Friendly reminder that there is no excuse for using an ad blocker extension, you are stealing content and robbing revenue of sites and content creators.
Friendly reminder that there is no excuse for using an ad blocker extension...
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>Choosing what gets downloaded onto and displayed on your computer is bad
Fuck off botnet
Fight me then
How the fuck is something that is forced on you and you block it stealing?
>dude i can just choose to download this article without the ad!
>dude i can just choose to drive away with this car without paying for it!
Incredible, keep trying to justify your stealing through retarded technicalities you retarded faggot.
If ads weren't one of the main distributors of malware and spyware, you'd have a point. Not to mention the intrusiveness.
I'll stop using an adblocker when:
> ads are nothing more than harmless video or an image - no scripts
> ads are appropriate for the related material (e.g. no loud McD ads on a classical channel)
> ads do not continue to interrupt my viewing or listening if I fail to care about the material presented
The internet was not created for monetization.
If online entities wish to try to make money through ads, they are free to do so. They are also free to fold up shop if they feel they are not making a profit.
They have no right to claim theft against people who filter what content they allow into their homes.
>you are stealing content and robbing revenue of sites and content creators
Jup, and I'm doing it with smile one my face.
What if I block ads with my hosts file?
When i drive down the highway I can choose not to look at billboards. Putting them right on my windshield when I want to look at the road would be a problem.
If a site owner wants to display and ad, they should just host an image on their own server.
If there weren't any penalties for stealing a car, I'm sure more people would do it. There aren't any penalties for not reading an ad.
>autoplay videos
>autoplay videos with sound
Doubt I will ever go without an adblocker.
More importantly, where did you find a picture of me?
* Malvertizing and spyvertizing. Fuck 'em.
* Autoplay video ads with sound playing over the video I actually want to watch.
* Comcast's bandwidth cap. This isn't the nineties when ads were designed for dial-up connections and 800x600 pixel monitors. They're huge now, and they take a huge hunk out of your bandwidth. And those fags have a geographic monopoly over lots and lots of places because enough Congressmen are in their pocket they can do whatever they want.
Ineffective, Beyer to block with firewall or at the router. Much better control than a hosts file
>content I want is about 30KB of HTML
>instead they want to serve me 10MB of CSS, webfonts, scripts from multiple domains, HD images that do not serve the article, autoplaying videos, etc.
>"Please disable ads we need them for our server costs!"
Nah, fuck them.
OP confirmed nigger.
>dude i can just use this guys bandwidth without paying
>dude i can harvest this guys data and make money from him and not give him a dime
Make a better blog and stop whining.
Me too. :^)
is there an adblocker that will hide their shit so i don't see it, but still invisibly clicks a few things so they still get paid?
Disney is the number one opponent of piracy.
Disney makes being a pirate cool.
Got to love the irony.
Yes, try
Haven't used it myself yet though.
>guaranteed (You's)
If you post something on a website, you're doing the internet equivalent of standing on the corner handing out free newspapers to anyone who comes by asking for one.
You'd probably much prefer if everyone who took a newspaper read the ads. But you can't legally or morally force them to. You were handing out copies to any and all comers, if someone takes a newspaper, reads the articles, and tosses the classifieds in the bin, that's their right. The same way that TV networks can't stop you from running to make a sandwich during the commercials, and radio stations can't stop you from channel-surfing in the ad breaks.
If you want to ensure that only those who give you revenue get your content, the solution is to put up a paywall. Which works well for some places. But most would just find themselves without any readers, since they don't post anything valuable enough that people will fork over money for.
This means that they're fundamentally unviable, but ad money has been propping them up. So they beg for you to allow ads. Making your business model work, however, is not my problem, and I will not go out of my way or inconvenience myself to help you. Why should I?
>viewing something
>the same thing as stealing
you are literally retarded
It's not that I mind ads, but don't want to waste my budget CPU cycles on them. Plus for every tech nerd there's there 3 normies/women/old people that actually click on ads. I ain't loosin sleep over it.
I like ads when they're flat gray backgrounds with black text
Anything else ruins the look and aesthetic of the website
Like advertisements for shit like dish soap are bright, animated, and usually have people on them
It's distracting, ugly, and ruins the look of the website
Even relevant ads on relevant websites are ugly
I'll unblock ads when they stop looking like shit and giving me popups and false download links
Hell I put adblock on my grandmothers computer and she almost never has issues anymore
They put their information online, they know how that works.
How do I unbreak translation bubbles/notes on Gelbooru with uBlock?
Friendly reminder that the Internet is not a marketplace but a communication medium;
that the laws applying to a marketplace or the traditional material economy, don't apply to the Internet;
that the only financial responsibilities anyone has on the Internet require a two-party contract with both parties signing them to be in any way legal in the eyes of the law;
and that the law doesn't give a shit about your inability to seek revenue streams other than advertising.
In other words, you have no legal basis for your statements.
Either make a paywall and have a contract system with your accessing traffic, thus legalizing your statements, or you can whine in a corner because you are too dumb to understand how business laws and regulations work.
Exactly this.
I pay for my Internet service so I am allowed to filter what I want. It's like saying filtering my tap water is theft because I'm choosing not to imbibe everything that comes out of the faucet.
If the Internet was given to me for free, paid for by advertising companies, then it would be a different story.
If I get to see your mom's ass, okay I will stop blocking ads.
Nobody was using that car; it was sitting in a lot gathering dust.
What is wrong with using something for its purpose?
Should I fuck HIV patients without a condom? Am I stealing, then, too?
They are free to reject my GETs if they don't want to pay for serving my request.
>Ads bog down browser performance
>Fed up
>Install adblocker
>Get page no problem
pic relatti