durr I'm cool cause I use lunix XDXD l337 haxor
Mate, XFCE and Cinnamon are equally good in my opinion.
>American date format
Exactly, how could anybody use that?
Not an argument
Honestly, XFCE is the comfiest desktop environment that exists.
Gnome 2 was good but they went full retard with Gnome 3. Never go full retard.
KDE is ok, much better than Gnome. Surprisingly, XFCE is more customizable due to its modularity, despite KDE's reputation for customizability.
LXDE is for people who want a lite desktop environment, but hate themselves and want their DE to look like absolute fucking shit.
XFCE is the best
Yes. Emacs.
Not an argument
lightweight like LXDE
customizable like KDE
has Qt (cutie) in its name
>inb4, unoptimized prealpha ... yeah maybe, but it has potential
if under development DEs are allowed here, I must answer étoilé
the most promising DE, based on GNUStep
the real futur is here
I've already told you, it's called Cinnamon.
How is middle school?