Now that Ubuntu is going back to GNOME 3, is this the OFFICAL GNU/Linux DE?
Now that Ubuntu is going back to GNOME 3, is this the OFFICAL GNU/Linux DE?
Other urls found in this thread:
>remove Gnome/Mate/Xfce etc
>install KDE Plasma
what happens to it when 18.04 is out?
What is your problem with Gnome3?
Do you fags hate everything that just works and doesn't require line by line tweaking? Does it makes you feel special?
If you want to rice you can also easily do this on gnome 3.
So what's the fucking problem you have with it other than age old grudge you hold against it like those sjwturbo niggers?
Why do you hate progress?
Be honest.
If it's just another Gnome distro, why not just use Fedora? They've already switched to Wayland. Meanwhile, Ubuntu's "Mir" is probably getting ditched along with Unity, so they'll be delayed even more going forward. Ubuntu failed it hard this time. All their efforts to take over Linux have essentially come to naught at this point.
ubuntu is still way higher on "just werks" scale than fedora
and you dont have to tell people when they ask that you use fedora
I'm not Kevin
GTK is cancer
Wait for the qt port
This is what I'm doing.
What extensions are you running to get your dock like that?
dash to panel
>just works and doesn't require line by line tweaking
Gnome needs shitloads of extensions to work and doesn't have GUI options I need forcing me to do shit in the terminal.
It does not just work.
Gnome without any extensions works just as good. people bitch about it because they have to "learn" and "change" few things they are not used to.
Same people call windows users noobs and newfags when they ask simple linux questions.
Problem lies with the linux "elites", not gnome.
Stock Gnome is atrocious. Give me a single reason why the titlebars need shitloads of padding or why the tray icons are hidden in the bottom left instead of in the panel. Gnome is littered with these moronic design decisions.
GNU/Linux has nothing official.
Stop being 10 and constantly looking for a single "best".
Problem with driver detection -> install Fedora
everything is fine for a day
on the second day shitty gnome 3 desktop starts to lag as fuck, becoming barely usable
-> fresh install ubuntu again
-> justWerks(tm)
Also unity so much more comfy than gnome 3
sorry meant this
>Why do you hate progress?
File picker has been progressing for decades now and it's still not there yet, as opposed to KDE.
>shell written in javascript
I'm just going to use Windows10. I've had enough of all the smug self-masturbation over broken distros. The whole thing is just shit for everyday tasks. Shit.
Why not Windows 7? Are you dependent on botnet that much? And dual boot is always an option.
Is xbuntu kill?
Why are people worrying that much just install whatever de you want if you don't like gnome, and of everyone agrees xfce is good less resource intensive, than why not just hop to xbuntu
>This is what I'm doing.
Just three more years to go.
Yes. It's very comfy.
Is this Windows 10
i hope they keep some of the improvements and design aspects like the theme and stuff like searchable menus
no this is Patrick!
yeah pretty much. Refuting it is about as futile as refuting systemd.
What's the program with the Windows icon?
>bottom dock in case there was too much vertical space
I'm Kevin.
It's coming out Q2 2017.
>Do you fags hate everything that just works and doesn't require line by line tweaking?
Sup Forums does not hate KDE as far as I know, and you can configure Window Maker's menus via GUI without being a pile of bloated crap.
I never understood the logo anyway
>Do you fags hate everything that just works and doesn't require line by line tweaking? Does it makes you feel special?
Yes it does. I DEMAND to control every little aspect of my DE. GNOME3 prevents that by default, needing 3rd party tools to do any tweaking.
Thank God GNOME2 survives thanks to MATE.
it's good but uses too much ram and scrolling in firefox is a nightmare
also the scrollbars in ff are 1px away from the window edge which makes them tiring to grab to drag
did i mention it uses too much ram as in it briked a 2gb laptop
yes i know, on another 2gb old laptop it did use about 1g and work fine thou
plus finally found out use for the Fullscreen button in some programs
it's U and G doing 69
See the currency sign.
>jews have a 69 as a money sign
it's like they're into degeneracy or something
>in Sup Forums
what else is new
ur mum is new
no yours
Can we please stop talking about kikes in this thread please? Thanks.
Not that guy, but judging a person's financial status by a personal buying decision is similar to middle-class insecurity. I churn credit cards (among other things) to the smallest penny and I have a Chase Sapphire Reserve card made of metal for usually large online purchases. But I also am extremely frugal and understand that electronics depreciate quickly. Therefore, it makes sense to only buy computing power customized to fit my need, rather than paying for a brand or a particular hardware.
You should broaden your horizon my friend!
what do you have against kikes you anti-semite