No "women in tech" thread?
I'm ashamed at you Sup Forums.
No "women in tech" thread?
I'm ashamed at you Sup Forums.
Tarah is a blight for the women who actually want to get into tech.
If I didn't think of women as having child like mentalities I probably wouldn't mind them in tech.
>have woman in my office
>was supposed to spend a week training her
>this is supposed to be a software engineer
>two weeks later and I'm still spoonfeeding her and changing her diaper
>had to explain what a directory was on the first day
>she couldn't wrap her small mind around it until I explained that it's folders in folders
>we're just now going over scripting in bash
>she doesn't know C or ARM ASM, both of which are required for the job
>everyone knows she was only hired because of her tits
Women need to go back to the fucking kitchen. I'm sick of having to hold the hands of these goddamn airheads that won't do real work. Cunt is not productive. Cunt is not smart. Cunt doesn't even provide entertainment value outside of sex which is easily replicated with a $15 rubber sleeve. Cunt is a dead weight.
What kind of a shit thread is this.
Go fuck yourself
There is an obvious bias towards women in tech leading to that; that isn't inherently all woman kinds fault.
Women can have th capabiliTy to succeed in most careers, and denying them the potential to earn that position in a free market is bullshit .
if she shits herself, be certain she will try to blame you. put a complain with HR as soon as possible to let them know your concerns. when inevitably shit hits the fan, at least you will have something to hang on to.
That guy obviously is an unhinged idiot, why even respond to him.
The fuck are you even saying?
Is that a female neckbeard? I bet she has a bunch of daggers at home and studies the way of the dagger while other girls go to the club to get dick.
>tfw no feminist gf
women try to get into tech, they're held back at the college level by old school academic advisors who dissuade them from pursuing the degree programs. that being said, women in tech jobs creates more drama than it should though, usually because of angry neckbeards who are insecure that a girl got the same job as them. it just turns into the same office politics bullshit that everyone was trying to get away from in the first place.
Reddit please, you typed that so fast that you have capital letters mid-sentence. Stay buttmad because the progressive utopia in your head isn't a reality. Most women are simply inferior as evidenced by their inability to do real work. Stop whiteknighting on an Australian boomerang carving forum.
I've put in several complaints already. I'm about to quit and look for a less stressful work environment somewhere else.
I'm qualified for my position and I do the work well, therefore I'm in the wrong. Can't argue with that logic.
>everyone knows she was only hired because of her tits
Wasn't the tits, was probably because of an affirmative action program your employer/company signed up for so they could pocket free government money by meeting diversity quota. They literally just got like $20,000 to hire someone without credentials. Happens all the time. It's a system with good intentions that just ends up being abused and broken.
>was probably because of an affirmative action program
So it was the tits then.
carmen sandiego?
Well, yes, but not quite. It was the tits in concept, but not for the reason one would assume. My point is, this happens in every department of any company across the country right now. It could be a woman, or a minority, or a disabled person. It really doesn't matter if they have the skills, they'll try to stick them in a position where they can't fuck anything up. It's kind of genius really, in a system designed to help people, it's actually exploiting them. AND it's still ethical and legal!
>All men are simply inferior as evidenced by their inability to give birth to even a single child.
Ive worked with a lot of good women programmers and I know that they often struggle to get a job - where the heel do these stories take place?
>Woman at work complains about "mansplaining"
>Literally has to ask me how to do shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME because she knows nothing about computers.
Without men women couldn't even give birth.
I'll see your "woman" and raise you a Muslim refugee girl. OP's woman is white and therefore an oppressor who must step aside for those her race has victimized.
Well this retard I work with is fucking up everything. I have stuff to do other than play teacher all day.
Now we've come to the point where you have no argument and must compare apples to oranges. Women have hands and eyes, so the only thing keeping them from programming is the fact that most do not mentally mature past the age of 15. They are retarded children.
JS monkeys are not good programmers. They struggle to find a job because they're morons that can manage their own memory. Basically Pajeets with lighter skin.
The 19th Amendment was a mistake.
>black girls on steam
Maybe they will reach the steam before the white woman and the black man.
Had to be a Muslim, didn't it.
They are killing it this year at the oppression Olympics.
So was the 13th.
>black or sandnigger
>minority religion
>can smile different from liberal women
to be honest i know 15 year olds that can legit code desu sempai
>19th Amendment
There are 15 year old girls coding in C and ASM? They must be hiding in North Korea with their unicorn.
th Amendment
Ignore this. I accidentally highlighted a part of the page.
SJW feminazi tripfag detected!