An eggsexutive running LOONIX?

An eggsexutive running LOONIX?

Linux can't even find the sum of all primes under 2 million

>best hacker in the world
>using gnome

stop trying to make this a le epic maymay. literally nobody thinks it is funny.

Why did you think this was a good idea for a thread? Fucking retard...

What else would he use? Don't tell me you think the best hacker in the world would spend 90% of his time ricing his anime desktop on i3 or something gay like that.

Sup Forums talking about this show all the time made me start to watch it. i admit the first 5 or 6 episodes were cool but holy shit it fell off hard, and second season is almost unwatchable

Yeah the first 5 episodes were cool when it was actually a show about computers instead of some mentally ill guy

That scene with Phil Collins playing in the background in season 2 was cool though

Id abandon ship instantly. A company with such economically incompetent management is bound to fail.

>tfw when you go through the same adderal shit this guy does and watching that specific episode makes you realize the error of your ways

iktf bro, the scene where he starts taking adderall everday is pretty accurate

>tfw flushed all my pills a month ago

Don't give up brah, we all need to make it as anons



>gets cucked by chad
>fucks chad in the ass

i lel'd

wtf kde doesn't crash now

Muslim Gayter is the worst fucking actor

should have died after making The Lost Boys

gnome-shell is good and does get out of your way
but uses a SHIT ton of ram

She is Danish not Dutch

Season 2 was shit because they're more interested in telling a 5 season long story-line, whereas season 1 was a lot more limited in its scope

I can easily see season 3 suffering the same fate, it's too concerned with trying to set up a big bang finale but with more CUH-RAZY tweests to try and convince people to keep watching despite the drawn out filler segments

What's the show on the right? I don't really watch TV series.

She's person, not food

Both are Mr. Robot

he uses gnome 2 though

All popular media is shit to the people it doesn't cater to. Even when they create "weird, distant and isolated" characters they make them fucking normal enough for normalfags to relate to.

I wouldn't mind popular media so much if story writers weren't afraid to make genuinely vile or weird characters and put them interesting situations. Just look at how they changed the character in clockwork orange from getting some 10 year olds drunk and raping them to picking up a couple 17 year olds.

All these shows are about relating as much as possible to the boring average lives people have. Look, they have relationship troubles just like you! You can totally relate to this girl! She has a boyfriend and relationship troubles! Let's dedicate an episode to relationship troubles and something about servers? And here's a Muslim girl just like your token Muslim friend at school! Here's some political ideology you can follow, we were going to put effort into something cohesive but... Fucking rich people or something, whatever fight club meant... Relationships!

>both can't cook

he should use mate then, as gnome 2 is depracated and insecure

Most top-tier computer scientists use stock Ubuntu.

ubuntu does not use gnome by default

>mr robot is too dark

>So I see you're running i3. Y'know I'm actually running bspwm myself. I know this window manager is supposed to be better but... Y'know what they say, old habits, they die hard...
>A normie running a tiling wm?
>Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'm a normie, I mean, do I even have an anime girl wallpaper?

who cares hs

Both are Mr. Robot
Second guy is Tyrell

Is sway any good yet?

It's a fictional show

But thats stock Unity, not Gnome...

That's what he's saying. "Best in the world uses stock Ubuntu" in response to >hacker uses gnome, despite not knowing stock Ubuntu doesn't even use gnome.

Could you not.

My point is that Unity is even simpler than Gnome