an advantage linux has over macOS?
An advantage linux has over macOS?
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more packages
it comes with free beer
The file explorers can actually expose the root of the system.
One advantage macOS has over GNU/Linux?
It looks shiny XDDD
it's free.
More expensive.
>an advantage
GNU/Linux > mac
Doesn't cost 1000+ dollars
One is a tool
The other is for tools
Note that some might perceive the opposite.
Looks are subjective. Also GNU/Linux is more customizable so it can be made to appeal to more people.
Customizability > Default Beauty
Ask anyone with XFCE
Free as in free speech and also free beer
This statement is somewhat ambiguous, please clarify
Mac = I can watch hentai and type emails
Linux = Pic Related
>i'm so much of a tech illiterate that I think Linux = using leet hax0r skills on a black command prompt with green text
>black command prompt with green text
it maybe a cliché but its damn nice
>implying mac is gay
it's funny cause mac IS GAY
Jokes on you, I have green shell text and launch many things from shell out of habit.
are you a russian hacker
not so leet after all. enjoy your back-doored system, CIA nigger
the CIA can listen to my 2gb pirated audio collection
>not amerifag
If it is ambiguous to you you are a filthy macpleb
>totally free and open source
>runs on any hardware
>gives you total control
>isn't backdoored
Literally one click in Finder.
OS X is free.
people will see your are running Gnome
yeah, superior hardware support for one
It'll ensure that you never get any STDs
unless you're a ricer manchild why would you spend any time customising the appearance? what makes you think people would rather spend time customising how their OS looks than simply move on to something that's usable out of the box? fuck your sperg logic.
>free (hackintosh installed by using a VM to create a image, unlike windows you don't even need a license)
>has way more open source parts of it's OS than Windows
>great 3rd party support unline Linux
>UI looks perfect out of the box
>UI CAN be heavily customized but has it's limits
>APFS released to replace the HFS+ cancer
>free updates
>pre installed software is actually good
>100% free and no tricks to install
>greater drivers support since it isn't limited to Apple hardware
>can be free as in freedom
>runs better on old hardware/simple VMs
>wine sometimes can handle 3rd party software
To be 1337 HAXZORZ. Also to not be cucked by apple. At least with linux you can be cucked by open source software instead of Job's residual garbage. The file system and restrictions in OSX is disgusting.
Better software repositories
Better package managers
Better drivers
Wider hardware compatibility
Requires less resources for the desktop environment
Has window managers that aren't buggy pieces of shit
Has a working bluetooth stack
Doesn't cost money for software which provides basic desktop usability features (ie. the ability to tile a window to half the screen by dragging it into the side of the screen)
Doesn't force the user to have itunes (or any other specific software) installed.
Doesn't force updates on the user or pester them with update notifications against their will
I use OSX every day at work and it's the worst part of my job. This post was typed from my work issued macbook and I hated it.
it doesn't use Finder
>OS X is free.
Literally nothing. I am buying a mac as soon as I can.
Sure, just like the bonus dvd with a supposed value of $20 that conveniently cannot be purchased separately from some overpriced piece of junk from an infomercial.
Or ran on anything other than the overpriced Blu-Ray player they make.
it is as long as you buy an Apple™ brand Apple™ computer
Free things are free individually. The term you are looking for is "at no additional cost".
Yes, free* with the purchase of their hardware.
Just like how you get a free* chair from Staples with a donation of $49.99
Well why would you want OS X if you don't have anything to run it on? That's just silly.
You are clearly retarded so I will spell this out for you. OSX isn't free if you are required to spend money before you can use it. That is the entire point of what we are saying here. You fell for a lame marketing ploy.
literally zero
>omg how dare you people create software for hardware you pay for
I didn't fall for anything, I merely look at it differently. OS X is free, the hardware you need to run it on isn't. You need to buy a PC before you can run Windows as well, you going to bitch about that?
Not filled with apples obsession for taking your money and passwords
We got a fuckin comedian here
I didn't spend money for MacOS, used a friend's Mac, signed into my Apple account and became a proud owner of MacOS Serria which was installed on my spare parts PC. So it was free.
>you going to bitch about that?
Well I don't use Windows, for starters. But even if I did, I would acknowledge that even though the computer comes with Windows installed (ie. free), the price of Windows can still be considered to be part of the purchase. Without Windows, the same computer would cost less.
You literally fell for a marketing gimmick. Just admit it and move on. Try not to buy overpriced hardware just because you are promised free things (kinda dumb). I'll bet you probably buy things just because they are on sale even when you otherwise wouldn't have bought anything at all.
Again, I literally didn't fall for anything. I merely look at things differently. Bottom line is that it costs no money to obtain OS X. The hardware is another story, but then again what hardware can you get for free aside from finding it on a curb?
>I merely look at it differently
'atta boy
Can be installed on almost any hardware
Most effective use of hardware
Pick from numerous distributions to suit various needs
>anything you can do I can do better.
Bye macfag
I don't get to pick and choose the parts for a mac.
gr8 b8 m8
Doesn't come bundled with a mac.
>Also GNU/Linux is more customizable so it can be made to appeal to more people.
I keep seeing this argument being made, at the same time, I have N E V E R in many, many years, ever seen an appealing looking Linux enviroment. There's always something off, font rendering is dogshit as standard, disgusting UI elements, shit that's not cohesive, just a terrible fucking clusterfuck. How do you expect to end up with anything appealing when you're mixing and matching different parts of an operating system made by totally different people?
Linux will never look good. I want something perfect the first time out the damn box, its not hard. Windows 7 stock looks great, OS X from Snow Leopard onwards looks great, why can't any Linux distro do it?
Windows 95 looks more aesthetically pleasing than any Linux distro TODAY. What the fuck?
macOS and Apple computers should never be thought of as independent separate things. That's the whole point of a fucking Mac. Its a complete custom package from the same company. They are one harmonious system intended to work together. Don't go full retard.
Apple even makes their own damn SSD controllers because no one else can. Apple has more custom parts and IP than any other computer brand in existence. Their products should only be seen as they're sold, in one package.
When you buy a Mac you get it with the current OS X version, you can then updated it to future releases for no cost because the OS is free.
It's also free when you set up a Hackintosh.
I'd be running linux as my main OS if I didn't rely on some industry standard software like Adobe Suite or various DAWs. OS X can be really customizable though, there's just a few things I really want to do that I can only do on linux. Customization is really the only reason I'd wanna use linux though.
Dark Souls 3 is free when you torrent it
It may be the nostalgia talking but holy fuck what I would give to get back to the old Windows 9x style. I would be happy with just to have aero back.
MacOS is still an x86 compatible operating system as much as windows is. MacOS is software, Mac computers are hardware, they are separate.
Yes, the operating system is free. The only proper way to use it though is on the hardware which you must pay for. Think of it as an entry fee into a world of glorious computing. That's basically what a Mac is, an experience no one else can match, because no other company currently ships their own custom hardware and custom software. Once you're in the Mac ecosystem, you'll be able to upgrade a few versions, but even if you don't you won't find that programs suddenly stop being as responsive or that your machine will slow down.
>custom hardware
The only thing "custom" about Mac hardware is the few custom chips that just hold a few numbers and allows MacOS to boot and a few proprietary connectors for SSD and shit.
Without those all you have is a standard Intel computer in with shiny case
I hate OSX as much as the next guy, but the touchpad is legitimately far better than anything you'll get on any other laptop.
>MacOS is still an x86 compatible operating system as much as windows is. MacOS is software, Mac computers are hardware, they are separate.
I'm aware. There's something called intended use purpose. Apple computers and macOS are not designed to work with anything other but each other, they MAY work but they won't work very well at all. A MacBook Pro running Windows is crippled, a custom built PC running macOS is crippled. There's no point in looking at them separately.
It can actually handle NTFS partitions without paying someone or using shady broken software that will corrupt your partitions.
>The only thing "custom" about Mac hardware is the few custom chips
Objectively false. Even if it was a 'few custom chips', that would be more than literally any other computer manufacturer today. Apple makes entirely or almost entirely their own in-house everything. You cannot name a single company which makes more individual custom components in their products than Apple. Most don't even design their components in house.
a hackintosh isn't illegal
I. Other Use Restrictions. The grants set forth in this License do not permit you to, and you agree not to, install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-branded computer, or to enable others to do so. Except as otherwise permitted by the terms of this License or otherwise licensed by Apple: (i) only one user may use the Apple Software at a time, and (ii) you may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be run or used by multiple computers at the same time. You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute or sublicense the Apple Software.
As long as Apple is using Intel CPUs along with AMD GPUs that can run other operating systems They are no different than any other Windows PC.
If apple had the balls to use there own in house CPU in a new Macbook then that would be custom, but as it stands. The only things that are custom are the few special snowflake chips that allow MacOS to boot everything else is about as custom as it is on like a Dell laptop or something.
>an advantage ____ has over _____?
Texas Instruments
>The only things that are custom are the few special snowflake chips that allow MacOS to boot everything else is about as custom as it is on like a Dell laptop or something.
Who knows, maybe if you repeat it enough times it'll be true.
>If apple had the balls to use there own in house CPU in a new Macbook
Oh, they will. If anyone wants to badly right now its Apple. They're sick of relying on Intel or even AMD for that matter. Its going to be a very hard move but they do want it. Its a money thing, Apple wants to have as much control as possible over the end product.
Oh nice, I wasn't aware that Texas Instruments made computers.
It's more funny. And you have more control on the low-level.
It wasn't designed with a gay mindset
Visual Studio